Chapter 60=

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Hermione's pov:

I heard people speaking beside me, and felt my hand being gripped in another.

I opened my eyes and attempted to speak, but they rolled back in my head, as I lost consciousness once more.

I heard a voice whispering in my ear. "Please wake up Hermione, I need you." He whispered, leaving a kiss on my cheek, as I felt something hot dripping down my cheek.. tears.

My eyes fluttered open as I took a deep breath. I was in the hospital wing, and laying two beds down from me was Ron, fast asleep.

"Baby" Draco whispered, as my eyes flickered to him.

"Everything hurts" I whimpered.

Draco's eyes were red and teary, as he took a deep breath. "Ginny and Blaise, will want to see you." He said, getting up from the chair beside me.

I lay back, as I caught sight of my left arm. The skin was red and scrapped. I wondered if it would stay like that.

"Hermione" Ginny cried, running towards me.

She leaned over and kissed my head, she then took my hand. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I've been better" I smiled weakly.

"Madame Pomfrey will be here momentarily" She replied, squeezing my hand.

Blaise appeared on my other side, offering me a reassuring smile.

Draco on the other hand was watching us, looking absolutely beaten up.

"He blames himself" Blaise whispered, after seeing my gaze.

"It's Pansy's fault" I replied. "What happened to her?"

The two exchanged looks, but before they could answer, Madame Pomfrey arrived.

"How are you feeling, dear?" She asked, handing me a glass of water.

"My arms sting, as well as my face" I said, not bearing to think how I looked right now.

"Professor Mcgonagall will be here to see you soon, certain things must be discussed" She replied. "Alone.."

"Do we really have to go?" Ginny whined.

"Headmaster's orders" She replied, as the three groaned.

"We'll see you after" Ginny promised.

"Bye 'Mione" Blaise said, affectionately.

Draco offered me a sad smile, before leaving the room, the other two following.

What was wrong with Draco?


Professor Mcgonagall arrived a few minutes later, and took a seat at the end of my bed.

"I'm so sorry this has happened to you" She replied, her eyes glassy.

"What happened to Pansy?" I asked, my eyes flickering to Ron.

"First you have to know, it wasn't your fault. You used the knockback jinx, knocking her back into a table. She hit her head, and was killed instantly" Mcgonagall said, looking at me her eyes full of pity.

My mouth dropped open. I killed Pansy. It was self defence, would I be expelled?

"I didn't" I gasped.

"Your not in trouble, Hermione" She replied. "Mr. Weasley was under the imperius curse. In a way, Pansy was lucky she was killed. She would have been sent to Azkaban."

"I'm a terrible person" I sobbed.

"It was self defence, Ms, Granger" Mcgonagall said, trying to make me feel better.

"Her blood is on my hands" I cried.


Draco's pov:

I will never forget that night. It was all because of me. All my fault....

I'll never forgive myself.

"It's not your fault" Ginny told me, after leaving the hospital wing.

"Yeah mate, its really not" Blaise agreed.

"Don't tell me it's not, I'm bad news. How anyone can near me right now is unbelievable" I replied, coldly.

"Hermione knows who's fault it was" Ginny said. "Nobody blames you, Draco."

"I blame myself, she almost got killed" I cried.

"You need to be there for her, not blaming yourself" Blaise said.

"Can I talk to you guys?" A voice asked.

We turned around, to see Alexis.

"NO" Ginny snapped.

"It's extremely important" She said with pleading eyes.

"Fine" I replied.

She took a deep breath. "Pansy was my sister.." Alexis said surprising us all.

"No way" Ginny scoffed.

"It's true and Ginny I have nothing against you. Pansy made me kiss Blaise" She replied, shocking us again.

"How?" Blaise asked.

"She threatened me, I've always hated her" Alexis frowned.

"So you don't like Blaise?" Ginny asked.

"Definitely not, you see I'm a lesbian" She smiled, making our mouths drop open.

Hey guys! Vote and comment!!! And the winner of the One-shot competition is:

@Dramione_4_lyf congratulations!!!!

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