Chapter 14*

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1. Love yourself~ Justin bieber.
2.What do you mean~ Justin bieber

(This is a long one)

Chapter 14:

Hermione's POV:

"Oh no," I muttered, ducking my head and trying to hide behind my hair.

"What's wrong?" Ginny asked, peering at me curiously. 

We had just walked into the Great Hall when I spotted Ron sitting beside Harry in our usual spot.

"Ron," I said, continuing to walk with my head down, scrambling for a plan of action, but it was too late as we had already reached our spot.

"Oh shit," she whispered, placing a comforting hand on my arm before sitting down between Ron and I. Thank Merlin, I was utterly unprepared to deal with that prat today.

Quietly loading up my plate, I buttered a slice of toast in the tense silence permeated only by the conversations of the students around us and Ron's open-mouthed chewing.

"Are you okay?" Ginny whispered to me, noting my blush and bowed head.

Surprisingly, I found that I was. Sure, it was still painful to be around Ron, and I was still rather heartbroken, but Ginny had helped me realise that I had a new "goal" in mind, even if that same goal wasn't set on me.

I granted Ginny a small smile. "For the first time in a while, I think I am. And if I'm not, I sure will be," I replied cheerfully, adding on a wink that only Ginny knew the true meaning behind. She giggled in response and cast a glance over to Draco, turning back to me with a suggestive expression.

Ron, having witnessed nothing of that silent exchange, smiled widely, displaying a mouthful of food, "Erm, gld," he garbled around the food. When his unintelligible string of sounds was met only with looks of confusion and disgust, he swallowed and tried again. "I'm glad," he clarified.

My eyes widened and I straightened in my seat. "What?"

"Well, you had to get over me sometime." He placed a patronising look of false sympathy on his smug face and reached across Ginny to pat my arm. "It was, hard, wasn't it? Shhh, it's ok, just let it out. Let it all out. Maybe in a couple decades, when you're a virgin with 30 cats, I'll throw you a sympathy shag," he said with an arrogant smirk. 

I leered at him before shrugging off his arm. "Don't worry, I got over you just fine, with the help of someone who actually knows how to kiss."

Ginny smirked and chimed in. "Turns out it was only you she wouldn't be intimate with."

He narrowed his eyes and sneered. "Who'd want you?"

Ginny opened her mouth, but I spoke before she could. "None of your damn business."

Ron stabbed a fork into his eggs and snarled. "Lying cunt."

At this point, even Harry spoke up. "Ron!"

"What? She's a fucking liar!"

Ginny cuffed him on the ear and snapped at him. "You'd best shut your jealous mouth, Ronald."

"Jealous! I bet she doesn't even let him touch her." 

"From what I've heard, she has," said a familiar voice.

Ron whirled around in a fright, but his features morphed into a cruel snarl upon setting eyes on the owner of that voice. I bit my lip, fearing the inevitable fight that was to come from this encounter. 

"Sod off Malfoy, no one needs you gossiping over here," Ron growled, clueless as usual.

Draco smiled, but he looked more like a wolf baring its teeth. "I don't gossip, Ronald. I'll have you know that this information comes from-"

"Ron! I just remembered, I need your help with some, uh, things for, uh, Professor Winchester," Ginny stammered, shooting Harry a panicked look. 

Harry snapped to attention. "Oh right, and I just remembered, Hermione, you need to be, umm, anywhere else. Like, right now. For an, umm, important thing."

I stood up so quickly I rattled the table. "How could I forget? Silly me, we're late to the important thing anywhere else. Come on Draco" I said, dashing out of the Hall and dragging Draco behind me, leaving a relieved Ginny and Harry with a terribly befuddled Ron.

The second we left the hall, Draco pulled me into a bone-crushing hug, which I gratefully melted into. "Oh Merlin you're shaking. You okay?" he whispered in my ear, and I nodded slightly.

I pulled away from Draco far sooner than I was prepared to and started speaking, my fear of detention overcoming my nerves from the tense situation. "Hey, Draco we'd better get going too-"

"Hold on, there's something I've been wanting to do since I saw you with that weasel."

"Wha-" I started, only to be cut off by Draco's lips smashing against mine as he snaked his arms around my waist and backed me up into a column directly in front of the doors to the Great Hall.

I tensed for a moment, shocked, before melting into the kiss and moaning against Draco's lips. I didn't even get a chance to worry about our compromising position or why on earth he was kissing me outside of a lesson before all my thoughts abandoned me, leaving me content to float in this perfect moment. Then, all too soon, deafening yell shattered our kiss.

"What the-? Stupefy!"

Draco didn't even get a chance to open his eyes before he was slumped against the column by my feet. I dropped to my knees beside him instantly. "Draco?! What the hell!? Are you-" Suddenly, I snapped to attention as I recalled hearing muffled curse just before Draco fell.

I tore my eyes away from Draco to find Ron frozen in the doorway, wand still aimed at the unconscious form beside me, his eyes alight with the flames of pure, unbridled rage. Heaving breaths tore through his chest as he squeezed his wand so hard his knuckled turned white.

Ron!" I shrieked. Instantly, his burning eyes trained themselves on me and his wand was at my throat in a flash. My kiss-adlled brain didn't even have time to wonder where my wand was.

"So I'm still Ron, am I? I would've thought everything was different, now that he's Draco," Ron snarled, his face inches from mine.

"Ron please-" He forcefully pressed his wand against my throat, effectively cutting off my plea.

"So you and him then? I had no idea you were that desperate, to seek out a man who cares only for your body. You disgust me." I narrowed my eyes at him, but the wand had become painfully hot against my throat and I knew better than to anger him further. "It's a betrayal! Don't you even care about all the people he hurt? And Dumbledore-" Something snapped within me, and suddenly, I couldn't take this for a second longer.

I snatched his wand away with one hand, pressing the other to his mouth to stop him from casting a spell. As soon as the wand was in my grasp, I placed a sharp kick in his stomach, sending him tumbling. Muggle combat had it's uses.

He crumpled to the floor a few feet away from me and I pointed my wand at him with a trembling hand. "That's the thing. I don't care! I don't care what he did, I don't care what he was, I don't even care that he's in love with-" Realizing my mistake, I snapped my jaw shut with an audible clack.

Ron looked up from where he had been doubled over, clutching his stomach, and let out a low chuckle. "With someone else? Your perfect little Malfoy is in love with someone else and you're still defending him like the lovesick puppy you are? Oh that is rich."

I clenched my jaw. I had no defense, I really was in love with a man that didn't care for me at all. Regardless, I fixed Ron with a glare and launched his wand down a random corridor, cocking my head towards it as if to say go fetch.

He smirked crookedly at me, standing on shaky legs and tottering towards his wand. Just when I thought he was gone, he called out to me over his shoulder in a cavalier tone. "Oh, and Hermione? When he breaks your heart, please do come running. It will be most enjoyable."

I snarled at his retreating back, but I had no time to waste. Dashing to Draco's side, I pointed my wand at him with shaky hands. "This spell always works. Stupefy does no permanent damage," I assured myself in a hushed voice. Though why I needed assuring, I had no idea. "Enerrvate."

Draco awoke with a gasp, sitting up instantly and pulling me into a hug. "Hey dar- I mean hey Hermione. What happened? My head hurts like a bitch."

My blood ran cold. He almost called me by another name. The name of that other girl. The one he loves. Not me. "It's nothing. Just Ron."

Draco stiffened against me. "Where is that bastard? I-"

"He's gone. I handled it."

He pulled away from me then, cupping my cheek and tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear with his other hand. Those same callouses I felt when he first kissed me brushed against my skin. I looked away even as my cheeks flushed, refusing look him in the eye when his heart belonged to another. Despite myself however, I leant into his touch; unable to resist the temptation of pretending that he cared for me as much as I him.

"Are you alright?"

I answered without a moment's hesitation. "Yes."

His fingers brushed over my neck and he chuckled huskily. "Liar. Wand burns. Don't worry, I'll take you the infirmary, well get a pass from Madame Pomfrey."

I flinched away. "No, no I don't need-"

He smirked, his voice taking on a richer tone as the topic shifted to something far more intimate. "We talked about not lying to me. Guess we'll have to go over that tonight when I make you forget all about Ron."

I pulled away. "Well, umm, Draco..." I trailed off as his face fell. He stood quickly, helping me to my feet.

"Sorry, I should have known you wouldn't be feeling up for it after all this nonsense with Ron, forgive me for being insensitive." He looked so earnest, I yearned to believe that those loving eyes were for me and only me.

"No, no, it's not that, Ginny wouldn't want us doing, well, it. She wanted us to talk about something, though she wouldn't tell me what."

He nodded, relaxing once he realized he wasn't at fault for my unease. "Yeah, she even sent me a list of questions."

I laughed lightly. "I have to go to Tranfiguration, and you need to get your head checked, that Ennervate worked well but you shouldn't take any chances."

He smiled warmly, an expression that I was still getting used to seeing on his face. "C'mon, you're the smartest which of the age, the Gryffindor princess. If anyone can get an Ennervate right, it's you."

I blushed fiercely. "You should still get it checked, that's standard protocol."

"Alright, alright. I'll meet you in the room tonight. Just after classes?" I nodded. "Great."

The tension had finally dissipated, when I made a terrible move. Draco leant in to kiss me and, without thinking, I flinched away.

"I er, should go."

"Oh," he said, a distinct edge in his voice. "Right." He gave me a stiff smile and marched off towards the infirmary, leaving me to simmer in my mortification.

The echoing chimes of a clock caused me to remember how late I was and I dashed towards the Transfiguration classroom, not a second to waste.

By the time I reached the classroom I was late enough to receive detention, so I was surprised to find Ginny seated on a stone bench outside of the class.

"Ginny? What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you, obviously. How did it go with Ron? Harry and I sent him to apologize."

I paled. "Not well."

She raised an eyebrow. "Care to elaborate?"

"Let's see, the cliff-notes version? Found Draco and I making out, he knocked out Draco, put a wand to my throat, I kicked him in the stomach. Fun."

"Merlin! Mione, are you okay?" She jumped to her feet and pulled me into a hug.

"Yeah I'm fine. But I am late to Transfiguration and McGonagall is, well, Mcgonagall, so I should go."

"Of course, and I need to go find Ron. Just as long as you're ok."

After many assurances, I ducked into Transfiguration, while Ginny stomped off to find Ron, muttering like a lunatic. The only thing I caught was "Oh Ronald you thought Voldemort was scary."


Draco's POV:

I winced as Madame Pomfrey's enchanted cotton swabs dabbed at my head. Apparently, falling down on a stone floor can make for quite the wound, though an Ennervate can fight off the symptoms for quite a bit. I swatted to magic cotton away in annoyance.

"Madame Pomfrey?" I called to the woman seated at a nearby desk, filling paperwork. "Can I go?"

"Oh? Umm yes, yes." She flicked her wand and a stray parchment with a late pass scrawled on it floated over to me.

I snatched it out of the air and stalked out of the infirmary, glad to be free from the overbearing witch's clutches.

As I stalked down the corridors towards my next class (Charms) I couldn't get Hermione out of my head. Ron must've given her quite the scare for her to be so awkward around me. Or perhaps not. Was she still in love with him? Did he just remind her of who she really cared about, who really loved her, leaving me in the dust?

Everything about the way she acted around me indicated that she was over him. For Merlin's sake, the things we'd done, she couldn't possibly be in love with that prick and doing those things with me. That just wasn't her.

And yet..?

I felt like punching a wall. This was exactly why I wanted to end those blasted lessons, to keep Hermione distant. I can't get hurt if my heart is far away from me.

I resolved to put an end to them that night. If it's Ron she wants, she can have him.

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Happy new year!! 2016 is going to be a year full of Smut,fluff and DRAMIONE!! XXXX

The oneshot is in progress, hakkuna your tattas

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