My Souls?

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You looked up and stared intently at the six souls surrounding you.

One of them had long, beautiful flaming orange hair and bright amber eyes. Her eyes roved the area, before she stood up almost confidently and strode over to you. "I am... you, right?" Even though it was soft there was still a note of command that made you straighten up. "Yeah. Do you want me to call you something else, o-or...?"

She tilted her head before smiling at you brightly, like a soft candle flame. "I think," she said slowly, "I think I would like it if you called me Amber."

"Amber," you repeated. "That's a lovely name." And then you smiled at her.

You turned to see one with long, golden locks that fell halfway down her back choppily, and almost icy blue eyes. She flicked them to you, before slowly coming forward and extending her hand. "M-my name's... um... Gold," she said, timidly.

You looked her up and down. From her pale skin to her gold hair, everything about her was shy and almost delicate. Except her eyes. Those looked cold and distant. "It's nice to meet you, Gold," you said, and shook her hand. Her grip was loose, she hardly squeezed at all.

Gold ducked her head shyly, and her face heated up. Even though her eyes were cold it was obvious that she really wasn't such a bad person. 

The next one was a young woman with bright green eyes and a serene expression on her face. Her long green hair was in beautiful pigtails and she stood there with her hands clasped together at her waist. She extended her hand. "I'm Sage," she spoke calmly. Even her voice was calm-- it sounded like the warm summer breeze blowing through a willow tree.

You held out your hand and took hers. She shook it firmly and smiled again, her eyes looking like an endless forest. "Hello, Sage," you said, matching her calm tone.

Sage nodded, a slow smile spreading over her face, as though she were delighted to see you. Although perhaps she was. You couldn't tell.

A girl with long blue hair and almost dreamy blue eyes walked up to you, her feet tapping on the floor deliberately. She held out her hand. "Azura. My name's Azura. Nice to meet you," she said, her voice firm and belying her dreamy appearance. 

Startled, you released Sage's hand and took her hand. "Nice to meet you too, Azura..."

She nodded curtly, released your hand, and stepped back again. You noticed she didn't mince her words when speaking to you.

A pretty girl with long, lavender locks waited until Azura had stepped away, and then came forward and held out her hand evenly. "I'm Violet," she said quietly. "It's really nice to meet you... well, me..." She chuckled lowly.

You quickly grasped it. "Yes, it's nice-- nice to meet you as well, Violet."

Violet smiled and curtsied slightly. As always, you envied her ability to do so-- your clumsies were so chronically clumsy that you'd long since reverted to bowing.

Finally, a girl with bright pink hair and dull magenta eyes came over to you. She stared at you, a dull look on her face. In fact, it made you a tad nervous... "Um, hi... what's your name?" You asked, politely enough.

She stared at you a minute more before uttering, "Coral."

You held out your hand with a bright smile. "Um, okay then! Nice to meet you, Coral!"

Coral watched your hand for another minute before shaking your hand. "Same," she said.

After releasing it, you smiled at her, even though her even stare still unnerved you.

"Oh my god, this is so exciting it actually worked...!" Am squealed, before clearing her throat. "Ahem, sorry. Anyway, just choose which universe you'd like to go to."

You glanced at your six counterparts. "Um, you guys are aware... of the situation?"

"Indeed. We are you, and you are us. Anything you know, we are also in the know about," Sage responded serenely.

"Okay... then, I choose Professor Layton," you decided quickly. It was one of your favorite games of all time and you were NOT letting them take it.

Amber nodded brightly. "Then I call Undertale!" she called merrily.

Gold ducked her head. "I... I might like... Five Nights... at Freddy's," she spoke softly, fidgeting with her hands.

"And I believe," Sage added now, "I could take Gravity Falls."

"I'd like Ninjago," Azura said simply and almost flatly, crossing her arms and making it clear there would be no argument.

Coral and Violet exchanged a look, and when Violet gestured evenly with her hands Coral spoke, "I guess I'll take Minecraft Story Mode..."

"And I suppose that leaves me with My Little Pony," Violet finished up amiably.

Am was typing furiously at her computer. "Uh, okay... g-go step into each portal th-that corresponds w-with your universe," she said, not looking away.

Seven portals opened. You took a deep breath and stepped forward, only to be tackled suddenly from the back with a fierce hug. You glanced over your shoulder to see Am clinging to you like a teddy bear. "B-b-be safe, (Y-Y/N)!" she stuttered, "a-and do be aware that th-the other universes a-aren't aware th-that their world's connected t-to ours, bu-but as you pro-progress along the timeline, i-it'll start being more evident! A-and be aware that time passes quicker here, s-so what might seem like se-several years to you might just be a w-week o-or something here!! I-I'll be monitoring you!"

You nodded, and twisted and patted Am on the back awkwardly. "O-okay..."

She took a shaky breath and let you go. Turning around, you swallowed nervously at the sight of the swirling, golden-brown portal. Shutting your eyes before you could change your mind, you charged in.

A rushing, icy hot sensation flowed over your skin, stopping almost as soon as it had begun. You opened one eye, and the other followed very quickly in succession as you gasped, seeing yourself on an old street in London.

Suddenly, a car horn honked, and you saw a small, old red car driving right at you.

Your eyes almost popped out of your head. "CRAP!!" you yelled, and without knowing what you were doing you lunged to the side of the road, one hand on your beanie to keep it from falling off.

The car screeched loudly as it halted, and two people came out of the car. "Please do be more careful!" exclaimed a young woman's voice, and a calm male one quickly added, "Now, Emmy, she just fell to the side of the road. Ma'am, are you alright?"

You looked up, and you felt your breath catch in your throat.

Standing above you was the one and only Professor Layton.

A/N: I haven't updated this in so long; regardless I hope you like it!

x.X. A.L. X.x

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