Chapter 59=

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Draco malfoy's pov:

I dropped the letter to the floor, I ran into the bathroom, to grab Blaise.

"WE NEED TO GO!" I shouted, pulling him by the scruff of the neck, while he tried not to choke on his toothbrush.

"W-what?" He choked, toothpaste running down his chin.

"THE SHRIEKING SHACK, NOW!" I ordered, pulling him out the door.

"What's going on mate?" He asked, running beside me.

"PANSY, HAS HERMIONE, I THINK SHE FINALLY CRACKED!" I shouted, as we ran the down the hall.

"You only think she cracked now?" Blaise cried.


We now ran, towards the courtyard, into the darkness. I spotted Ginny and Theodore, sitting outside.

I pointed at Ginny. "YOU, COME RIGHT NOW!" I ordered, pulling her up.

"What are you doing?" She snapped, looking at me like I was crazy.

I looked at her silently pleading. "It's Hermione." I replied, watching her expression turn to worry.

"Is she okay?" Ginny cried.

"I don't know, she's in the shrieking shack, with Pansy and your brother, most likely" I told her.

"Let's go" She replied, determined.

She nodded at me, and the three of us ran off in the direction of the shrieking shack.


Hermione's pov:

I slowly opened my eyes, but shut them again, my head was agonisingly sore. My hands felt my head, and found a huge bump, at the side it.

"Looks who's awake" A familiar voice, greeted me, making the hairs stand up on my neck.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?" I snapped, trying not to flinch from the pain.

I checked my pockets, to see if I still had my wand. Unfortunately, I didn't.

I looked up at her, to see her sporting a silver dagger. She smirked dangerously, twiddling the dagger around her fingers.

"We are in the shrieking shack.." I gasped, getting up and looking around.

"Ron gave me that idea, he's been very helpful. So does it hurt, his betrayal?" She asked, mockingly stepping closer.

"How do you live with yourself?" I snapped, my voice full of venom.

She stepped even closer now, her eyes narrowing into slits. "YOU TOOK EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME!" She screamed, raising up with her free hand to slap me.

"YOUR FUCKING PSYCHO!" I screamed back.

Pansy came closer, threatening me with the blade. She held it to my neck, before moving it to my arm, slicing through my clothing.

I bit my lip, because I wouldn't give her the satisfaction, of crying out.

"How does that feel?" She asked, smirking when I tried to push her away.

I didn't answer, I looked away as though it didn't bother me whatsoever, when really the pain was agonising.

The blade went deeper into my arm, making me whimper. "TELL ME HOW IT FUCKING FEELS!" She screamed, her voice echoing throughout the shack.

Pansy pulled his suddenly out of my arm, she brought it up to my face, making me attempt to block the blade.
With one hand, she held me against the wall, and with the other she sliced my face, cutting my left cheekbone.

I screamed out in agony, I could feel the hot blood from my arm, dripping from the assault.


Draco's pov:

The three of us ran through the tunnel, leading to the shrieking shack, after Blaise nearly being killed, by the whomping willow.

I wasn't feeling cold, I was rather numb and could feel my adrenaline pumping.

We heard a scream echoing, throughout the tunnel. It brought tears to my eyes.. Hermione.

We were near the edge of the tunnel now, the screaming was getting louder, making me run as fast as I could.

I could finally see her, I ran to her assistance, before a big pair of hands wrapped around my neck, squeezing the life out of me.

I heard the other two shouting, but all I could focus on was the deadly look in Weasel's eyes. I kicked him the balls as hard as I could.

His hands immediately let go, allowing me to elbow him in the nose, making blood gush from his nose. I punched him hard, making him hit his head off the wall, his eyes rolling back in his head as he fell to the floor.

My eyes went to Pansy, who had her wand pointed in Ginny's direction. A light flew by, but before it could hit her, Blaise pushed her out of the way.

He fell to his knees, screaming out because of the stinging hex, that was meant for Ginny.

Hermione, was bloody mess on the floor, but still alive. "Hermione" I sobbed, running towards her.

I felt a stunning spell, hit me in the back, stopping me in my tracks, and heard my wand fall to the floor. I heard a cruel laugh, and hot breath in my ear.

"Time to finish what I started, love." Pansy whispered, seductively.

She placed a kiss on my lips, but there was nothing I could do, I was frozen in time, made to watch.

Inside I was screaming..

Pansy walked towards, Hermione once more, her dagger gleaming.

"Flipendo" Hermione whimpered using my fallen wand, knocking Pansy back into a stray piece of furniture.

Ginny ran over to Hermione and fell to her knees, sobbing. She turned to me, muttering the counter-curse.

With teary eyes, I also fell to my knees, watching Ginny mutter various healing spells.

I turned to look at Blaise, who was leaning over Pansy.

"She's not breathing" Blaise said, all of a sudden.

I heard Hermione, whimper once more before she lost consciousness.

Vote and comment;) *laughs evily*

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