◇●The Blame Game●◇

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Sliding a twenty across the desk, Zoya took her change and slipped it into her back pocket. Her shoulders ached from the weight of Abir's arm still slung over them as if they were something he had the right to rest upon, sliding out from beneath his hold, she crossed her arms in a protective manner, lifted her chin and huffed loudly to show her annoyance.

His brows joined at the way she turned slyly on her heel to grab a bag of candyfloss "I don't remember anyone asking for that".

As if caught stealing something, her jaw tightened and her body angled into a defensive position like she'd never stepped out of it before. It suited her, but being on the defence for that long had to be harmful. "Maybe I wanted it, is that an issue for you?"

"No" he frowned. "Except that you looked over at Aditya before you picked it up, so using my ever powerful skills I've decided you bought it for him" his grin was smug.

Pulling a face, she scoffed "And why would I do that?"

"Because and maybe I'm mad" he shrugged, "But I think you have a soft spot for him, you can't stay this cold forever, freeze your own heart if you must but know he isn't the kind of person to let you die like that, you accused him of craving death, while that wasn't wrong, that doesn't mean you were right, you said he would die for people not because he cared, but because he wants to die" his head shook in despair. "If you can't see it now then you never will, but that man will die for you over and over again because that is who he is, he isn't in this fight for him, he's in it for people like you who lost the light in their eyes". Abir hadn't come with her to pry into her personal life or annoy her, but he had questions he desperately needed answering and unfortunately, she was the only person who could provide that which he sought.

Zoya dropped her gaze, her right hand absently stroking her opposite arm "I didn't" she rolled her lips, tongue in her cheek till it hurt. "Look, I didn't mean to hurt him, I never mean to, to hurt anyone, it's just".

He nodded "It's just that you're so used to people hurting you so you get there first" it wasn't a question, it didn't need to be. "This kind of work is lonely, I have my best friend and you have your sister, but no one really knows of the demons we fight every day, you don't know his, Zoya, but he has them, just like you do".

"I know" she whispered mournfully, "I know".

"Talking about demons" he looked around to ensure no one was listening then stepped closer. "Mishti told me while high that she was married as a child" he stopped, fist-clenching at the pain in her eyes when she'd said it.

"That really is none of your business" Zoya stepped back. She knew what was coming, he'd jump straight to blaming her, asking her how she could've possibly let it happen if she was there?

"It may not be, but she is my partner and I want to help if I can".

"You can't" she snapped, grabbing the stuff before turning away and walking fast back to her sister.

"Urgh," he groaned, hand running down his face. He really hadn't gone about that the right way, but he wouldn't give up, not until he knew what happened all those years ago.

Aditya was just in the middle of teaching Mishti how to make daisy chains when a very flustered looking Zoya threw a bag at him and fell to the ground a few feet away from him. "Um," he hitched up a brow, "Thanks?"

"Aw," Mishti pouted, "Zoya, you broke my daisies" lying back, she covered her eyes with her hand. "That took me ages" jumping back up, she giggled "Hey, that rhymed, I'm a poet" she shook her hips, "And don't I know it?"

"Candyfloss" he grinned then moved to sit beside her. "You really know the way to my heart". Noticing her hard expression, he looked between the duo that had just returned then settled on her "You okay?"

"Yes," she bit out. "I think I'm going to head home, Mish, you can stay if you like".

"Mi, Mi, don't leave me" he grabbed her ankles, begging on his knees upon the wet grass with drama spewing from his lips.

"Heyyy, Aditya is a poet too" she high fived his awaiting hand. "I promise we'll do a poem duel when I see you next, but Zoya's kinda my ride" she smiled politely. "Bye Abir".

Aditya chuckled behind his hand "Big Abir or little Abir this time?" Winking, he brushed his trousers.

"Haww" her jaw dropped. "I have no idea what you're on about" her cheeks reddened beneath the men's scrutinizing eyes. "Anyway, bye, see you". Tucking her hand underneath her sister's arm, she rested her cheek on her shoulder "I like Aditya, he's funny, what did you think of Abir? He's odd but hot, right?" She jumped around next to her.

"Hm" her eyes focused on the ground.

"Are you even listening to me?" Her hand rested on her hip. Not getting a response, she smirked: "Aditya said he likes you, likes you". If that wouldn't get a reply then what would?


Throwing her head back, Mishti dragged her to a stop causing Zoya to look befuddled "You aren't listening to meeee, what's wrong?"

She shook her head sadly "Nothing, come on".

"No, there is" Mishti placed a hand on each of her arms, "Talk to me". She hadn't seen her look this worried in a while and the last time hadn't ended well, in fact, it had led to some of the worst months she'd ever been a part of.

"Do you blame me for not stopping the wedding?" She had never asked before, the blame game wasn't something she enjoyed to play and neither did her younger sister, but somewhere deep down she'd labelled herself the culprit, never being able to move forward from the past that held them down in rings that felt like shackles.

Her face paled at the mention of the unspoken event "Of course not, where is this coming from, Zoya?"

"Nowhere" she laughed sadly, wiping away her tears, "Nowhere, just forget I said it".

But Mishti wasn't so sure she ever would.


Leila tightened her dressing gown in a huff "Alright, alright, I'm coming" she paused to look at her face in the mirror, "Well, not literally, these wrinkles come and then I don't" old age was a sad reality for some, unfortunately, she just happened to fall into that category. Another knock almost made her jump out of her skin "For goodness sake, how impatient, I said I was-" she fell silent at the sight of a red-eyed Zoya with tear streaks over her cheek.

Sniffling, she took a deep breath "Can I come in?"

Nodding, she stepped out of the way. "Something alcoholic?"

"Please" the second her fingers wrapped around the glass, the liquid disappeared down her scratchy throat.

"Has something happened?"

"Nothing new" she dabbed at her eyes with a tissue. "But I" her head shook, "I think I found Mishti's husband".

"What? Where? How did you find him?" Pulling her into a seat, she cupped her cheek "Did he hurt you? Did he hurt Mishti?"

"No" her voice cracked, "I didn't notice it before, but he was right in front of my eyes, I could never forget his eyes after all this time and now I know why" her hand shook as she pulled out a photo from her jacket pocket.

Leila gasped, long nails scratching her lips as she looked at the two eyes before her "No, no it can't be".

But it was.

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