Section 1: The Body

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We all know that every human has a sex organ, which is what determines their gender.

For men, they have what is called a penis and scrotum. The penis & scrotum are the outside portions of a man's sex organs. At the tip (also know as the head) of the penis is the urethra (which is a tube that leads through the penis), following the urethra is the prostate (which is connected to the bladder), then it splits two ways. One tube goes to the seminal vesicles, while the other connects to the bladder, then wraps over and down to the testes. The testes are held in the scrotum.

The Penis- The penis is one of the most sensitive spots on a man's body. It's made up of a thousands & thousands of nerve endings, as well as blood vessels, erectile tissue, and muscles. When aroused, blood pools into these vessels and causes the penis to become erect. The penis has two functions: releasing sperm & urine, which use the urethra. The average size of an erect penis is about 5 inches.

The Urethra- The urethra is the tube in the body that sperm and urine travels through to the tip of the penis. This tube connects to all other major sex organs in the body.

The Prostate- The prostate is where part of the fluid for semen is created. During intercourse (or sex) it's in charge of expelling the sperm out through the urethra.

The Seminal Vesicles- The seminal vesicles is where fluid is produced and stored to eventually become semen.

The Testes- The testes is where most of the hormone (testosterone) and sperm is produced.

The Scrotum- The scrotum is to protect the testes and keep them a few degrees below the body's temperature. The scrotum will tighten when cold, during exercise, or sexual stimulation, and will expand when warm.

The Sperm- The sperm in the testes is used to fertilize a woman's egg. It travels through the vagina, to the uterus, and up to the fallopian tube to fertilize the egg. This then creates a brand new human.

For women, they have what is called a vulva. The vulva is the outside portion of a woman's sex organ. The vulva is made up of the clitoris (up at the top of the vulva), the urethra (right beneath the clitoris), the labia majora (the wider outside lips of the vulva), the labia minora (the thinner inner lips of the vulva), and the vagina (below the urethra).

On the inside, connected to the vagina, is the cervix (at the end of the vagina), the uterus (connected above the cervix), the fallopian tubes (connected to the uterus at the top, on either side), the ovaries (connected at the end of the fallopian tubes), and the eggs (held inside of the ovaries).

The Clitoris- The clitoris is one of the most sensitive spots on a woman's body. It has 8,000 nerve endings in just the tip, making it more sensitive than a penis. It's made up of muscles, nerves, and erectile tissue. Yes, erectile tissue. The same tissue that allows a penis to become erect, can make a woman's clit "harden" or swell. It's also the only sexual organ that is solely for pleasure. All other sex organs have other primary functions.

The Urethra- The urethra's only function in a woman's body is to expel urine from the bladder. The bladder is right in front of the vagina, with the short urethra tube opening in the vulva.

The Labia Majora- The labia majora are the outside lips of the vulva. They protect the urethra and the vagins from external forces.

The Labia Minora- Just like the labia majora, the labia minora protect the rest of the outside portion of the sex organs.

The Vagina- The vagina is a muscular canal inside of a woman's body. Unless aroused, it is generally constricted. The primary functions are for sex, providing a passageway for sperm to the uterus, allow blood & tissue to leave the body during a woman's period, and a passageway for birth. The vagina, on average, is about 3-6 inches. This is roughly the size of a person's hand.

The Cervix- The cervix acts like a door to the uterus. It can allow sperm to travel inside of it, but keep things like water and tampons out. It also keeps the baby inside the uterus during pregnancy, and will open (or dilate) during birth.

The Uterus- The uterus is essentially the living room for a baby during pregnancy. It's a large muscle that protects the baby and houses it until birth. Before a woman's period, it builds up a thick lining, in the possible event that the woman becomes pregnant. If she does not become pregnant, the uterus will shed the lining and dispel it in what we call a period.

The Fallopian Tubes- The fallopian tubes are what the egg travels through to the uterus. If the egg is not fertilized, it is dispelled along with the lining of the uterus. If it is fertilized, the tube will direct it to the uterus where it then attaches to the lining.

The Ovaries- The ovaries are where a woman's eggs are held. Just like the testes, they also produce hormones. During a stage called ovulation, the ovaries will expel an egg into the fallopian tube, where it starts its travel to the uterus.

The Eggs- The eggs get expelled into the fallopian tube and travel towards the uterus. If a sperm fertilizes it, it will attach itself to the uterus wall. If it doesn't get fertilized, it will get expelled along with the wall lining.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will answer to the best of my abilities.

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