Chapter 12*

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1. Sweet lovin'~ Sigala.
2. What do you mean?~ Justin Bieber.
Hermione's POV:

Of course. Of course.

How could I be such an absolute blithering idiot? It was staring me right in the face. I thought back to all my interactions with Draco this year.

All through the summer, he ignored me along with Harry and Ron. Even all the award ceremonies and post-war celebrations he was forced to attend, he never, met my eyes. Not once. I even caught him looking away from me once or twice.

Then the year began. I never saw him. He was always off traipsing around with some girl or another. And then, all at once, it stopped. He was never around, always late to the class, always leaving early.

And, finally, the lessons. He wasn't trying to win my heart in some wildly twisted fashion like I had convinced myself he was in the deepest parts of my heart. He was trying to get me back with my boyfriend and in the meantime have a fun toy to play with.

All while he chased his true love. Not me.

Well, you know what? Malfoy can go to hell. If he thinks I'm his toy, then I'm determined to make the most of it. And in no time at all, Draco will have his mystery dream girl in his arms and I'll be back in Ron's.

That's what I want.



Ginny's POV:

I put a hand over my mouth, my mind racing. How the hell was I supposed to get this mess of an OTP untangled?

"Look, I understand being conflicted, but from what I've heard you've tried to put a stop to these "lessons" and didn't carry through. So need to ask you a hard question. You keep talking about feelings. I don't need you to define them, in fact, I'm sure that you couldn't if I asked, but I do need to know what you want."

"What do you mean?"

"What do you want out of this...thing with Hermione? A relationship? A fling? Nothing? You can't keep pussyfooting around with this 'lessons' bullshit."

Draco sighed. "What I want, she would never accept. And neither would my...background. And yet... Do you really think she cares for me?"

I held back a smile. "She has no idea how much she does."

"What on earth am I supposed to make of that?"

"Don't worry about it. So she's a bit of a fixer-upper, that's nothing I can't iron out. For now, we just need to go find her, she must be freaking out."

Draco finally smiled and buttoned up his shirt, slinging on a tie with military precision. "She probably thinks you hexed me."

I chuckled and threw him his robes. "She probably thinks I'm dead."

Draco and I laughed as he threw on his green-trimmed robes. Then we both froze. Our eyes widened in unison and we raced through the wall, expecting to find Hermione in a panic.

When we were greeted with an empty corridor, we breathed a collective sigh of relief. "Thank Merlin," I said. "But we should still go find her.

He nodded. "To the library?"

"Of course."

We arrived at the library and she was nowhere to be seen. Strange. We checked the corridor again and stopped right outside the secret room.

"Maybe she went back to our dorm. C'mon." I said to Draco, gesturing down the corridor to Gryffindor Tower, only to be met with a stare like I'd grown another head.

"Do I look like a Gryffindor female to you?" he asked, raising a critical eyebrow.

I wrinkled my nose at him. "And not a very pretty one at that."

"As if," he said with an imaginary hair flip.

I rolled my eyes, which he responded to by sticking his tongue out at me. "Careful, if you make nasty faces they just might stick."

He grinned. "Learned that from experience, didn't you?"

I was about to volley back a witty retort that definitely wasn't "shut up," when I caught sight of Hermione out of the corner of my eye. "Oh, hey Mione, we were just about to go find you."

She marched past me furiously, her jaw clenched. What on earth-?

Draco followed my eyes and blushed, running a hand through his hair. "Hi, Herm-"

Then my jaw almost dropped to the floor as she yanked him forward by his tie and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. Draco stumbled backwards, right into the secret room, along with Hermione.

I shrugged. Lovebirds.


Draco's POV:

She pushed me onto the couch without breaking the kiss, straddling me and basically attacking my lips as she ground her hips against mine. I tried my best to reciprocate, but for once I was unable to match her ferocity. After almost a full minute of fiery kissing, I pulled away breathlessly.

She tried to capture my lips once more but I stopped her, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear with her face just a few centimetres away from mine. "Look, umm Hermione, not that I'm not enjoying this or anything, but what...?" I trailed off, not even sure what I was asking.

Her eyes hardened and her mouth twisted into a smile unlike any I had ever seen on her. "Isn't this what you want Malfoy?" She ground her hips against mine again, eliciting a rough moan.

"I mean yeah, but-"

"No." She kissed me again, biting harshly at my bottom lip before pulling away just as fast. "None of your bullshit. Not now, not ever." She kissed me again hurriedly, wiping at her eyes as she did so.

"What are you-?"

"No! No, no, no." With every no, she rained blows on my chest. I caught her wrists with my hands.

"Hermione?! What's the matter with you?"

She yanked her arms away. "You want to know what's wrong? Well then I'll tell you: I can't have my soulmate." My heart leapt into my throat. Was she talking about me...? "And you, you were supposed to help me get him back, but you aren't. No, no, instead, you're just having fun toying with me and all the while Ron is out with some floozy and it's breaking my heart. Ron is. Not you! You couldn't break my heart if you tried!"

"No," I murmured. "No, I couldn't."

"Exactly, and do you know why? Because I don't care about you! You have no hold on my heart, so you can't break it. So just freaking help me already so I can get back with the only person who cares about me!"

She shut her mouth abruptly and stared at me angrily, demanding something unnamed from me with her glare.

I frowned. So that's the way it is. "You want me to help you?" She set her mouth in a hard line, taunting me with those sparkling brown eyes. Fine." I scooped her up into my arms abruptly, and she squirmed in surprise before allowing me to hold her.

Hermione's POV:
With me in his arms, Draco marched towards the bedroom door, kicking it open with a single blow. He stormed inside and dumped me on the bed unceremoniously.

I sat up and arched an eyebrow. A desperate knot of sadness tightened in my chest, but I masked it easily with my anger and let the heartbreak slip away in favour of lust.

My eyes raked over Draco hungrily. He was breathing heavily, his crisp white shirt straining to contain his labored chest movement. I looked lower and saw another strained article of clothing, causing a flush to rise in my cheeks. "This is help?" I asked, taunting him.

"No," he growled before lurching forward, pushing me back to the bed. He placed a knee on either side of me, violently yanking off his tie.  Careful not to crush me beneath him, he leant onto me briefly and kicked his shoes off, letting them tumble to the floor. "This is."

I could feel his heart racing against mine, the rhythmic beats serving as evidence of his fury. Or lust. As this point, the two emotions intermingled in a desperate dance that only intensified them both, neither distinguishable from the other.
He pressed his lips to mine with the same ferocity I had possessed earlier.

Not innocently, but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. In that kiss, a swirl of emotions was conveyed without a single word. His desire, his anger, his confusion at my mystifying behavior, each only intensifying my heart's demand to let it all go and enjoy this moment with him. Letting my thoughts fade to the background, I blindly followed my instinct and fumbled with the buttons of his shirt.

I tore away from the kiss and pushed him away, ragged breaths tearing themselves from my lungs. "How many damn buttons does this shirt have?" I muttered to myself. An overwhelming urge to feel his skin washed over me, and without thinking I grasped his shirt collar and ripped it down front. The buttons popped off easily, and Draco froze. My glaze flickered to his eyes, finding them dark with lust and an anger that seemed somehow...alluring.

In a flash, he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to the headboard, pressing me to the wall with his body. My hands were pinned above me, Draco pinching my wrists together with one hand, the other on my waist. His laboured breaths intermingled with mine.

"That shirt was fucking expensive," he muttered huskily. He ran his hand along my side, tracing my curves.

A gasping laughter tumbled from my lips. "You're worried about that at a time like this?" My breath lingered on his neck, and he seemed to shiver slightly.

Draco chuckled. "You're right. I have other things to worry about, like revenge." With that, he single handedly tore my shirt in the same fashion.

"Hey!" I strained to stop him, but my hands were trapped in his grip. "I can't walk out with a shirt in tatters!"

"Should've considered that before you ruined mine. You should also start dressing in potato sacks, that might help me keep my hands off you." Draco continued his movements, lowering his hand enough to slip his hand under my skirt, sliding my knickers down my legs easily.

Another ragged gasp tore out of my lungs and I instinctually thrust toward him, aching for friction. "What makes you think I want you to keep your hands off me?"

He bit my earlobe lightly and I shivered. Draco's hand rested on my bare thigh, and he started to trail his fingers near my center, the barest whisper of contact driving me crazy.
"Okay, then ask me to."

I could barely think straight, but his request was clear enough. "Sorry?" I whispered, lost in the sensations that threatened to overwhelm me as his fingers trailed closer and closer to where I ached for them to be.

He stopped, pulling away the contact I so desperately craved. "Ask me to put my hands on you." A grin sliced across Draco's lips, and his eyes flickered up to where my hands where pinned against the wall. "It's not like you can do it yourself."

"Absolutely not."

His grin only widened as he unzipped my skirt and let it fall to the bed around my knees. Draco placed his palm of my upper thigh. "So proud. However, I'm afraid I have the upper hand in this situation." A glint in his eyes, he ever so slowly lowered his lips to my nearly exposed breasts and traced a path of kisses up to my neck. "Say it."

I gasped, bucking forward again to no avail. "No." I whispered breathlessly, not out of any desire to retain the metaphorical upper hand (seeing as I lacked the physical one) but more out of an impulse to make him earn it.

Draco reversed his trail of kisses, this time placing the odd bite before quickly smoothing over it with his tongue. His hand tightened on my thigh and I felt a distinct bulge press into my side. "Go on."

I gave in, my resolve tumbling like a house of cards as pleasure built in the pit of my stomach. "Please." I hissed.
Instantly, Draco's hand moved there, and the sensation of pleasure increased tenfold. I couldn't see what exactly he was doing, but for the life of me I never wanted him to stop.

He sped up and a funny little feeling blossomed in my stomach and I just let my instinct take over, kissing and rolling my hips without thought. And then the pressure was building and I kissed him and then-oh, wow.

Draco let go of my hands and they fell to my side limply, all my energy thoroughly spent. I let myself fall forward onto Draco, who caught me with a chuckle.

"I guess you're one of those people that falls asleep right after an orgasm."

I groaned half-heartedly. "Shut up." He laughed before setting me down on the bed gently, sliding away from me quickly.


I pulled my knickers back up and kissed him lazily. "But seriously, that was- Shit!"

Draco looked taken aback, and made a noise of disbelief. "Really? Looking at the state of you, it sure doesn't seem like I did a shit job."

"No, no, I'm supposed to be meeting with Professor Peregrine right now!" I scrambled to my feet and attempted to put back together the scraps of my torn shirt. "Dammit Malfoy, why'd you have to ruin my shirt." I was so rushed I hardly noticed how his face fell.

"Right." He straightened, all business once more. "Reparo," he muttered, and my disastrous top stitched itself back together.

I smiled briefly and planted a quick kiss on his lips. "Thank you. And thanks for, umm," I gestured to the rumpled bedcovers. "That. Honestly. I came in here all ready to tell you to go to hell and you were a welcome distraction."

"Yeah, why were you so pissed at me?"

I shrugged nonchalantly as I tugged my shoes on. "Just forgot what these lessons were about, but you reminded me. Lessons and only that." My heart seemed to sting for a moment, but the sensation faded quickly.

He paused. "Right."

"I have to go, but I'll see you soon." With that, I gave him another quick kiss and dashed away. So fast in fact that I didn't notice when a small drop of blood welled up from where he'd been biting his lip as his face contorted into a poorly masked mix of rage and misery.

Thank you for reading!
Finally some sexual action!
Double update you're welcome
Vote and comment lys all xo

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