↳ Interview #14: Chante_Inge

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Award Winner: Chante_Inge

"Labiryth" -- won third place in the Young Adult category of SGA in May 2022.

Interviewer: CoffeeAndSilverInk

1) Could you introduce yourself? Tell me how long you've been on WP, and what made you interested to be a WP writer/start writing here?

Chante_Inge: I've been on Wattpad for about 3 years now. I've felt inspired by the books I've read and questioned myself, 'Why can't I write something that would make people feel something?' And that's how it started.

2) You participated in the Savant Awards in May 2022 and the book you entered "One After Another", won 2nd place in Horror/Thriller. How did you feel about it when you heard the announcement? Was this your first time winning a contest?

Chante_Inge: I've felt ecstatic. Surreal to be honest. I've entered a few contest prior, but this was the first one that I actually achieved something at. I really wasn't nervous. To be honest I was just excited for more feedback on my work.

3) What are some other awards or contests you took part in? What are your views about participating in these events generally? Did you enjoy them?

Chante_Inge: There is honestly too many to mention at the top of my head, but I recently participated in the Philosopher Awards 2022 (one of the many). I see award competitions as a constructive feedback system. I really do enjoy them.

4) Was there any particular reason for participating in TSG? xD

Chante_Inge: I saw the promotion for the awards in the RGC and decided to try my luck.

5) How was your experience in when writing Labyrinth? Was it an easy process? Which parts did you struggle with the most?

Chante_Inge: It is my first decently planned book. Sure I make changes along the way, but it is really fun writing out the lives of its characters. Since I created the personalities and the journeys I want to take these characters on before I started officially writing it, I would say it is easier to stay inspired by the writing process. I tend to find it a bit hard for the hospital scenes, because I personally rather stay away from hospitals, but nonetheless I love writing the book.

6) Would you call yourself a Pantser, Plotter or a Plantser? (If you're not clear what they mean basically a Pantser is a writer who wings it, while a Plotter plots out the details, and a Plantser is both)

Chante_Inge: I'll go with Plantser. I have the important events plot out, but add in new events along the way.

7) How do you feel about your current book?

Chante_Inge: I love it so far, but changes can always be brought to the table. One is never truly done editing until the work is published traditionally.

8) What was one thing you enjoyed the most while participating in TSG? Or one thing you disliked?

Chante_Inge: I honestly can't find anything wrong. You've done what you said would be done and it was a fair competition. In my opinion nothing can top a fair competition.

9) What do you think would help WP writers, other than hosting awards? Do you think you would be receptive to the notion that a community book that contains writing advice? Would you read something like that? >.<

Chante_Inge: Honestly this is not something that could be done by communities, but it would have been nice if Wattpad can install a rating system for writers to add to their books if they would like to get ratings, which I really do. I do love the idea of writing advice, but I'm in a notion of doing whatever the hack I feel like so I personally wouldn't be bothered, but would love to contribute some kind of knowledge from my own experiences. There is a 50/50 chance of me reading something like that. I'm all about authenticity and therefore I'm not going to go off people's guidance, but rather build my book from the reviews and comments I get on it.

10)Do you have any future projects in mind? Anything you want to talk about?

Chante_Inge: I've signed a few contracts with online platforms, trying to make something out of this passion I've found in writing. So for the future I do have planned a few sequels following LABYRINTH and its leading characters.I'll be striving to become the next Anna Todd or Robert Thier in the industry of writing and entertainment.

11) Are you comfortable with us posting the interview responses and questions?

Chante_Inge: If it can be motivation for other to pursue their dreams, then I'm saying yes.

It's been lovely being interviewed by you Astrid.

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