One-shot winner!

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The winner of the one-shot competition!!!! Enjoy;) here's the one shot!

Hermione checked herself in the mirror one more time. She smoothed out the non-existent wrinkles on her red knee length, spaghetti strap dress. She twirled a lock of her brown hair with her finger. She was wearing her hair out. She moved onto make up. Once satisfied with her make up and appearance, she grabbed her clutch and walked down to the Heads common room, the one she shared with head boy.

Speaking of the head boy, she looked around and couldn't see him anywhere. She sighed to herself, she couldn't help but feel a bit of regret. He must of already left. Why, you ask, does she feel regret? Well because Hermione Granger had caught the hots for the head boy. And who, you ask, is the head boy? The head boy was none other then the spoilt brat, badass extraordinaire Draco Malfoy. As hard as it was for her to admit it, she had been crushing on the head boy since they moved into the heads dormitory together, which was about 2 months prior.

As much of a ferret he was, he was a hot ferret, she couldn't deny that. His cold demeanour always seemed to bring her crumbling down though. 

She could always feel him staring at her at dinner but when she turned around to address him, he was either eating or talking to his Slytherin friends. 

He would never say a word to her other then to remind her for her rounds. He would never give her a second look, whatever the occasion and it made her feel tossed aside. Not that he knew of her feelings anyway.

He had matured over the years and no longer made the golden trio's lives a misery. 'He has also filled out nicely' a voice in the back of her mind said. 

It was true though. He still had his pale complexion but it had more colour then it did before.

His platinum blond locks would always be out and messy, making him look incredibly cute. 

His stormy grey eyes were still cold but held more happiness and warmth then they did before.

He had aristocratic and angular features, which was like the cherry on top.

But Hermione couldn't even begin to describe his body. The body half the girls in Hogwarts swooned over. The body she would find herself thinking about in the middle of the night, knickers soaking wet.

Oh merlin, his body was nothing short of perfection. Perfectly toned and muscly arms. A defined torso. Legs shaped with a strong build, thighs nice and shaped from quiditch. And a tight arse. Not like she checked his arse out or anything...

Hermione could feel herself starting to pool in her knickers and heat starting to form in her core. She snapped out of her daze and glanced at the clock. Oh my! She was daydreaming about him for 10 minutes straight. She had to get to Slughorn's party! Hermione dashed out of the common room and ran to the party as fast as she could, well as fast as she could in high heels. 

She arrived at the party at scanned the room for a certain blond. Her amber eyes met grey ones. His eyes raked her body from a distance and he blinked slowly once before letting his jaw drop a fraction. Hermione couldn't help but feel a little...smug. He quickly recomposed himself and looked away, not daring to look at her again. He was wearing grey slacks, that outlined his well shaped legs, a white button down and a grey waistcoat, complimenting his eyes. She felt her heart drop a little when he looked away but tried to enjoy the rest of the Friday night party.

After partying and talking to the other guests for a while, Hermione got bored. She scanned the room again, looking for grey eyes. When she didn't find them, she frowned a bit. Her eyes fell on the door, where a flash of white-blond hair disappeared behind. She furrowed her eyebrows and walked to the door, she was going to follow him. 

"going so soon, my dear?" Professor Slughorn said, blocking the door. 

"yes sir, I'll be going now. I'm really tired" she lied, faking a yawn.

"oh, alright then. I hoped you enjoyed the party. Now hurry along and get some sleep" he said with a smile.

Hermione nodded and hurried out of the room. She looked around and walked down the corridor, trying to find him. She saw a glimpse of blond hair turn around the corner and quietly tiptoed to it. When she arrived, there was no one there. She let out an exasperated sigh when she couldn't see him.

she recognised the corridor she was in, and knew that the heads common room was only a minute away. She shrugged and started walking to it. When she arrived, she proceeded in walking to their shared bathroom, to freshen up.

Hermione froze in her tracks when she heard muffled noises coming from the bathroom. She knitted her eyebrows together in confusion and pressed her ear against the door. She could hear the noises but they were still muffled, she couldn't make out what the noises were. Hermione realised there was a muffliato charm placed on the door and stood back. She muttered the wandless counter spell and the spell faded. Erotic moans could be heard coming from the bathroom and she shivered all over.

Using another wandless spell, she silently unlocked the door. She peered in and the sight that met her, oh boy, was a sight to behold. Standing there, eyes shut tight in concentration, sweating and panting was none other then Draco Malfoy, masturbating. Her eyes widened and the throb in her core came back with full force. Every fibre in her being told her to go while she could and forget the whole episode. She trailed her eyes down his body and came to a stop at his impressive manhood. All thoughts vanished and she licked her lips unconsciously, eyes darkening with lust.

"Granger!" He cried. Hermione shivered all over because of his voice, the way it was so thick and sexy. But then Hermione stood frozen to the spot, had he seen her? She looked at him but instead of looking at her, his eyes were still shut in concentration and he came onto his hand. Hermione's eyes widened. Did he just..? He did, he called her name while coming.

Her eyes widened and she tried retreating when suddenly the door creaked! His head snapped to the door and his eyes widened. "Shit" was the first word he said. She stood, rooted to the spot. She could make out all the different emotions in his silvery grey eyes. Fear, shock, nervousness, embarrassment and a bit of... lust? Her eyes moved downwards and came to a halt on his member. He must've realised the direction of the witches gaze and tried zipping his trousers up. But before her mind talked some sense into her, Hermione walked inside the bathroom and strutted over to him.

She grabbed the wrist of his hand which was frantically trying to pull up his zipper. His head snapped up to her. "What the hell are you do-" he started. Hermione bought his semen covered hand up to her mouth and licked one of his fingers. His breath hitched and he watched her with disbelief as she took one of his fingers into her hot mouth. He felt his cock stir as he watched her lapping at his finger seductively. 

'He tastes delicious' was her first thought.

'is this really happening? Is Hermione really licking my cum off my finger or is this just another fantasy?' was his first thought.

Keeping eye contact, Hermione used her finger and stroked his, now erect, cock. Draco's eyes widened and he nearly fell. He gripped Hermione's shoulders for balance. Hermione smirked at his reaction and stroked his length again. He whimpered, holding back a moan. Slowly, she got down on her knees. 

Draco's mouth dropped. Was she..? He was proven right when she ran her tongue along his length. He gasped out loud and shivered. A blush was staring to creep to his cheeks and his eyes were dark with lust. 

She swiped her tongue over the tip of his cock, tasting his pre cum and was delighted when it twitched. Hermione looked up at him innocently before taking the tip of his length into her mouth. He hissed and let out an involuntary moan. 

She worked her way up his cock, from the tip to the hilt, deep throating him. Draco groaned as he felt his cock hit the back of her throat. He gripped her hair, trying not to hurt her. She gave him a vicious suck and he moaned loudly, arching his back against the wall. His lean hips thrust into her mouth involuntarily. 

Draco felt himself propelling towards the edge already. Hermione sucked hard, urging him to cum. "Hermione" he warned, acutely aware that he had called her by her first name. "I'm going to cum. Take your mouth away if you don't want to-" he was cut off when she started playing with his testicles and sucking his cock at the same time. Draco cried out in ecstasy and came into her mouth, hard and fast. Hermione swallowed easily and took her mouth off his cock. She stood up and brushed herself off when suddenly Draco pushed her up against the opposite wall.

He placed his hands on either side of her head, caging her in. "what was that for?" he asked her. Hermione cowered against the wall. "I-I don't know" she whispered.

"why did you suck my dick?" he asked her. He inched closer to her until his body was flush against hers. He licked the outer shell of her ear and she whimpered. He chuckled seductively. 

"I asked, what was that for sweet heart?" he whispered in her ear. He rubbed his nose against her neck, taking in her heavenly scent. 

"I really don't know" she whispered, her knickers getting wetter by the second. She tried with all her might to stop it but it wasn't working.

"then why did you do it?" he asked her with a husky voice. He enveloped her earlobe into his mouth and she let out a moan. 

"because... I heard you call my name when you came" she said, not daring to tell about her crush on him. He froze and she was worried that he would lash out on her or pretend that he didn't. But what he did next surprised he completely. 

"Its true. I'm crazy for you Hermione" he whispered in her ear. He looked into her warm brown eyes and pressed his lips onto hers, kissing her passionately. Her eyes widened with shock but she slowly started kissing him back. He bit her lip, asking for an entrance. She opened up and he immediately stuck his tongue in, exploring every inch of her. She slowly intertwined her tongue with his and they began a passionate fight for dominance.

Hermione let her hands wonder his body and slowly started taking his waist coat off. He broke the kiss and he looked into her eyes. "are you sure you want to do this? I mean-" he started but Hermione effectively cut him off by pecking his lips. "I'm crazy for you too babe" she whispered in his ear. He growled and smirked at her. "lets take this to my bedroom" he said. Hermione nodded and he lifted her up.

They walked to his bedroom and he layed her down on his bed. They both kicked their shoes off (and socks, for Draco). Hermione got off the bed and kissed him hungrily. She tore his waist coat off and started unbuttoning his shirt. She ripped his shirt off impatiently and gasped at the sight that met her. His body really was drool worthy. She caressed the V around his hips and he groaned. He quickly unzipped her dress and it fell on the floor, leaving her in her lingerie. 

"beautiful" he sighed. "just as I had imagined" he said, lust clouding his mind. Hermione felt her heart leap into her throat when he said that he fantasised about her. She quickly undid his trouser button, not needing to do the zip. His trousers fell to the ground and his boxers followed. Hermione wrapped her hand around his length and he groaned. He quickly undid her bra clasp and took it off. His breath hitched and he exhaled noisily. Hermione blushed and didn't meet his eyes. He hooked his fingers around her knickers and pulled them down.

He looked at her hungrily, lust present in his eyes. He let his finger stroke her slick opening. She was so wet. For him, he thought excitedly. He pushed a finger into her and smirked when she gasped. He added another finger and started pumping them in and out of her. She moaned as he used his expert fingers to pleasure her. Just as she was about to cum, he pulled his fingers out. She groaned with frustration but he just pulled her on to the bed. 

He rolled them over so he was on top of her. He positioned himself at her opening and just as she was about to say something, he pushed in. Hermione let out a shout of agony and Draco's eyes widened. 

"you're a virgin?" he asked her. Draco didn't want to hurt her, he was about to pull out when she spoke up.

"yes" she said, embarrassed. She blushed and looked away from Draco, gnawing at her lips as the pain continued to burn inside her. 

"Hey, don't be embarrassed. I'm glad to be your first. I was hoping to be for a long time" he admitted. He pressed a kiss on her throat.

"Really? But it didn't seem as if you liked me" she said.

"I was just afraid of being rejected" he sighed. He nibbled at her neck, leaving love bites. Hermione moaned as the pain subsided and it was replaced by pleasure.

"Draco, start thrusting" she ordered.

Draco smiled and started with gentle thrusts, not wanting to hurt her. But she slowly got impatient.

"Draco, thrust faster. Harder and faster" she commanded.

Draco happily gave into her demands and started thrusting into her powerfully. She moaned and panted while he groaned as her inner walls massaged his cock. He steadily increased the pace until he was almost slamming into her. They were both getting pushed over the edge and fast. "Draco I'm so close" she moaned.

"me too love" he said through gritted teeth. "lets cume together" he said.

With a shout of Draco's name, Hermione came all around his cock. Feeling her walls clench around him when she came, Draco came as well with a cry of ecstasy, filling her up with his cum. He pulled out of her and collapsed next to her, panting and tired. He pulled the covers over them both and pulled her close to his body.

"that was amazing" she said breathlessly.

"I agree" Draco sighed, tired.

"we should do this more often" she said wickedly.

"I agree" he laughed. Draco bit his lip, debating whether or not to ask her. "Hermione, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked her nervously.

Hermione smiled widely. "yes" she answered.

"next time you can do my wanking for me" he smirked.

"I agree" she said, opening a hooded eyelid. "I know I'm going to get a peaceful sleep tonight" she said.

"why is that?" he asked.

"because my fantasy has become true and wont haunt me anymore" she said.

Draco smiled, he agreed. "Good night 'mione" he yawned

"Goodnight my ferret"

Congratulations to @Dramione_4_lyf

I loved this so much!!!!
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