Chapter 3*

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Hermione's POV:

"Oh, Merlin's Pants," I swore, as I spilled a few drops of ink on my Arithmancy essay. With a sigh, I pulled my wand from my bookbag and tapped it on the ink stain. "Tergeo," I muttered, and the smudge disappeared.

Taking a break to stretch out the stiffness in my neck, I looked up from my parchment and saw Ginny and Harry shoving Ron towards me. I sighed. I was far from ready to face him yet.

"Hermione?" Ron said carefully.

"Yes, Ronald?" I replied dryly, my eyes never leaving my book.

"I'msorryfordisrespectingyou. ItwaswrongandI'msorrypleasedon'thitme." He said rapidly, covered his face as if waiting for impact.

"Ron," I said getting up. "Why are you covering yourself?"

"You're not going to hit me?" He whispered.

"No! What in Merlin's name gave you that idea!" I laughed, appalled at the thought.

"Ginny, told me you were pretty mad and that I might even get a book to the face," He said and I laughed.

"What are you reading anyway?" He asked.

"Oh nothing," I replied scooping the Arithmancy book into my arms. "Anyways, continue with the apology."

"I shouldn't have treated you like that, it's just that I want you so bad sometimes. I want to be with you in every way, I occasionally don't realize that it's your choice as well," Ron frowned, he looked really sorry.

"I forgive you" I smiled, taking hold of his hand. "I'll see you in a bit, I'm going to go get into something comfier."

I let go of his hand, watching him nod, and give me his nicest smile. This was the Ron that I loved. I was so glad to have my boyfriend back.

I walked up to the girl's dormitories, quickly changing into my pyjamas, feeling all happy inside.

"Hermione?" Ron suddenly appeared beside me, and I let my book that I was currently holding drop, with surprise.

"You scared me" I replied with a giggle."What's up?" Without warning, Ron's face turned sour, and he shoved me roughly onto the bed.

I giggled, thinking he was playing, before planted his lips on mine. I pulled away from the slobbery kiss before he stuck his lips to mine once more. He moved on top of me preventing me from getting up. The nerves kicked in and I wiggled under his grasp. He moaned and I blushed red. I certainly wasn't grinding into him.

His lips went to my neck and I could finally breathe again. Next thing I knew he was pulling off my pyjama top. I was left in my plain white bralette, and I felt extremely uncomfortable. He had stuck his lips to mine again I was far too shocked and embarrassed to scream or say anything at all. I wanted him off me right now. He moaned at my squirming, clearly misinterpreting it. He ran his hands under the clasp of my bra, fumbling to undo it.

"NO!" I shouted.

"Just let it happen." He growled. "Let me show you how much I love you."

He kissed me again angrily and succeeded in getting my bra off and moved on to my pyjama bottoms.

"Ron this isn't how you show love, not like this." I protested, and Ron looked like he had been smacked.

"Yes it is" He replied, defensively. "I don't know why you just won't let this happen, it's obvious that you want me. I know you're an insecure prude, but I thought I could change that."

I slapped him for real this time, pushing him off me. I held back tears quickly putting my clothes back on, avoiding his watching eyes.

"Ron, I love you, please stop with this behavior. I'm just not ready can't you understand that? You mean the world to me, why can't you just respect my wishes?" I pleaded with him. I pressed my hands to his chest with the intensity of my defense, begging him to give me time. I felt a tear run down my cheek.

"No! I don't understand it, if you loved me you wouldn't be holding back! I can't do this anymore" Ron replied, throwing his hands up dramatically.

"Can't do what anymore?" I sobbed, knowing exactly what he meant, but needing to hear it anyways.

"I can't wait for you any longer! I think we should breakup." I gasped and took a step back, my eyes brimming with tears. "Don't look at me like that, it's all your fault!" Ron snapped, pointing a finger at me. "I need a real woman. One who really loves me and wants to be with me in every way."

I stared open mouthed at him, my bottom lip trembled, more tears than ever threatened to spill.

"Ronald Weasly! You may do as you please! But do not forget: I am not just the stupid girl who you walk all over. Nor am I the lovesick fool that you believe I am. I know in my heart that you love me too, but if you take too long to come to your senses, things might not stay as you left them. I will not wait forever." Ron rolled his eyes at my statement.

"Why would I ever want to crawl back to some prude who doesn't even love me?" he spat angrily. With that, he stomped out of the room and I finally broke down. I lost my boyfriend, and more importantly my best friend. What had I done?

Thanks for reading! THE SEX LESSONS BEGIN SOON! Don't forget to vote and comment anything at all xxx

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