↳ Interview #15: MiniMoxx

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Award Winner: MiniMoxx

"Fragmented Lies" -- won second place in the Mystery category of SGA in May 2022.

Interviewer: LadyInLostYearn

1) You participated in the Savant Awards in May 2022 and the book you entered won. How did you feel about it when you heard the announcement? Was this your first time winning a contest?

MiniMoxx: It felt so so amazing! It's not the first contest I've won, but honestly if i ever do come out as a winner, it's a shock and amazing. I'm probably the person who least believes in my writing, so to ever get any good praise feels so surreal and amazing!

Lily: I understand the feeling *:bigtears: emoji*

2) Do you think the SG Awards have helped you in your writing journey?

MiniMoxx: It definitely did! The feedback I got was taken on board and helped during the next lot of editing i did - so i hope the story is even better now than before!

3) Was there any particular reason for participating in TSG?

MiniMoxx: I'd heard about the community before, so i thought joining in with a decent, reliable community would help me gain feedback for my story - and luckily it did!

4) How was your experience when writing it? Was it an easy process? Which parts did you struggle with the most?

MiniMoxx: Most of the story was easy to write. I usually get so invested in my worlds, and this one was no different. I did take a month break from it for NaNoWriMo at the time, so a part of my creative juices got lost for this one, but once i brought it back after a while, it became easy again. I got sucked into the story so so easily 🤣

Lily: Ooo got it *:chaos: emoji*

5) How do you feel about your current book?

MiniMoxx: I am loving my current book. It's become an obsession 🤣 I think about it all the time, and where i'm going with it. I'm also writing something else on the side ready for when this current one has finished which i'm slowly becoming obsessed with too. Writing for me is all encompassing. It's taken me a while to feel like this about writing again, so i'm really happy 🤣

6) How do you go about plotting your story? Or maybe you don't plot at all?

MiniMoxx: I'm more of a plantser. So i'll always have a rough outline of a plot and a few ideas for chapters here and there, but mainly i just let the plot go. Usually I'll write whatever comes to my head. Once I get to the final 10 chapters, i'll start plotting each chapter out till the end, but even that might change as I write 🤣

7) What keeps you to continue writing?

MiniMoxx: I have so many stories to tell! My brain is so overactive 🤣 My hiatus was mainly due to doing my degree (which is in creative writing) and getting married/having a family so i was writing on and off during that time, but coming back to Wattpad has forced me back into my writing every day routine, which has done me the world of good. Writing for me is relaxing and an escape ♥️

8) What sort of tips/advice do you have to fellow writers out there who are seeking inspiration to write?

MiniMoxx: Write and read - lots! It sounds so simple, but honestly, just writing is the best thing you can do. You can always edit something thats on a page - you can't edit nothing. My life is so busy these days, so i write whenever i can. Sometimes even for just fifteen minutes, getting a scene down is better than nothing. And making notes is so important otherwise I'd forget what i'm doing half the time!

9) Last question! Are you comfortable with us posting the interview responses and questions?

MiniMoxx: Of course! thats fine with me ♥️

Lily: Okie dokie! Thank you for time and I hope to see you around our community again

MiniMoxx: Thank you so much!

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