↳ The Sighting of Comet Ria

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This interview will be starring CoffeeAndSilverInk, a reviewer, interviewer, manager, admin and moderator of the server. A true plotter, Astrid loves coffee, apple pie and Julia Laone. She's an anti-romantic who writes mostly romance.

Interviewer: LadyInLostYearn

Lady: Mic 1 2 3. No pressure if you read this, Ria.

I'm free today, so you tell me or join in straightaway any time now.

Astrid: Well I'm bored on a bus home so fire away.

Lady: *inserts SG :bearswag: emoji* I hope you're doing okay now with enough rest and anxiety has lessened. Since you answered a lot in your other interview as a winner, there are less questions. If you have answered one of these in the past, let me know.

I saw that you first joined SG around 2021 and heard that it was by mistake. Would you mind elaborate on what had happened?

Astrid: Oh that... Well, I wanted to join a community, though I was quite unsure about handling responsibilities, and I was going through the ones I knew, reading their community books and all of that. There was this one that hadn't left the best impression on me review wise, which mattered a lot since I was going to be a reviewer, but they had a lot of perks for members. When I finally decided which one I wanted, I chose that one, but in the mix I accidentally filled the form for TSG instead. Best mistake ever.

Lady: Happy accidents like Bob Ross used to say *inserts SG :catblush: emoji* I'm glad you found this too. Why stay loyal to the SG? This was your first time but there are other communities with friendly faces eventually. What makes SG different from the rest? Aside from Julia hehe

Astrid: Can't I just say Julia? *inserts SG :bigtears-1: emoji*

Lady: No *inserts SG :chappal: emoji*

Astrid: Tbh I didn't plan on staying here for long. When I realised the mistake I thought I was just gonna stick around to gain experience and then I'd be out. If you dig a little you'll see back in the day I only interacted to send reviews in.

Then Fathii and Juls threw me a party. Then I met Julia. And then Dana. And suddenly I was very active and interacting with a lot of people. Suddenly Julia was green and I wanted to keep up. And the thought of leaving was no longer there. I was too involved to get out. I loved it too much to get out.

I think it was the dynamic of this community, and perhaps the fact that I became a centre piece to it that made me stay. And yes, I know that there are more communities out there, I've been in some, but nothing is like TSG. My friends are here and therefore so is my loyalty. (See, it was Julia.)

Of course since then there have been many incidents that made me want to leave, and affected my mental health, but I refuse to let that ruin the friendships I made.

Lady: I understand you wholeheartedly. TSG reminds me of an English club I joined back then, the pros and cons. I guess that's why I'm familiar with this community so fast. Have you ever thought of officially publishing your works in future? No matter if they're self-publishing or traditional publishing.

Astrid: Sometimes I do. Not now though. I have a lot to improve still. Even if my writing and character development are my fortes, plot wise I think I still have a lot to learn. I still have to punch someone in the gut and I haven't. Plus grammar ain't perfect. But yeah, I guess someday I'd like to see my books on shelves.

Lady: What is your weakness in writing? And what is your strength that you're most proud of?

Astrid: I'll have to say the creation of characters. I spend a lot of time crafting them and thinking them through. My weakness is probably the grammar aspect. English is my 2nd language so sometimes I get some stuff wrong and after a while reading the same chap over and over again even the misspellings start to look right.

Lady: I relate to those last words so hard :') Which one of your works that you hold the closest to your heart and why?

Astrid: That would have to be Boundless. It was my very first book, the one that made me realize I liked writing. It's not just the one I am most proud of, but because the original version (the cringe one) was born of a daydream of a life in uni, away from my annoying classmates in 9th grade. So far, life in uni ain't like that, but the point still stands.

Lady: What things have you learnt from SG that better you as a person and writer?

Astrid: Don't reply to stubborn people who are looking for trouble? That one was Juls who taught me. As a person I don't think I grew that much, but as a writer, I know SG was fundamental to make me a more dedicated writer. The threat of Reado Raiders* happening with me made me want to make the best version ever of my books. And channels like writing discussions was also a great help. But in someways I believe I became dependent of sprints to write.

On another note, I'd just like to add that TSG had also it's part in making me keep writing.

I started when I was 14 and I never intended to go to uni as a writer. I had 4 years to put everything I wanted out and then I'd give it all up. Turns out I can't and I blame TSG for making me so involved in the writing life. As kids say, it's not a phase, it's a lifestyle *inserts SG :kannasip: emoji*

Lady: Thank you for your time, miss Ria. I had a great time understanding you deeper *inserts SG :catblush: emoji* I hope you will have a good rest.

Astrid: It was great talking to you *inserts SG :cheer: emoji*

(Inteview Ends)

*Reado Raiders is a server event and a future SGM column that works like a book club. Astrid's book was read and discussed by the members

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