Secrecy Within The Blood

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There comes a time where darkness pervades the minds of all who tread its path, getting lost in its scarlet viscera and lack luster visage. Blood is thicker than water, it is what binds us and defines us all. This tale is spun to show how darkness and blood can oppose even the lighter side of all magic and perspective. 


Darkness, a deep and shimmering visage accompanied by a wandering bloodlust and a peering hatred towards the strict traditions of the Overworld. In this world, this red viscera flows around you like a river current. This crude expression of magic flows through your veins like the very fluids that sustain your vitality, a heretical technique. Hemomancy, the sister school of magic spawned from the forbidden school of magic known as Necromancy (the school of magic bent on Life Force manipulation). Your teacher? A disembodied set of voices, all shouting simultaneously in your ears yet they whisper in your mind as gently as it is loud. This series of voices echo among the deep halls of this synagogue, teaching the ones called Apostate the ways of the forbidden magicks and disciplines that have been lost from the world. 

These techniques are illegal in the Overworld due to the sheer manipulation of the liquid life that flows through every living creature's veins, the beautiful scarlet viscera that every Apostate bends and controls to their advantage. The teacher? Is no mortal, instead they are a colossal monstrosity. A Titan if you will, a 30 headed Hydra who bares scars far older than most mountains and bares the secrets of ancient magick. His sheer visage is enough to drive one to madness and despair as it stands taller than the Pyramids of Giza, its purple iridescent scales shimmer in the dim light and reflect against the visceral magic that its pupils learn and master. Its priest is considered as a single voice for the mass of 30 voices, simply called the Voice of the Abyss or the Grim Seeker. Each priest dies and is fed to the Hydra in the deep visceral pool it lies in, reincarnating later in life to forever serve as this massive Hydra's Eyes and Tongue. 

The Hydra's name is lost to the Overworld, but the depths have revealed its name as Vellu'Ghast D'Nur. This name refers to the God of Blood Magick, the Father of the Sons and Daughters of Perdition, The Killer of Gallidaen the Veilwarden and Tyr'Nul the Just, both were celestial titans that were meant to destroy the ancient Hydra. This Hydra has outlived gods and other titans, its even eaten other titans and minor gods to prove that it is not meant to be toyed with. This Hydra was created to represent evil in its multiheaded form, despite receiving many deadly wounds from its countless battles against its Titan kin. This violet Hydra hides within the depths of the Scarlet Surf, never to be disturbed by mortals until its bindings are released. 


"When you humans grow weary and lose strength as time passes we and our spiritual servants remain the same.

While you slowly age as time passes We and our spiritual servants remain Immortal.

While you hold so desperately on to your freedom and faith, We plan and our servants execute our will and convert those within your population to our side.

And as time passes we grow in strength as the numbers of our agents increases by centerfold.

Our world order is an inevitability where you shall worship me as your Dark Lord and our spiritual servants shall be your World Leaders and the agents they have converted for us shall be the inquisitors to those who are foolish enough to resist.

For time has taught us patience and we have become quite cunning in our ways for our Synagogue has swelled in size and influence over your pathetic peoples who have blinded themselves and have become complacent, for we have deceived you all from the shadows of this pitiful earth-y realm.

And now my kingdom is almost complete and all we have to do now is wait for our servants to have almost completed our tasks, We ordered them to prepare for the coming of the messiah of our choosing who shall be at last released alongside the other Sons of Perdition, his brothers and sisters from their prison.

Time is on our side, human. Not yours."

An excerpt from Vellu'Ghast D'Nur, The Father of Blood Magick, Murderer of Celestials, Father of the Sons and Daughters of Perdition. 

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