↳ The Ideologies of Monique's Brain

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Welcome to the interview of one of SG's most important members. MoniTheTigerEmpress is an admin and reviewer who always has the community's back when we most need. Today we'll chat a bit about her experience as a writer.

Interviewer: CoffeeAndSilverInk

Astrid: Hi! How are you?

Moni: Heya! Apart from my feet killing me im good 😂

Astrid: Great!

So my first question is what brought you to Wattpad?

Moni: Well I mean, one day I was bored and somehow discovered Wattpad then decided to make an account for fun aaaand the rest is history 😂

Astrid: From that to ambassador it was quite a leap. Why did you want to be an ambassador? Is it worth it?

Moni: I didn't have any big reasons but I've wanted to be one for like two years now and i figured i'd give it a go. I love what I do so i'd say its worth it 😂

Astrid: What is it that you do?

Moni: So my part is Paid Sentiment!

Astrid: For us, dummies, would you elaborate on that?

Moni: So it's pretty much where we moderate (in a way) the paid stories so like if there are questions about the paid program we answer them, we look to see what type of comments these stories are getting, any new comments if at all and such.

Astrid: Oh that is very interesting.

But going back to you, why don't you tell us a little about your new ONC project?

Moni: So my ONC project is called The Royal Assassin. It follows our main girl Jade Snow who is known in the underworld as Sapphire Bullseye. She is the most feared assassin known in the city. For one of the main missions she must assassinate the prince. In the end things will either go well for her, or blow up 😂

Astrid: Oooo I definitely have to check that out.

But this is not your first ONC project. In fact you've got 3 projects for ONC 2022. How did you even manage to do so much?

Moni: Honestly? I didn't and i struggled 🤣

I do not recommend it

Astrid: You didn't finish them?

Moni: Nope 😂

got half way through and gave up

Astrid: *inserts SG :pandaderp: emote*

Happens to the best of us

Why 3? Why not just stick to the first?

Moni: I dunno 😂 crazy Moni at the time thought she had all the time in the world.

Astrid: I struggle with that too *inserts :pandaderp: again*

Nowadays I try to write a book at a time and not start many WIPs at the same time

"Unknown Creatures" is your most successful book. How did you come up with it?

Moni: When I wrote the original of Unknown Creatures I had no idea what I was doing so I just wrote it however but after my hiatus I took the time to think of what I wanted and the characters and yeah, kept the base idea the same.

I guess I write whatever my brain comes up with 😂

I guess with all my stories i have no really way of how i came up with them apart from my brain nagging me to write them

Hence why I have so many projects on the go rn 😂

Astrid: So you'd say you are a pantser?

Moni: Yep 😂 unless on the very rare occasion i have ideas to plan something out but that is just 0.0001% of the time.

Astrid: What is one advice you'd give to writers?

Moni: I have so many but either 'Write one project at a time and finish it first" or "your first draft does not need to be perfect. Just write!"

Astrid: That's really good advice. Especially the second one. A lot of people want their first drafts to be perfect and then end up in a spiral of self loathing when it isn't.

You've been part of TSG since March 2021 and since then have been an active management member. What brought you to TSG and what made you stay?

Moni: The community seemed really nice so I figured I'd give it a go. I guess I stayed because everyone was so lovely and helpful and just answered all my questions! *inserts nitro :bun_silly: emote*

Astrid: What is the toughest part of the job? Being a reviewer or an admin?

Moni: I... Well both have their challenges, but i'd say a reviewer cause you have people who do not do payment then expect you to do their review without payment (it ain't how it goes mate, go do your damn payment) and then also being worried about wording and not wanting to hurt the requestee 😂 but i love both jobs though.

Astrid: Well This is all from me. I'll open the floor for the others.

Inventor questions

Devian: Would you think you would go back to finish writing those ONCs?

Moni: I do. I'm currently trying to finish my onc last year Angels Vs Demons!

Devian: Do you think you might re-write it some time in the future? Or you're not planning to?

Moni: I'll probably edit the typos and stuff for it in the future when i complete it!

Devian: Ahh okay so not as drastic as changing the plot

Moni: nope

(Interview ends)

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