Chapter 44=

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Hermione's pov:

It broke my heart to walk away from him. I had to hold in the tears, I wouldn't let Pansy see me cry.

She had watched as I told him never to speak to me again. The Pugfaced bitch got away with it.

I ran quickly through the corridors until I got to the portrait of the fat lady.

I almost screamed the password at the fat lady, who was scared shitless.

The common room was full enough, but I didn't stop to say hello to anyone.

I ran up the stairs into my bedroom, and I collapsed on my bed and let out a loud scream.

I started hitting my pillow with anger and was surprised when the bathroom door opened.

"What's wrong?" Ginny asked rushing to my side.

"I can't tell you.." I sobbed.

"Tell me immediately.. someone needs to feel my wrath" She ordered.

"Draco and I can't be together anymore" I said heartbroken.

"WHAT?" She shouted. "WHY NOT?"

"That's the part I can't tell you" I reply.


"It's not his fault, it's mine. It's just sometimes you need to take care of yourself, no matter how selfish" I said sadly.

Hermione, are you in some sort of trouble-" Ginny began.

"Yes" She replied.

"I can help" She said.

"Not you can't..." I said sadly. "WAIT, maybe you can."

"Just tell me what I have to do" Ginny smiled.

"I'm going to write Draco a letter, your going to deliver it" I told her.

"Okay.. Ginny the owl, ready for service" She replied.

I got a parchment and quill and took a seat on my bed.

Dear Draco,

Just know, I love you.

But we can't be together anymore, and I unfortunately can't tell you why.

I beg of you to use your head and see the truth. Dont try to talk to me, or let anyone see this letter. It will result in punishment for me.

Although it's killing me.. I can't be your girlfriend.

Much love,
H.G xx

I fold up the letter and hand it to Ginny.

"I think you should give this to Blaise" I told her. "It'll be less suspicious."

"Anything for you" She replied and off she went, my own personal owl.


Draco's pov:

"You told me that you guys weren't fighting!" Potter snapped.

"We aren't ya git!" I replied angrily.

"Cause it sure looks like it!" Potter replied angrily.

"I need to go after her" I tell him.

"Leave her alone malfoy" He snapped all up in my face.

"No" I reply with a smirk.

I push past him but he drags me back.

"Hermione's stubborn, trust me I'd know. It'll work more in your favour if you talk to her tomorrow" Potter explains.

"But I really didn't do anything wrong.." I say truthfully.

"I believe you, but remember what I said" Potter said, before strutting off leaving me alone, or so I thought.

"Hey babe" Pansy appeared beside me.

"What?" I snap.

"So I heard you finished with the mudblood" She said smiling brightly.

"You did something.." I accuse. "Didn't you?"

"No I didn't" She said batting her eyelashes at me.

"Why isn't she talking to me anymore?" I snap at her

"I really dont know, I saw her talking to that girl Alexis" Pansy said.

"She said something to make Hermione hate me?" I growled.

"You know what Draco, it wouldn't surprise me if she did" Pansy told me.

"But how?" I thought out loud.


Blaise zabini's pov:

I sat on the couch, looking longingly at her. She was so beautiful and I couldn't help but admire her.

I needed to get out of this damn common room. Draco as usual, wasn't anywhere to be seen..

Man that boy was whipped.

With one last longing glance at her, I left the common room.

I saw someone running around the corridors. I recognized her as Ginny weasley due to the red hair.

"ZABINI!" She shouted running towards him.

I stopped in my tracks and she grabbed me by the arm.

"Come with me" She ordered.

I smirked at her and she scoffed. I let her drag me into an empty classroom.

I knew just what she wanted...

"Are you not dating potter?" I asked her. "Never mind, it doesn't bother me."

I leaned in to kiss her, but all I got was a slap from the angry girl.


"But... Why did you drag me into an empty classroom?" I asked confused.

Didn't she want a casual hook up?

"To give you something" She snapped.

"A kiss?" I asked with a wink.

"NO" She laughed. "Something much more important."

She took out a letter from her robe pocket.

"What's it for?" I ask curiously.

"You HAVE to give this to Draco" She ordered. "Dont let anyone see you give him it."

"Why?" I ask.

"I don't know, but it's very important" She replied. "Please give it to him."

"Okay, I'll give him it tonight" I promised.

"That sounds wrong... Anyways is that someone's tie over there?" She asked.

She went over and picked it up. It was a Gryffindor tie.

"Someone must have lost their tie" I remarked. "Or left it behind."

"Anyways that's all zabini" Ginny smiled.

"Blaise" I replied with a smile.

"Goodbye Blaise" She said and then she was gone.

20k I'm freaking out!!
I checked it a while ago and when I saw it, I started screaming😘

You guys are the best!! 🌍
And today it's my one year anniversary of joining wattpad!!

I love you guys💚💚
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