◇●The Fetish Charade Game●◇

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Pushing her palms backwards into the soft grass, her ankles crossed. Sighing loudly, Zoya hung her head back so the curls of her hair tickled her bare shoulders when the sunlight caressed her jawline. "Sure feels good to have a day off, right?"

Eating one of the grapes from the handful on her lap, Mishti nodded "If I see Leila never again it will be too soon" she giggled, of course, she was joking, she'd always looked up to the woman who single-handedly brought down one of the finest drug mule operations to date, but due to her eccentric ways she often found herself in need of a few Leila free days. If she was honest, she wasn't sure if the years of working in such a traumatic job had effected her or if she'd just always been this crazy? All she knew was she didn't wish to see her without a cigarette ever again!

"Talking about Leila" she grabbed her phone from beside her, "She sent a text I assume is for us both".

"Oh wow," she snickered uncomfortably. "Never leaves anything to the imagination, does she?"

Typing back a response, she led back, placed her phone on her stomach and tucked her hands under her head "Where's the fun in that?" Feeling her phone buzz a multitude of times, she blinked through the haze to see clearer only to wish that the sun would have blinded her for a little longer when she did finally see the response.

"Doesn't she seem like the type to have weird fetishes?" Her brows waggled suggestively.

"Mishti!" Zoya exclaimed, peering over her shades. "I know where you're going with this".

"Aw," she huffed, hands smacking her thighs. "We have nothing better to do until they arrive, come on, please?" Pouting while fluttering her lashes, she clapped in excitement when her older sister sat up straight.

"Fine, but this is the one and only time this month" she warned- her younger sister had an obsession with this game for some odd reason, more so now since she'd met her partner who clearly wasn't the best influence. She reached for the deck of handmade cards sloppily written on a drunken evening, "Pick a letter".

"F" she bounced on her heels as she looked through the pack, "Okay, got one".

Part of being an agent meant you'd often see the weird and wonderful things of the world, today the best friend duo set their eyes on perhaps one of the most unsettling- Mishti caressing her barefoot and blowing kisses to it.

"What are you doing?"

Squealing as she turned, her cheeks heated "Oh, we're playing a game" Mishti smiled widely.

"And that game involves stroking your foot because?" Abir's brows joined in the middle of his forehead.

"It's the Fetish Charade Game" Zoya waved politely at them both. "The opposite person picks a letter, then out of the possible fetishes beginning with that letter one is chosen and the other person must act as if they have that fetish". She shrugged "We were bored waiting for you guys".

"Oh, that's definitely our kind of game" Aditya bopped down beside her. "Did you make it up?"

"We did, we were drunk".

"I'll be on Zoya's team" Aditya winked at her.

"There isn't teams on-" she fell silent at his glare, "Fineee". Alright, so it wasn't the worst thing to happen and if she put up too much of a fight he'd only get offended again and for some dumb reason that bothered her more than it should have. "It's foot fetish, Mish".

"Your turn" falling beside her soon to be partner in crime, she looked up expectingly "Pick a letter".

"I" Aditya shouted. "Come on, Zoya" he pulled her up while she groaned in annoyance. Surfing through the pack, his eyes shone with devious mirth "Got one" then without any warning he turned and smacked his hand harshly on her ass.

"OUCH" she rubbed her backside, lips in a firm scowl. "What the fuck was that for?"

"Impact play" Abir looked between them. "I assume you picked that on purpose".

"You assume right" he sat back down, a look on his face that reminded the others of a cat who'd got the cream.

"You'll pay for that later" Zoya shook her finger at him, how dare he hit her like that?

Moving toward her ear, he lowered his voice to a purr "I look forward to it, baby".

Elbowing him in the stomach, she grinned when he fell forward "Whoops" her hand covered her mouth, "Hope it lived up to your expectations".

"Oh you little-".

Mishti's excitement cut him off. "Oh, oh, I know this one, is it sadism?" She screamed loudly in question.

"Mishti" Abir began, head shaking, "They aren't still playing the game, they had their turn".

"Oh" her mouth formed a perfect O, "But I thought".

"I think we've learned it's better when you don't think" he wasn't joking, she seemed the type to make things worse when her mouth opened- so good luck to him when he finally got her into the bedroom, sure her mouth could open wide enough, but was he ready for the implications of the mess she'd surely make? He thought not.

"HEY" she nudged him harshly with her arm causing him to almost fall forward like his best friend. "You're so rude!"

"Ha ha," Zoya high fived her as she doubled over in laughter. "That will teach you both".

"Consider the lesson taught" they both fell back dramatically.


"N" Abir took the pile. They'd all been playing for quite a while now, but each turn just made it more fun so they'd decided to continue. He was happy to see Mishti away from work, she was still just as cute and odd, a very special breed of dog if he did say so himself.

"No, we can't do that" Mishti smacked her cheeks, "That's disgusting".

Raising a brow, he poked his tongue out "You scared?" He enjoyed teasing her more than he'd ever admit.

Putting her hands on her hips, she glowered up at him "I am NOT scared" grabbing his face, she licked his nose then shoved him away before wiping her sleeve on her tongue "Bleh, bleh, bleh". The things one had to do for a game.

"Nose fetish" Aditya pointed to his nose.

"Yes, but what is the proper name?"

"How the fuck are we meant to know that?" He turned to Zoya, "Any ideas?"

"Nasolingus" she looked down at her nails as if they were the most interesting thing on earth.

"I'm not even gonna bother to ask how you know that" he shuddered in disgust.

"I don't have a nose fetish, Aditya, I've just played this game before" looking at him oddly, she jumped up. "I'm going to get a drink, anyone want anything?"

"Yeah I'll have a-".

"Not you" she interrupted the man sat beside her. "Abir, Mishti?"

"Actually" Abir rose to his feet so he was towering over her, "I'll join you, it's about time we got to know eachother".

Oh god, here we go. "Lucky me" she put a thumb up, her lips in a straight line.

"Indeed" he put an arm over her shoulder and yanked her to him so she nearly fell over. "So, Zo Zo, what turns you on?"

By the time Mishti tore her gaze away from them, she almost jumped out of her skin to see Aditya sat far too close next to her with a grin far too wide dancing on his face. Clearing her throat, she looked at him shyly "Yes?"

"So, Mi Mi, when's the last time you used those hands for something good?"

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