Chapter 13*

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1. I don't know you tell me...
2. :) in the comments.

Draco Malfoy's POV:

I was still wandering directionlessly when I heard the echoing chimes of a grandfather clock. I perked up, counting 13 chimes. I was late for lunch. Great, I thought before making my way to the huge doors of the Great Hall.

I ran a hand through my mussed hair and tightened my tie, attempting (and failing) to look moderately presentable before entering, but she was still impossibly sweet on my lips.

The hall was already lively and lunch was in full swing when I entered, so I luckily escaped the stares that usually followed Slytherins around (to make sure we weren't conspiring to...I don't know, something) as I approached my usual seat beside Blaise and Crabbe.

Crabbe, as usual, was totally engrossed in his food and probably on his third or fourth plate. Blaise, on the other hand, was sporting a cocky grin. He winked when I took my seat and help up a fist. "Niiiiice," he said.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I shot back, grabbing a plate and blindly loading it up with random things to avoid his gaze. This was not a discussion I was ready to have, not about her.

His grin widened. "Nice, mate! You shagged someone on the down low! Who was it? Pansy? A Hufflepuff? A fourth year?" He mock-gasped. "A bloke?"

I rolled my eyes.

"I don't have an issue with that, no problem with experimenting. In fact, if you're not busy tonight-"

"Come off it Blaise, I didn't do shit," I growled, almost slamming down my plate in front of me, eyes glued to the table.

He snorted in disbelief. "Your shirt is miss-buttoned, your fly is unzipped, you're blushing like a howler, I don't know mate, you look like you had a pretty fun time." I shot him an evil eye, but he continued, placing his elbows on the table and his chin in his hands like a gushing teen witch.

"So this bloke: was it Potter? Ooooh Drarry, I love it. Finnigan? No hate, but if you got between Thomas and Finnigan you'd be wise to keep it to yourself if you don't want their fan club to kill you. Oh! Was it Weasley?"

That name made my clench my jaw. That's it. I slammed down my fork on the table, but Blaise was spared a punch in the jaw by the arrival of Pansy, who immediately parked herself in my lap. I refused to move away from the table, so she was awkwardly stuffed into the narrow space with her chest pressed against mine.

Her dark hair fell like a curtain, a small barrier from the rest of the hall. "Hey babe," she said brightly, twirling a bit of my hair between her fingers. "I haven't seen you around lately, what's up?"

Before I could shove her off me, Blaise tapped her on the shoulder with that shit-eating grin back on his face. "Too little too late, Parkinson, Draco's getting his action elsewhere now, haven't you heard?"

She giggled and tossed her hair. "My Draco wouldn't do that to me," she said, placing her hand on my chest in a possessive manner.

As I opened my mouth to curse her out and shove her away from me, I was cut off by the sharp scrape of wood on stone. All eyes in the hall turned to see the Gryffindor table in a panic after one of the long benches moved back almost a metre while a petite brunette dashed out the Hall in a flash.

Ginny turned to me, her fire-red hair tickling her cheeks as she met my eyes with an accusatory stare. I shot back a look of confusion, and she narrowed her eyes at me before sprinting after Hermione.

Hermione's POV:

I just couldn't watch it anymore.

Harry asked me a question and I looked away for a second, but when I turned back to Draco some random raven-haired girl was perched in his lap. I watched her lean into his chest, toss her hair, giggle like a fool.

It felt like a knife in my heart.

So I Depulso'd the table and sprinted away to Gryffindor tower.

"Don't cry, craft," I muttered to the Fat Lady

"That's it!" She cried, swinging open. Honestly. Where does she even come up with these Passwords? Bloody lunatic, she is.

I stepped through the portrait hole and was halfway up the stairs when I felt a hand on my elbow. I whirled around to see a breathless Ginny on the second step.

I opened my mouth to tell her that I needed to be alone, but she interrupted before I could. "," Ginny panted.

"Look, Gin, I need to be alone right now. Just-"

Ginny grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down the stairs before pushing me into an armchair by the fire. "No. You need to hear what I have to say about Dra-"

"Gin, please. I don't want to hear anything about him right now."

"But why?" Ginny asked, taking a seat across from me.

"Just because he's in love with someone else doesn't mean I have to see them be happy."

Ginny blinked. "Wow. There's so much to unpack there. First of all, that girl was Pansy Parkinson."


"Yeah. Sure, she had her back to us, but how did you not recognize her? Besides, Malfoy is not in love with Parkinson."

"How would you know?"

Ginny paused. "I just do. But Hermione, have you even thought about why you care?"

"I don't," I shot back instantly.

Ginny pinched the bridge of her nose. "So much for being the brightest witch of your age," she sighed.

"Excuse me?"

"Do you think someone who didn't care would run away from the sight of Draco with a girl in his lap?"

"But I don't care. I'm in love with Ron, not Draco. Just like always. And Draco doesn't care because he's in love with someone else." I felt that knife in my heart twist again at hearing myself say those words.

Ginny sighed. "Did you ever wonder why it was so easy to be intimate with Draco but so difficult with Ron?"

I paused. "Maybe I care more than I thought."

"Great. Now that we've got that sorted, we can move to part two." She stood and grabbed some spare parchment from a table in the corner. "I'll be back soon, I'm going to the Owlery. You are seeing Draco tomorrow."

"Can I come with?" I asked, and she nodded.

"Sure, anything you need to post?" She asked, and I shook my head.

"I just need some fresh air," I admitted, and we left the common room. "And of course, I wouldn't deprive you of my lovely company."

Ginny snorted at me. "Why thank you, you're too kind."

I giggled, which quickly evolved into a full on laugh. Then we were both laughing obnoxiously loud, my previous meltdown forgotten.

I put my arm around Ginny's waist while we exited the portrait hole and as our laughter died down, I smiled at her.

"Thank you. Y'know, for chasing after me."

She smiled back. "I'm always here. Someone has to keep you sane."

I grinned wider. "I don't know, our hyena laughter didn't sound very sane."

Ginny blushed redder than her hair. "Let's hope no one heard us."

I shrugged. "Pretty sure half the castle heard us."

"Maybe, but I think they already enough disturbing sounds from the library."

I paled. "Oh shit, do you think the walls are soundproof?" I panicked, and Ginny laughed at my outburst.

"I don't know, depends on how much noise he get's out of you in that bedroom," she said with a wink.

Too worried to ponder the implications of her question, I answered without thinking. "I don't know, we were pretty busy yesterday, but-"

Ginny stopped in her tracks and squealed, taking a hold of my shoulders. "You were in the bedroom?! I didn't even get to see it!" She gushed.

"Ginny--" I said, attempting to calm her.

"IS IT SACRED GROUND?!" Ginny yelled, and I almost facepalmed.

"Not exactly..." I trailed off.

"Oh honey, I'm afraid I need more details, especially on why exactly you were making so much noise," Ginny said, hands now on her hips, a determined smirk on her face.

"Bu-" I stammered, and she put a finger against my lips.

"To escape is impossible, to resist is futile," she said. "Spill!"

Thank you for reading guys:)
It's currently 2:17am and I have no internet so you won't be seeing this till tomorrow morning.

Don't forget to vote and I've decided that I'm gonna put warnings before sexual content.
It is a sexual book as its about sexual lessons. There will eventually be sex just saying.

Thanks byexx :*

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