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Chloe was always envied by an ample number of girls in her school, and the Slytherin girl was well aware of it. In fact, she relished in the jealousy others had towards her. People being jealous of you meant that you were doing something right, and what baffled most people was how utterly likable she was. Chloe was undeniably breathtaking, and always held an intimidating aura, but with those that consider themselves blessed, she was a genuine friend, a kind face, a supportive soul, and a hilarious companion.

Chloe and Draco sauntered into the Great Hall, unashamedly making a grand entrance as they pushed open the massive double doors, and walking leisurely towards the Slytherin table, putting a temporary halt to Dumbledore's speech, and causing everyone to turn to look at them. Girls glared at Chloe for being with none other than the number one sought after boy in school, and boys writhed with jealousy towards Draco for slithering his way into Chloe's inner circle.

Of course, neither one of them had a choice. When you're a superior aristocratic, capitalist family coming from Old Money, and landing the top positions within the Sacred 28 Pureblooded Families, it was inevitable for the parents to force playdates with their children. Chloe knew Draco since she was four days old, and Draco ten days old. Their birthdays were six days apart, so in a way, their souls were very close, and their parents found that good enough of a reason to attempt to force them together. Draco and Chloe never actually got together romantically, both preferring to have the room to breathe and enjoy themselves without a commitment.

Still, there was no denying their evident chemistry.

The two Slytherins walked over to the Slytherin table as Dumbledore resumed his speech, and they joined their friends. Chloe immediately reached for Pansy's shoulder and wrapped her arm around her, briefly kissing her cheek. The raven-haired girl rolled her eyes and snapped, "Where the hell were you two?"

"Jeez Pans, no need to interrogate them like that - not when they've clearly been banging it out." Theodore winked at Draco, who didn't even bother denying it, and Chloe shook her head with a coy smile on her face. Theo briefly glanced her way ever so subtly, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. The only reason he asked was because he was evidently jealous, and wanted to make sure of the fact that she and Draco didn't do anything. However, with Draco's lack of a reaction to object, the dark-haired boy was getting by wary.

Lorenzo, who was sat across from Chloe at the table, kicked her shin under the table and yelled dramatically, "TRAITOR!"

Once again, the Great Hall was silenced, and Chloe fought the urge to laugh at Lorenzo's casual face as he glanced around him stated bluntly, "Alright, get back to it - this doesn't concern any of you."

Irritably, Dumbledore resumed his speech, just as Harry slipped into the Great Hall almost unnoticed, unlike the exaggerated entrance performed by Draco and Chloe. Chloe nudged Draco and nodded her head in the general direction of Harry Potter, and he followed her vision towards the Gryffindor and scoffed angrily.

"Fucking Gryffindors - they're like cockroaches." He muttered under his breath, causing Theo to glance behind them and note Potter, who had a bloody nose, and he visibly relaxed. They weren't getting sexual - they were busy being assholes to Harry Potter instead.

"The post for Defense Against The Dark Arts, we are delighted to inform you, has been filled by Professor Dolores Umbridge, who had temporarily left her occupation in the Ministry of Magic to fill in for Hogwarts."

Chloe squinted, her eyes landing on their newest professor, and she frowned distastefully. As Dumbledore spoke, a shrill voice suddenly cut through his speech, which was a peculiar sound of someone clearing their throat, only it obviously sounded fake. Chloe curiously gazed at the short, pudgy woman dressed in a pink suit as she stood up from the professors' table and beamed up at Dumbledore, almost condescendingly.

Draco whistled lowly from the Slytherin table before he said, "who the hell is that old, sickeningly pink hag?" which earned a bunch of giggles among those who were within earshot.

Chloe bit her lip as she tried to suppress a grin as a result of Draco's comment.

"Thank you, Albus, for this wonderful speech." The woman started, as she fervently stepped aside and walked forward to where Dumbledore stood.

A few murmurs sounded across the House Tables in perplexity in what the woman was doing. Dumbledore stepped away from the podium as he eyed the short woman in slight confusion.

Taking his place on the podium, she rested her sharp gaze on all the students and beamed down at them.

"And it's so nice to see all your faces smiling up at me!" She exclaimed, her short tightly curled hair bobbing slightly with her head's movements.

"She blind, or what?" Theodore mumbled, and Chloe snorted when she noticed that literally no one in the Great Hall was smiling at the woman.

"My name is Professor Dolores Umbridge, and I will be teaching you all Defense Against The Dark Arts." She introduced herself, and Lorenzo rolled his eyes.

"Yes, we know that already. The fuck is new?"

Chloe scrunched up her face in disbelief. "This pink lady's going to teach us the dark arts defenses?"

Lorenzo laughed across from her. "Make it make sense, will you?"

Draco shook his head in defeat. "Just when I thought Hogwarts couldn't get any more hopeless than it already was."

Pansy grinned at him across the table.

"Should've been Snape's job, honestly." Pansy admitted, causing Chloe to nod in agreement.

"As much as he's a wicked Potions teacher, he sure does look the part for the other subject." Pansy added.

"Now I am aware that you have had ... disturbing accidents over the years in regards to your professors teaching this subject." Umbridge began.

"Did she really say accidents? These were all intentional." Harry Potter's voice was heard from the Gryffindor Table, causing Draco to roll his eyes irritably.

"But I assure you, this year, you will know what it's like to have stability, and proper teaching methods - safe teaching methods." Umbridge assured them.


"Safe teaching methods? Since when was DADA safe anyway?" Theodore complained out loud as they walked their way to the Slytherin Common Room in the dungeons after having the feast, his arm around Pansy as they walked together.

Chloe walked along with Lorenzo and Draco, where Lorenzo had his arm loosely thrown around her shoulders.

"Guess we'll get to find out what that's like tomorrow, won't we?" Draco replied, earning a few incoherent grumbles from Theodore.

"Draco, my love!" A feminine voice softly called for him behind the group of friends, and Chloe shamelessly rolled her eyes.

Draco turned his head to gaze back at him, and smiled at Daphne Greengrass as she approached him with his sister, Lyra Malfoy.

"I've missed you!" Daphne pouted, forcing Draco to stop walking as she threw her arms around his neck and stood on the tips of her toes to kiss his lips.

Chloe faked a gag and leaned her head on Lorenzo's shoulder as they walked ahead and stated, "Gauge my eyes out."

"Only if you promise to gauge mine too." He immediately responded.

Daphne Greengrass was stunningly gorgeous, but Chloe accepted a long time ago that people aren't blessed with everything. So, to make up for Daphne's beauty, she had the personality of a troll.

"Get a fucking room." Lyra groaned beside her best friend, before she shuffled away and approached Chloe and Lorenzo.

Chloe and Lyra have always had a strange form of very subtle hostility between each other. Lyra wasn't the type to share, and Chloe was more than happy to share everything - her clothes, her makeup, her school supplies, and even her men. She just simply never cared enough about anything to keep it all to herself, and that included all the fluke relationships she's been in, including her very hot and steamy summer fling with Theodore Nott. Just remembering snippets of what they've been up to caused her to shudder delightfully, yet the guilt was always accompanying the pleasure.

It was always Chloe who walked out of a relationship breaking someone's heart or not having breaking it altogether; some of the boys she'd been with were delighted by her lack of giving a fuck whether or not they slept around with other girls. Not that she'd been with many, but she had been with a few, and was easily bored with them. Theodore Nott was different, because he wasn't just an attraction, he was a best friend. A best friend who her other best friend fancies. It's not like Theodore had romantic feelings for either girls, but he was definitely attracted to Chloe, not Pansy. He made that very clear throughout the summer.

Lyra on the other hand, was quite the opposite. She detested sharing, especially when it came to sharing her brother with Chloe since they were children, and Chloe wagered their hostility bred from there. But now, it was a lot more than just having Draco's divided attention. This was about Lorenzo Berkshire. Everyone knew about her undeniable obsession with the Slytherin Man-whore, and everyone also knew about his obsession with Chloe, including Theodore Nott, who unsurprisingly did not mind sharing her, with the occasional spark of jealousy every now and then.

It was a no brainer. Enzo's hands were always on her one way or another, and he constantly craved her attention, which she was already more than willing to give. And of course, Lyra hated Chloe for it. Chloe didn't know how many times she needed to say it to everyone, but she and Enzo never got sexual, unless making out counts.

"Hi, Lorenzo." Lyra beamed at him, before giving a curt nod to the dark-haired girl. "Chloe."

"Lyra." Chloe shot her a teasing smirk, and subtly pinched Lorenzo's arm, who in retaliation, offered Lyra a dazzling smile.

"Alright there, feminine Malfoy?" The nickname was a popular one among their group, as much as Lyra despised it with a burning passion, and Draco always too drunk, too high or too done with life to bother caring about it.

"Oh don't start." Lyra sighed. "It's been a long day."

Lorenzo laughed easily as they reached the entrance to the Slytherin common room, and wrapped his other arm across the girl's shoulders too, making Chloe shake her head with a smile.

"Easy there, Lyra. I'm only teasing."

Lyra's cheeks flushed pink at his close proximity to her, and Chloe watched the back of Theo's head as he called out the password.


The door groaned loudly as it magically unlocked and opened, and they walked inside. Chloe immediately detached herself from Lorenzo to grab Pansy, and the two of them climbed upstairs without caring enough to tell the others goodnight, but it's not like the others cared enough to get offended either. They really were a very low maintenance friend group, courtesy of being Slytherins.

"Thank fuck we're in the same dorm. D'you imagine the shit we'd have gone through if either one of us got placed with Daphne or Millicent?" Chloe threw herself onto her bed, nestled close to the window with the view of the Black Lake underwater.

Pansy winced as she unlaced her boots and chucking them onto the wooden floor across the room. "Farting Bulstrode? No thanks."

Chloe bit her lower lip, but she still couldn't stop the laugh from escaping past her teeth and she cried, "Millicent doesn't fart!"

When Pansy shot her a look, Chloe sighed. "Not so much."

"Please, Chloe. The girl is constantly letting them rip with every step she takes."

"Right, that's enough fart talk for tonight." Chloe slipped off her bed and walked over to her luggage which has been placed in their room by the house elves, and she unzipped to pull out a pair of pajamas. Right then, the door was slammed open, making both Pansy and Chloe jump.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Berkshire you shit head?!" Pansy yelled, and threw a pillow straight for his face, but Lorenzo easily caught it, then thrusted it into Theo's arms. The two boys waltzed into their room uninvited, and Chloe rolled her eyes.

"I was just about to get changed, guys." Her tone wasn't irritated, only mildly fatigued, and Lorenzo gazed at her with a seductive smirk. Theo, of course, was instantly interested with Chloe's suggestive words, and he as well mirrored Lorenzo's smirk.

"Well please, don't stop on our account, love." Theo winked, his intense green eyes focused her, and Lorenzo leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest and stating, "yes, by all means, Croft. Go ahead."

Chloe laughed as Pansy threw her other pillow at Theo, and she got him in the forehead.

"Fucking pigs." Pansy huffed, and leaned her back against her mattress. "What the fuck do you want, anyway? I wanna sleep."

"Tomorrow's Sunday." Lorenzo mused.

"Really? Thanks for being our human calendar - you're so helpful." Chloe mocked him, and the boy simply reacted by giving her the middle finger.

"Anyway," He went on. "Tomorrow night, the Slytherins are hosting their annual back to school rave."

"Cool." Pansy kept it simple. "Where are we hosting it this time? Last time Snape almost caught our asses when we held it at the Chamber of Secrets."

"The borders of the forbidden forest." Theo shrugged, before looking back at Chloe. "Your brother's taken the liberty to place soundproof enchantments in the area to make sure no professors hear us."

Chloe scoffed. "Good 'ol Silas. He was always a natural in Charms class."

"He's also very charming." Pansy daydreamed, and Chloe gagged.

"That's my brother, for fuck's sake!"

Pansy lifted her head off the mattress, an evil smirk on her face and her eyes glinting madly as she asked seductively, "I know. Perhaps you could help hook me up with him?"

Chloe snatched one of the pillows off Theo's hands and sent it across the room to smack Pansy, the four of them laughing.

"Where's Draco?" Pansy asked curiously, and Theo pulled a face.

"Fucking Greengrass in our dorm."

"What are you guys talking about?" Lyra's voice started at the door, and the four friends turned to look at her.

"Get out of our room, blondie." Pansy demanded, but Lyra ignored her.

"Like brother like sister." The raven-haired girl grumbled.

"We're discussing your brother and best friend's sex drive." Lorenzo replied, and Lyra shot him a disgusted look.

"Gross! Why would you even talk about them like that?"

"Because we're filthy and horny, babes." Chloe responded so seriously, that Lyra couldn't even tell if she was being genuinely honest or sarcastic.

Her friends of course knew she was kidding, but Lyra wasn't a friend. She was just ... something.

"You're disturbing." She shot.

"Anyway, we'll leave you lot to sleep." Theodore offered, and grabbed Lorenzo by the arm, the two of them getting out the door of their dorm room.

Pansy shifted her focus onto Lyra, and quizzed, "Well? Aren't you leaving too?"

Lyra shifted her weight from one leg to the other, and Chloe raised her eyebrows, waiting for the Malfoy twin to speak.

"I um ... Daphne will be gone all night, I guess. And I was thinking ..."

"Yes?" Pansy urged her.

Lyra sighed. "I have a bottle of chilled firewhiskey in my trunk. Do you wanna get drunk with me?"


The three girls giggled on the floor of Lyra's dorm, where they were sprawled drunkenly and laughing over Lyra's story of how she kissed Marcus Flint when she was in her third year and he was in his fourth.

"I swear by Salazar, his breath smelled as though something had crawled into his mouth, died and rotted." Lyra's posh voice filled the room with her splashes of giggles, and both Chloe and Pansy laughed harder, and Chloe ended up snorting.

This inevitably led to Pansy and Lyra wheezing.

Chloe kicked Pansy's thigh weakly as she whimpered to breathe after laughing so much.

"We're going to regret this in the morning." Lyra sighed contentedly as sheb brought her arm over her eyes.

Pansy poked Lyra's waist with her forefinger and slurred, "Yes, but for now let's appreciate how non-bitchy you are for once."

"I can celebrate to that!" Chloe shrieked, her foot kicking the empty Firewhiskey bottle as it rolled towards the other end of the room. "You're actually quite the pleasant company when you aren't busy smiting me with your eyes."

Lyra smirked, her eyes still covered, and she argued, "I don't hate you, you know."

"I know." Chloe replied sincerely. "You just hate the attention I get from a certain slutty Slytherin boy."

Pansy laughed uncontrollably, placing a hand on her stomach as she felt the muscles there aching with how much she'd laughed tonight. "God, Lyra - I don't know what you could possibly find boyfriend material in Berkshire."

"He's a softie deep down!" Lyra shot defensively, removing her arm from her face and lifting her head to look at Pansy. "If he chooses to commit to me, he'd be the best boyfriend ever!"

Chloe and Pansy both wanted to laugh again, but just to spare Lyra's feelings, they refrained.

"What do you think he's doing right now?" Lyra sighed dreamily, and Chloe was quick to burst her bubble.

"Don't you mean who he's doing?"

Lyra whined and flicked Chloe's arm, and the girl laughed at her amusedly.

"Relax, I'm sure he's just keeping Theo company." Chloe reassured her, and Pansy barked a laugh.

"Yeah, I wouldn't be so nonchalant about that either."

The three girls laughed once again, and dove deeper into the most meaningless topics fathomable, until they all ended up passing out on the floor and calling it a night.

A/N: I'm SO excited about this fanfic, oh my godddd. Please please pleaseeee vote and give me your thoughts! I always wanna hear your opinions and see your reactions to things! Please also recommend this story to any Harry Potter fans out there 👀
I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, and I can't wait for you to see the next one!
Thanks for reading ☺️
- lucidreamshade

A/N: Not me casually editing and posting this chapter when I should be working instead lol.
More chapters coming very soon! ☺️
Love you guys
- lucidreamshade

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