Chapter 45=

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Draco's pov:

I was absolutely furious!

I had only met the girl and she was ruining my relationship with Hermione.

But what could she have said, that upset Hermione that badly.

I stormed off away from a smirking Pansy pugface.

Fuck her with her ugly pugface!

I was going to the common room and I was going to give Alexis a piece of my mind.


Hermione's pov:

"I'm back" Ginny called out.

"Did you do it?" I asked immediately.

"Yes of course" She replied. "Blaise is very strange."

"I agree with you" I laughed.

I continued to get ready for bed like before. I took off my uniform and put on my pjs.

I hung up my uniform and realised I had lost something..

"Have you seen my tie?" I ask Ginny.

She looked at me dumbfounded for a moment and looked really startled all of a sudden.

"No I haven't" She finally replied.

"You hesitated.." I said.

"Oh well you see, I was trying to remember if I saw it" She said. "I have a spare if you need it."

"Awh Ginny thank you" I smiled but Ginny looked away suddenly.


Ginny's pov:

How did Hermione's tie end up at the back of the classroom. I'm almost certain that it's hers.

Something isn't right.

Hermione comes back after ending things with Draco, missing a tie, makes me deliver Blaise zabini a letter... What the actual fuck.


Draco's pov:

"There you are" Blaise scoffs as soon as I enter.

"Where's Alexis?" I snap pushing past him.

He grabs me and pulls me back.

"What's going on?" He whispers.

"That bitch" I point at Alexis. "Broke Hermione and I up."

"I don't think she did anything" Blaise said defensively.

"And how would you know?" I scoff.

"I just don't think she did anything" Blaise replies.

"Pansy seen her talking to Hermione" I tell him.

"When?" He asks.

"This evening" I reply.

"Thats a lie" Blaise snaps.

"How do you know?" I ask curiously.

"She hasn't left the common room" He says... Blushing slightly!

"You fancy her!" I yell at him.

"No..I don't" He lies.

"Come with me" I say pulling him towards the dormitories.

Once in the privacy of our dormitory, I start to think.

"I have something for you" Blaise says holding out a letter.

I take it and start to read.....


Ginny pov:

After Hermione fell asleep after crying quietly into her pillow.

I pulled out some parchment and a quill.


Someone is threatening Hermione, I'm absolutely sure of it.

Today Blaise and I found a tie in an empty classroom. Turns out Hermione had 'lost" her tie.

Meet me at the 'secret room" tomorrow, after dinner and bring Blaise.



Draco's pov:

After reading Hermione's letter, I'm fuming!

"Chill out mate" Blaise pleads.

My head snaps around to him. "I cannot chill out, my girlfriend is being threatened."

"I know, but we know it wasn't Alexis because it doesn't add up" Blaise says. "You said Pansy was there ready to blame Alexis, what does that tell you."

"That it was Pansy" I snap furiously.

Then I hear an owl by the window. Blaise opens it up and an unfamiliar owl drops a letter.

"Its for you" Blaise says.

I take it from him and start to read.


Ginny weasley's pov:

"We know why we are here right?" I said to the two.

Blaise wiggled his eyebrows at me, and Draco slapped him.

"We do" Malfoy answered for the both of them. "We believe it was Pansy, who did something "

"Honestly I think you are right" I agreed. "But I think she wasn't alone."

"Weasel" Malfoy accuses.

"My brother?" I ask.

"How many other weasels do you know of?" He asks.

"You know the way we found the tie" Blaise says to me. "My first though was that whoever it was, they were hooking up with someone and forgot their tie."

Malfoy growled at him. "You think she was shagging someone behind my back!"

"No malfoy wait.." I say. "What happened to her that day, you found her in the bathroom."

"She wouldn't exactly say, something about him hurting her mentally." He replies angrily.

"I think he raped her" Blaise said suddenly.

Thanks for reading!!!
Sorry about all the changes of pov! Hope it's not to confusing.

Vote and comment your opinions❤

*I smell a sex scene pretty soon;)*

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