Chapter 2*

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Yay! The second edited chapter is done! 

Hermione's POV:

I woke up bright and early for the first day of term, taking the extra time to wrangle my hair into a neat bun, which was always an arduous task. I was just packing my spare quill into my bookbag when Ginny poked her head into my room.

"Are you ready to go to breakfast Hermione?" she asked.

"Yup!" I said brightly, buttoning the clasp on my schoolbag.

"Are you sure you don't want to use a bit of my makeup?" Ginny had asked. "I could do it for you if you'd like."

"No thanks. I think I'll be okay" I replied politely. "Maybe tomorrow morning."

Makeup was never really my thing anyways. I was a perfectionist, and makeup just took too long to perfect, and I think I looked okay without it.

"Fine. Tomorrow for sure, though. No excuses," Ginny smirked, and I dreaded tomorrow already.

Ginny and I walked into the common room, where Ron and Harry were already waiting. Ginny and Harry shared a bright smile and held hands, while I simply avoided Ron's gaze, feeling awkward from last night.

Once we arrived at the Great Hall, I was distracted by shouts from the Slytherin table. I suppose there was always going to be drama, but we weren't even back a week yet, so I wondered who was starting trouble already.

Pansy Parkinson was pitching a fit, was screaming at some girl who sat beside Draco Malfoy. Malfoy was just sitting there, looking smug while the two girls screeched at each other. I rolled my eyes. I don't understand girls who fight over guys, especially ones who fought over that prat Malfoy.

Ginny followed my gaze to the fight over Malfoy and giggled at my expression.

"Apparently Malfoy slept with Natasha even though he and Pansy are a thing, but I heard from Anna that Malfoy told Pansy that they are "just casual," but she ignored him," She explained with a smile. "I'm loving all this drama."

"At least he's getting some," Ron muttered.

"EXCUSE ME, HAVE A BIT OF RESPECT! SORRY I'M NOT AS EASY AS YOU WOULD LIKE! MAYBE YOU SHOULD JUST DATE PANSY FREAKING PARKINSON!" I shouted. I felt as if half the Great Hall turned to look at me right then, and I flushed a bright red. In a flash, Ginny was standing next to Ron. She dragged him out of the hall by the ear, ignoring his shouts. Perfectly in sync with Ginny, Harry touched me on the shoulder gently.

"Hermione? Is there something you're not telling me?" He looked so concerned; I almost broke down right then and there. But then I remembered that I was in the middle of the Great Hall, and I composed myself.

"Not really. Ron is being... difficult." I sighed.

"Really..." said Harry menacingly. "Do I need to smack some sense into him?"

I smiled weakly at his protectiveness. "Actually, I think we just need to have a long talk."

"Okay, Hermione. C'mon. If we don't go find Ron right now, Ginny is going to literally kill him." Harry said with a smile. I laughed at the thought and followed Harry out of the Great Hall to go save Ron's sorry arse.


We found Ron right outside the hall, in an absolute panic. He was pinned to the wall by Ginny, who was holding him by the collar of his robes and threatening him for hurting me. After some kisses from Harry and some promises from me, she finally relented to let us talk in private.

Now Ron and I were seated on a bench in the third-floor corridor, suffocating in awkward silence. I was not going apologize first.

"I don't want an easy girl, I want you," Ron blurted out suddenly, looking worried. "I just wish you would be intimate with me."

"I understand," I said. "But you have to understand that I'm just not comfortable with those things yet."

Without warning, Ron snapped. "What is your problem? Don't you love me? Don't you want to make me happy?" I gaped at him. How dare he try to guilt me into sleeping with him!

"Oh just fuck off you needy horny prat," I spat the words, which felt foreign on my tongue. I stood up, furious, and stormed off to the dungeons for potions class. Then the full gravity of what I just did hit me.

Oh my god. What if he left me? I loved him so much. How was I supposed to deal with that?

No! Come on Hermione! Have a spine! If he loves me, he will respect me. I heard footsteps from around the corner and steeled my resolve. Ron was not going to walk all over me. With my head held high, I marched around the corner to tell Ron off again, when I was met with a surprise.

Malfoy. I ran smack dab into his chest.

"Watch where you're going," Malfoy said before turning to face me.

"I thought you were Ron," I said, embarrassed.

"So now you charge at your boyfriend for walking towards you?" He asked. He raised an eyebrow. "That's interesting."

"Uh, no! I charge at my boyfriend for being a dick" I spat.

"Woah there feisty," Malfoy laughed. "I guess this is about how sexually uptight you are?"

I gaped at him. "How did you know about that?"

"Um, you screamed about it in the Great Hall this morning. Duh," Draco gave me a devilishly handsome smirk, and I felt myself melt. Wait, what? Melt? Draco? Since when do I call him Draco? I blushed furiously.

"Don't expect me to let you cry on my shoulder now." He said with that same smirk.

"Oh shut up, you pig," I spat, in an effort to regain some of my bite. But Dra-Malfoy (Why am I doing that?) saw through it.

"Prude bitch," He spat back jokingly with a laugh.

Fed up, I snap. "Oh just leave me alone," I say and walk towards the classroom.

"Walking away from a fight, Granger? That's not like you" Malfoy comments. Is that... concern?

I ignore him, walking away towards the other end of the hallway and ducking into the Potions classroom.

Nobody is here yet. Not that it surprises me. I really should have waited a few more minutes before storming off, and had some breakfast too.

"There's still 10 minutes before everyone shows up," A voice says from behind me.

"Why are you here so early, Malfoy?" I snap. "I didn't think you cared about going to class at all, I thought the school was just a social event for you."

"I needed a break from the fighting females," He said with a laugh. "It gets rather tedious you see, and I happen to be a great student, but unfortunately always second best."

I laughed before realizing it was a joke made by Malfoy, the enemy, so I stopped and glared at him. I continued to do this until everyone else arrived. Even during potions, I glared at the back of his head.

I knew it was wrong to consider him my enemy, but I suppose old habits die hard.

He disrespects women. Do NOT get too friendly with him, you don't need another person to disrespect you, especially with a boyfriend like Ron. Whatever you do, stay away from Draco Malfoy.

I hope everyone is enjoying the edited version! Thanks for reading:) don't forget to vote and leave a comment.

Follow my instagram miamalfoy15 for funny edits and more ❤👌

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