Amber: Ouch

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I crashed to a landing in a small field of flowers. I scowled slightly and brushed some of the hair out of my eyes. "Am could've at least given me a warning..." I grumbled, shaking back some of my hair.


I looked around. I didn't see anyone there, but I still curled my hand into a fist and held it up. "Who's there?" I asked, warily.

"Down here."

I looked down to see a flower... with a cartoony, cute face.


"Howdy, I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!" the flower said, and I stared at it with this expression that probably could've screamed 'WHAT THE HELL' if expressions could speak. But, of course, they don't, so I just stared at the flower.

"... hello," I responded finally, before rubbing my head. I've played Undertale before... but that was always as (Y/N), not me, a literal expression of her bravery in a human body. So I don't remember a lot about the games... which sucks, since I like those games.

"Golly! You must be so confused!" The flower said, smiling at me with this crap-eating grin. I nodded a bit. "Yeah... I mean I just fell into a hole and landed in this flower bed UNDERGROUND. Like, don't flowers need sunlight and crap like that to grow?"

"Don't worry! I'll be your guide!" And suddenly the entire area seemed to turn black and white, except for me. I looked down at myself and let out this noise that I'm fairly sure sounded like a cat being strangled to death. "What in blazes--?!"

Except for a glowing, orange heart that seemed to pulse like fire, my body was translucent to the point where I could pretty clearly see the floor beneath my feet. I didn't FEEL transparent. I patted my shoulders. Nope, still pretty solid.

"See that? That's your SOUL, the very culmination of your being," Flowey said cheerfully. I arched my eyebrow at the flower. Call me crazy, but I don't trust things that act like they're your best buddy after ten seconds within meeting them. Friendly, sure. But this flower's acting like we've been friends forever when I literally met him thirty seconds ago.


"Down here, we make our soul stronger through LOVE, which is acquired through... little white... friendliness pellets," Flowey said, hesitating slightly. I stared at him with this expression that looked even more disbelieving than before. "Friendliness pellets?? What is this, kindergarten?!" I exclaimed.

"Here, have some!" And Flowey summoned some spinning white things.

I stepped sideways, and one of them touched my hand... and went right through. I looked at it in surprise and examined my hand, before remembering something-- monsters' magic was more focused on damaging or destroying the soul, not on hurting bodies. So that explains why my body was pretty transparent...

Flowey forced a smile when he saw that none of the friendliness pellets had hit me. "Hey, buddy, you missed. Let's try that again, shall we?"

He tried again, and the pellets came at me faster. I jumped out of the way this time, and Flowey's 'friendly smile' looked more like he'd eaten a lemon. "Are you deaf? RUN. INTO. THE BULLETS!"

He froze, and I rolled my eyes. "Nice job, buddy."

His face turned demonic, but I just crossed my arms and looked at him with this flat, completely careless expression as he hissed, "YoU knOW wHaT'S goinG on, dON't yOu? YoU jUSt WaNteD tO seE mE SuFFeR..." And a ring of friendliness pellets surrounded me. "dIe," he glitched, a gleeful expression on his face.

I snorted. "Oh yeah? Bring it on, Pollen-brain!"

The pellets got near me, and I held still, dread churning in my stomach as I waited for one to make contact...

The moment one touched my soul, though, they all disappeared in a puff of smoke. Flowey looked completely confused. "Huh?"

A fireball flared to life off to the left, and my eyes must've gravitated to it, because Flowey looked to it too-- just as it slammed into him and sent him flying away with a squealing sound. I snorted a little. What? It was FUNNY.

"What a miserable being, trying to injure a poor, innocent youth," said a warm voice, and I looked up. My jaw dropped as I saw a tall goat monster with white fur. Judging by the warm red eyes and voice, it was a female. Wasn't this... Tor... Toriel?? Yeah, that was her name.

"Do not worry, my child. My name is Toriel, caretaker of the RUINS."

I turned to her and stuck out my hand, a small smirk on my face. "Well... I'm not exactly a child, but, nice to meet you, Ms. Toriel," I said, nicely. I was pretty sure from the vague, cloudy memories in my head, that I could trust Toriel.

She took my hand and shook it. "Come with me, I shall take you to my home."

I gave her a thumb's up. "Sounds good to me," I told her, smiling slightly. My mouth quirks a bit when I smile, and I hate it. I don't know why it does it. (Y/N)'s doesn't, and I don't think anyone else's does either. So why is that on MY face only?

She took my hand, and started to lead me through some purple hallways. I kinda ignored them because... boredom. I get really bored easily. After a minute or two, we reached a room with a dummy in it. "I wish to teach you to get past monsters. While you are here, you must distract the monster by making conversation, and then I shall come and accompany you."

I looked at the dummy. It was kind of cute, actually. But I'm not the best conversationalist. I mean, I CAN be, but... I'm more of a fighter than anything, if it comes to it. Probably because of my bravery. Which makes me seem really reckless. I guess that's kind of true.

I finally opened my mouth to comment on something stupid and random, but a sign appeared above the dummy that said 'The dummy was bored and ran away.'

I stared at it, and glanced at Toriel. Immediately, I had to stifle a snicker-- Toriel had this 'WTF' look on her face. "... let's move on," she said at last.

I snickered again as she left before following her.

A/N: An update. Hope you like it :)

Yeah. So next I think would be... err.. (checks) FNaF, so next chapter'll be from Gold's POV.

See you next time! Reviews/comments make me update this story faster x).

x.X. A.L. X.x

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