Introductions... Sort of

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(Y/N)'s POV

All you could do was stare, openmouthed at the Professor. Your mind had just gone into a sort of blank fangirl state, and you just stared at him with your (e/c) eyes.

"Miss...?" he asked, and for the first time you processed the concerned tone in his voice, and you literally jumped out of your reverie. "Oh... yes! Yes, I'm fine-- ow!" The last part came from you clonking foreheads with a very startled Professor, and you landed on your behind. Again. For the second time in a row.

"Ow!" you muttered again, wincing and rubbing your forehead. The Professor righted his top hat again, and he cleared his throat, evidently slightly embarrassed, judging by the faint blush on his cheeks. "Ahem... I apologize, my dear."

"No problem, Professor," you muttered.

"How do you know who he is?? Are you a spy????" Emmy asked, suddenly her face very close to yours. You blinked, before realizing your gaffe. It took you exactly 1.2 seconds to figure out a response. "No, of course not! I've read about him in the newspapers and follow his cases, when he solves a case. Of course I'd know who he is!"

"Oh," and Emmy leaned away from you now. "Sorry about the suspicion there, but--"

"No, no, of course not, it's fine!" You quickly assured her, waving your hands slightly. You had seen her awesome fighting skills. Frankly you did not want to be on the wrong side of them. 

Emmy smiled. "Well, okay then!" she shifted her head a bit, her brown, bouncy hair falling and bouncing as she tilted it. "So, are you up for an adventure??"

You were a bit confused, so you took exactly ten seconds to actually respond. "... huh?"

Nice. Really smooth (Y/N).

"Do you want to come with us on an adventure??" Emmy asked, smiling brightly. "After all, I'm sure the Professor could use an assistant."

"Emmy, it's rude to ask someone without asking if they're available, and besides, I don't really think--"

"Oh, come on Professor! 'The more the merrier', I say! Come on, what do you say??"

By now you'd found your voice, so the moment Emmy finished, you nodded and jumped a little bit. "Y-yeah!! I-I'd love to!!"

Emmy laughed brightly. "That's great! I guess I should introduce myself, huh? I'm Emmy." She held out her hand. "Emmy Altava."

"Oh, it's nice to meet you, Emmy!" you said, smiling. Even though I technically met her when I first GOT the Last Specter, but... whatever. You took her hand and shook it, before extending your hand to the Professor. "Nice to meet you, Professor Layton! I'm (Y/N)," you said politely, with a small smile. "And I'm... sorry to intrude like this."

"Oh, no, it's my pleasure to have you," the Professor assured you, taking your hand and tipping his hat. You smiled and bowed. "Thank you, thank you," you said in a slightly corny voice. Both of them laughed at this, the Professor making an attempt not to. You giggled a little yourself and flicked your hair back. "So, what is this, 'adventure' we're going on?" you asked, even though you pretty much already knew-- especially since Luke wasn't there.

The Professor's amused facial expression became serious as you climbed in the car after him. "Ah, yes. Perhaps I should explain that..."

A/N: There we go, this chapter is out!


Yeah, it's short. Long story short (no that is not a joke, bad or regardless) I don't have the Last Specter yet. So I kinda have to wait until I DO have it and that might not be until June. Or possibly even later (hopefully not the latter)

Anyway, I'll update this ASAP. Toodles!

(backflips out a window)

x.X. A.L. X.x

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