↳ Finding a Lady Lost in Yearn

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Welcome! In this interview we will chat with LadyInLostYearn about her writing journey in Wattpad and SG. Lily is The Oversight, responsible for overseeing SGM and everything we do here. She also holds the roles of judge and reviewer.

Interviewer: CoffeeAndSilverInk

Astrid: Thank you for coming. How are you doing?

Lily: I'm doing good for now.

Astrid: So, to begin I wanted to ask you what brought you to Wattpad

Lily: Uh. Haha! I initially didn't wanna join Wattpad at all. I made visual novels at first but that platform doesn't protect writers from plagiarism. Wattpad seems the safest bet for that security. Emphasise on the seem.

Astrid: Yeah I agree. It seems one of the most trustable apps and then you find your books in mirror sites *inserts SG :pandaderp:*

It pissed me off the first time I found a book of mine there, now I'm just used to it.

Lily: Yeah, understandable. I don't regret it because I met you guys.

Astrid: It's been almost 2 years since you joined Wattpad. Have you achieved any goals you had when you joined?

Lily: I... actually don't have goals in it? I mean I join awards to expose my works out there. When I win, AMAZING. When I don't, c'est la vie. Regarding numbers, they can lie sometimes.

But hmm...

When I saw a person who added my book to 'therapeutic' booklist, that's when I'm happiest.

I think my goal is that. In wattpad, my books haven't reached out to many, but if they do, I hope the readers would feel that way too.

Astrid: That's a great mindset, specially when we happen to lose awards *cries in a corner*

Lily: There there 🫂

Astrid: Having someone adding your book to a reading list named something like that must be one of the best feelings.

I once had a book added to a list named Bin of pain.

*cries in a corner again*

Lily: Holy shit.

Astrid: Ok but yours is like the best goal. Most writers are just on it to be famous and ect. Being able to reach someone's feelings and make them feel good is for sure the best goals.

Lily: Yeah... I mean it's a slippery slope to be hung up on numbers. I'm not immune to it, so I did feel conflicted about popularity. But I gotta ask myself always: Will I be satisfied after many numbers? No. It'll be a black hole.

Astrid: When did you start writing and why?

Lily: I mentioned this reason few times on multiple servers HAHA.

I started writing because I was so tired with popular tropes and trends regurgitated on the front pages. I had to search and dig for hidden gems. Dig for my fave tropes, in hopes I find something new. Was so frustrated until I make my own stories. They're not perfect, but they are to me. To my liking.

It all started around 2020 btw. You can imagine how miserable I was.

Astrid: We were all miserable in 2020 don't worry.

I think I wrote about 4 story in that year.

All shit.

Lily: But cathartic?

Astrid: For me, yes.

Lily: That's all that matters :D

Astrid: What are your plans for the AyeKaySeries?

Lily: There will five books in total. Another three will be like spin-offs. I don't know why I'm reaching high lol. I don't gain any money from this.

Okay, well I do gain something but not something tangible or seen.

Astrid: Damn it Lily I haven't even read the first *inserts :pandaderp: again*

Tell us about Damnation Of Devotion. What was your inspiration and what was the process of creating it?

Lily: And no pressure! 😂 If you stop halfway even, I'd understand. It's not everyone's cup of tea.



I made its sequel first, Sins In Cirque. Damnation of Devotion was initially a prequel (or perhaps still is, I don't mind either way). When I write SiC, I felt something is missing. The story was set in the real world and the romance was realistic too. But I felt their romance could be grander and bittersweet and magical. That's where DoD came in.

I have fascination about intangible world, and spirits came to mind first. Ngl, I was tempted to do Deity x Human at first because it's what everyone is doing. But I think the power imbalance didn't fit right with this couple, so I scrapped it off. And I'm super happy with that decision lol

Astrid: What do you think are your weaknesses and strengths in writing?

Lily: Haih.... Weakness: Grammar and choppy flow. Strengths? Subtexts and connecting dots. I think. HAHAHA

Astrid: Do you have any tips for new writers?

Lily: Don't... care too much of what your target audience might like or not like. If you're aiming for big bucks, go straight ahead, no judgement here. But if you're dreaming big but just started, don't fall into traps of pleasing everybody. Don't fall into traps of expecting people will flock over and stay just because you promote your works. Don't fall for numbers.

Prioritise your love for your works first or you will feel unsatisfied no matter what, despite how many reads or awards you have won. I don't know if these are considered tips 😂

Astrid: They are. They're motivational tips.

What made you join SG?

Lily: I asked Haize actually HAHA.

I was searching for good communities at first since I found some... unfit ones. He recommended SG and a few others.

Astrid: What is one thing you like and one thing you dislike abt SG?

Lily: What I dislike? When certain staffs, ex-staffs, and even people outside take advantage on how forgiving or lenient SG could be. Like? The immediate familiarity. Reminds me so much of my old college club. Really, the like and dislike totally parallel the club, it's uncanny.

Did I mention the club president, who is also like a big brother to me, is ENFJ? I did and I'm mentioning it again lol

Astrid: Juls is ENFJ?

I thought she was INTP like me *inserts SG :bigtears:*

Lily: *hits Astrid with SG :chappal: emoji*

Astrid: ok ok

Last question

Do you eat raw onions?

Lily: YES

Astrid: Good for you.

Thank you for joining me today.

Lily: And thank you for choosing me to be interviewed *inserts :catblush:*

Inventor questions

Devian: will you be doing a Deity x Human in the probable future? (After all DoD gave me those vibes, and I had to say I really liked the spirit take)

Lily: Spoiler alert: More like toned down Deity(?) x Human because I'm still not fond with power imbalance lol. But I hope that's okay. The Deity in mention is Barad, whose soul was supposed to be Ki and Aht's child, but born as Kai's half-brother instead. Barad will have a normal, human love interest, a psychic Tamil lady.

And I'm glad you liked the take ☺️

Devian: ohh demi-deity?

Lily: Somewhat. A kid likened Kai as sunset while Aida as sunrise energy-wise. She sensed Barad was the sun turned into moon

Devian: oh this is rly interesting!

Lily: There's a lot of going on in that series. Elementals, pulsar painting, old spirit friends, heists, generational traumas, etc. Too many things haha.

(interview ends)

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