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There are many sins in life, ones that are so severe they can quite literally alter the physical make up of your physical body and spirit. This little story is proof of someone being physically altered by their greed and gluttony, becoming the very thing they were terrified of the most. A demon who's hunger is so ferocious, it never ceases. Hunger is what drives the beast within, will you let it win?


Dear Reader(s),

My name is Neil Embershard, I am a psychologist and a purveyor of lost knowledge and scripture. As of late, I have been afflicted with a curse of some sort. My right arm and leg are not that of a human's anymore, they are...something more. I fear that I am being consumed as we speak. Dear reader, I pray that you run if you find this. If you see any viscera, know that it does not belong to me. Know that if you are reading this, it is hunting you. Know that it is already closing in behind you. Run, that's all I can tell you....

The writing is ruined by what could only be described as dried blood, the crusted viscera seems to fortify the page as if it was burnt and charred to the parchment. As you drop the parchment in horror, you begin to hear snarling. A painfully warm liquid drops onto your shoulder, the viscous liquid evaporates painfully against your flesh as you begin to look up through the dim light. The minute details your panicked eyes can barely make out are as follows: The long, gnashing, 8 inch long needles for teeth this thing possesses, the four eyes are pitch black with glowing runes on each orb, dark almost bruise colored skin, two tails comprised of gnarled barbs and spines, approximately 7 fingers and toes at a glance. This thing was gone as fast as you had noticed it, gone in a blink of an eye. 

It pounces on you, fast and impossibly strong for how paper thin it was. In place of its stomach was a hole filled with magenta flames instead of gore. It's rapid movements were evident as it began violently tearing into your flesh, painting the chambers a deeper red with your own scarlet viscera. The last things you hear are its terrifying screeches, the crunching of your bones and the terrible gnawing sounds as this demon consumes your flesh....


A/N: The creature described above is the product of gluttony and pride as well as greed. Neil Embershard became a demon in his pursuit of knowledge and power, he is no longer the human sage described in the letter found in the room. Instead, he is a demon aptly named Majaea the Starved, this is the demon lord of hunger, fire, and ruin.

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