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A/N: I started posting Slytherin Boys content on tiktok now lol. Follow me on there if you want, and let me know you're from wattpad so I can shamelessly watch your stuff too if you're a public account! 😂🥳

My username is: verandnott
(Yes, I'm a hardcore Theo girl if you couldn't tell 🤭🥰🥺)

If you also want to check out my Spotify for my Slytherin playlists (or any of my other playlists anyway), send me a DM. 🐍 I have a playlist made for my murder mystery novel posted here, Murder Museum, so its playlist is on my Spotify too.

Enjoy! 🤍

Chloe's grey gaze goggled the bowl of oatmeal in front of her, but she dared not make a move to eat it. Her head was carefully propped up on her palm, which was propped up by her elbow resting on the Slytherin table in the Great Hall the following morning. This was the most comfortable position she found her head to be to ease the splitting headache she was nursing as a result of getting wasted with Pansy and Lyra the previous night. She couldn't possibly risk worsening her headache by moving to eat.

"You need to eat something before you can actually take the healing potion, Chlo." Theodore eyed her amusedly from across the table, who had Pansy's head resting on his shoulder, her mouth wide open and her eyes shut - still drunk, and fast asleep. Apparently she'd drank a lot more than Chloe did. Chloe couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy that Pansy gets to have Theo publicly, but she immediately discarded this feeling and focused on maintaining her nausea.

Chloe grunted when Lorenzo tried to feed her a spoonful of her honey coated oats, and clamped her mouth shut.

"Don't deny the Lorenzo food train." Lorenzo scolded her, but Chloe scrunched her face in disgust. "I genuinely think I'm going to be sick if I taste anything right now, Enzo."

"Fucking lightweight. You're stupid, and you let my stupid sister drag you into her stupid ways." Draco insulted the dark haired girl from across her on Theodore's other side as he carefully chewed his egg toast, and Chloe felt her stomach churn dangerously at the thought of eggs. It was revolting to her at the moment.

(A/N: I cant find proper tom felton gifs so im using blonde boi aesthetic gifs that match draco's vibe lol, just roll with it for my sake)

"Hey!" Lyra yelled on Chloe's right, causing the two girls to wince and groan, and Lyra mumbled a quick, "Sorry."

"That's it, you're banned from drinking tonight at the welcome back party." Draco decided, and Lyra gasped, and clutched his arm.

"Don't you dare!" She cried.

"Get your hand off me, Lyra - fuck's sake." Draco yanked his arm back, and Lyra rolled her eyes.

"He says that now, but watch me do what I want anyway."

"I think I'm gonna have to side up with Draco's decision here." Chloe mumbled quietly as she finally accepted a spoonful of oatmeal from Lorenzo, and she added, "I can't even think about spiked drinks without wanting to rip my eyes out."

Lyra shot her a jealous glint at the way Enzo was giving her his undivided attention.

"You flap." Pansy grumbled groggily, and Theodore laughed softly.

"Sunshine is finally up."

"Shut up."

"Yes, ma'am."

"I'm not a flap - I'm just trying not to die of alcohol poisoning." Chloe replied weakly.

"We'll see how you feel in a few hours once that healing potion kicks in." Pansy smirked at her best friend knowingly. "I know you, Croftie -"

Chloe grimaced at the nickname she'd given her last name.

"You never say no to a good time." She finished her sentence, but Chloe was distracted by then, her eyes landing on a certain Gryffindor boy in their year group. His laugh caught her attention, and she narrowed her eyes.

Timothy Rune wasn't like any Gryffindor boy Chloe's met and despised. Timothy was sunshine in human form, honey gliding cross tree bark reflecting the sunlight, smiles on a warm day, and Chloe constantly felt drawn to him since their third year when she'd bullied Seamus Finnegan and had Timothy put her in her place. Since then, Chloe's been trying to get on his nerves just go get him to speak with her. She felt drawn to him in a way that she couldn't pinpoint, but she knew that she wanted him. Even if it's to satisfy her craving for a good guy for a change.

To top it all off, Chloe was friends with his group of friends, and yet he still gave her the cold shoulder. She was determined to make him like her, even if she wasn't necessarily looking for any long term commitment. She just wanted everyone to like her whether they wanted to or not. She was obsessed with having everyone be obsessed with her.

As she watched her other friend group gather round with Timothy, Chloe found herself rising from her seat and ignoring Lorenzo's hand clutching the spoon of oatmeal.

"Chlo, where're you going?" Theodore furrowed his brows as her Slytherin friends watched her leave the table and approach Gryffindor.

"How much you wanna bet her brother will freak when he sees her talking to them?" Lorenzo muttered as his eyes followed her every move, his gaze momentarily landing on her rear end and he gulped.

Theodore smirked. "Oh, he freaks out all the time."

"For good reason." Draco rolled his eyes, and both Pansy and Lyra grunted in agreement.

Just then, Daphne Greengrass entered the hall and skipped her way over to Draco, before swooping down to kiss his cheek. Draco didn't react, and simply let her do as she wished, before sitting down next to him.

Chloe reached the red house's table, and beamed excitedly the moment her Hufflepuff friend made eye contact with her. Smiling at her shyly, the boy exclaimed, "Chloe!"

Chloe instantly pulled the introverted boy into a tight embrace, giggling softly as she hugged her friend. "I missed you, Arthur!"

The Hufflepuff boy was effortlessly lovable; everyone liked him - even the Slytherins had respect for him. Of course, it's mostly thanks to the inherited reputation he took from his father, Newt Scamander, the World Famous explorer and researcher of magic beasts.

"So have I." Arthur grinned as he pulled away from her, but she was immediately pulled to the side by another Hufflepuff friend, Emma Wright. The girl was the embodiment of trouble masked in fake innocence, and it constantly startled Chloe. The Slytherin girl laughed as she embraced her.

"How dare you only write to me twice this summer, you stingy bitch?!" Emma's thick Scottish accent covered Chloe.

"I'm sorry!" Chloe spluttered. "You know my parents, Em. They're up my ass with who I talk to."

Emma rolled her eyes, and glanced at the Ravenclaw girl stood beside them. "This stone-age thinking of pureblood supremacy - honestly, I'm not a rat just because I'm muggleborn."

Timothy scoffed and rolled his eyes, causing Chloe to snap her vision towards him and her jaw to tense. "Problem, Rune?"

Timothy glanced at her dully, and wordlessly looked away distastefully. Daisy Vane, after adjusting her Ravenclaw scarf, placed a gentle hand on Chloe's back in greeting, not exactly the physically affectionate type of person, and smiled at her. "Your parents do walk around all entitled and shit, Chlo."

Chloe shrugged a shoulder and stated casually, "I can't disagree."

"Maybe you should spend less time worrying over impressing blood-status crazed freaks and spend your time with people who don't have their heads up their asses." A snide voice sneered a few feet away, and the friend group turned to look at George Frost, a Gryffindor snob who was a year older, and also known as Silas's arch nemesis.

Chloe opened her mouth to throw a quick comeback, but she didn't even have the time to, because a sharp-tongued voice Chloe's been familiar with since she came out of her mother's womb deadpanned, "What, are you suggesting she spends time with people like you, Frost? Perhaps you should spend less time obsessing over my family and focus on your own blood traitorous bloodline."

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Not now, Silas."

Chloe's elder brother stood right behind his sister protectively, and placed a firm hand on her shoulder, gently pulling her back so she was stood next to him and away from her friends.

"Get back to the Slytherin table, Chlo. Where you rightfully belong." Silas hissed, his gaze never leaving George's, their glares so intense that Chloe momentarily thought there was more of a grudge to it than blood supremacy.

"But-" Chloe glanced at Timothy, but he was busy glaring at her brother viciously, causing her to wince and slump her shoulders. The rest of her non-Slytherin friends were also staring at him so hostilely, that she sighed in defeat and wordlessly walked back over to her table, where her other friends were gazing at the situation with profound amusement.

Chloe scowled. "You could at least pretend you're not enjoying yourselves."

"Where's the fun in that, babes?" Lorenzo shot back as she sat back down next to him, and she aggressively shoved the spoon into her oatmeal, but not after Enzo quickly leaned down to kiss her temple.

"Was I the only one turned on by Silas right now?" Pansy wondered, and Chloe cringed. It was bad enough that Silas was onto her every time she tried to spend time with her other friends, but the fact that almost every girl in school was attracted to him was even worse.

Pansy managed to catch Chloe's eye, and they had a wordless conversation. All it took was for Pansy to glance towards Timothy Rune, and Chloe casted her gaze glumly back at her bowl of breakfast. The raven-haired girl rolled her eyes. Of all the students of Hogwarts that traipsed its grounds, why did Chloe have to be infatuated with the ones that weren't into her? They weren't all that many either. Perhaps it was a strange complex Chloe had.

"You really need to give up on these half-blood and mudblooded friends of yours, Chloe. It's honestly disgraceful." Draco commented, and he truly meant it, not to upset the girl, but he was genuinely concerned. If her parents were to get a whiff of her traitorous ways, they'd flip on her dangerously. Thankfully, her friends never snitched on her, and neither did her brother - which was a surprise, because Silas was always hungry for their parents' approval and praise.

Daphne cackled loudly, her hands on Draco's shoulder, finding his advice quite hilarious, before she shot Chloe a condescending smile. "Look who you're talking to, Draco. Croft has been a blood traitor since she could learn to walk - befriending a muggle of all sorts."

Chloe's eyes narrowed to slits, and she was ready to pounce, but Theodore beat her to it. "She was a child, you stupid cow."

Daphne gasped. "How dare you? I'll have you know that -"

"Not interested in having me know whatever you intended on telling me." Theodore raised his hand to shut her up, and he pulled Pansy closer against him with his other arm. All these mixed signals, all these longing gazes contradicted by touches, Chloe couldn't bear it. He'd viciously defend her; after all, she was still his childhood best friend, but he'd be affectionate with her best friend at the same time.

If you weren't part of their friend group, you'd really believe Theo and Pansy were a couple. But in reality, they simply craved being touched whenever they felt like it, so with the two of them already having an arranged marriage planned by their parents at some point in the future, the two of them never denied the other, casually of course. Pansy liked Theo - it was obvious, but she did not want to pursue a relationship with him. Theo wanted to please his parents, and enjoyed Pansy's attention, but he wasn't entirely and obsessively attracted to her as he was with Chloe.

Daphne was fuming, before she diverted her glare over to Draco, who was in the middle of picking a green apple off the fruit bowl in front of him.

"Aren't you going to defend me?" She questioned, her tone sounding dangerously demanding, and Draco raised a single brow at her audacity.

"Are you trying to tell me what to do, love?" His voice was dark, laced with the craft of threats, and his grey eyes narrowed onto her.

"He's doing the sexy thing." Lorenzo whispered into Chloe's ear, and the girl bit her lip not to let slip a laugh.

"I just think that as my boyfriend, you're supposed to-" Daphne started, but was cut off by Draco smoothly.

"To let you know when you're embarrassing yourself so you should keep quiet." Draco completed the sentence for her, and the girl glared at him.

Wordlessly, she stood up, sent Draco another nasty glare, and walked away and out of the Great Hall.

"Too harsh, man." Pansy noted, and Draco shrugged, and bit into the apple clutched in his grip.

"Very hot, though." Theodore argued, and Lorenzo nodded.

"Dominant and kinky." Lorenzo added, and Chloe laughed.


Night had come all too soon, and just as Pansy had predicted, Chloe Croft was having the time of her life. Stood by the drinks table, Chloe was laughing loudly, her shaky hand miraculously stable on Lorenzo's shoulder as he whispered into her ear the filthiest things, with his large hands holding her waist gently in her skintight navy blue dress. The two of them were impossibly drunk, and they found joy in each other's close presence. The music was blaring through everyone's ears, using Silas's killer playlist, and Chloe had to give him and his best friend, Blaise Zabini, credit for throwing the best parties.

They were right on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, with an invisible ward keeping them safe from professors' prying eyes and ears. Chloe lifted the cup to her lips as she bit onto the plastic material while Lorenzo kissed the spot just below her ear after whispering something. They were illuminated with fairy lights hung over the trees and levitating in the air around them, casting a magical glow.

Draco Malfoy was sat on the ground with Daphne Greengrass clinging onto his arm, and he took gradual sips of Firewhiskey from a bottle he'd snagged off the drinks table. In front of him were Theodore Nott and Pansy Parkinson, who were busy passing each other a cigarette.

Draco's gaze landed on Lorenzo and Chloe, and he found his intoxicated self unable to look away. They were a great fit, he had to admit. Lorenzo was a free spirit, and so was Chloe. Neither one of them wanted to actually pursue a relationship, and perhaps that's why they both often found themselves tangled in each other. Draco sometimes wished he was in Lorenzo's shoes. Of course, he and Chloe were close, but not like that. He had a girlfriend, a gorgeous girl who only had eyes for him, and he loved this ego boost she always provided him with.

Chloe could never give that to him. She was far too invested in the non-commitment agenda, and Draco was the insanely possessive kind. If he had something, he wanted it all to himself. The twin Malfoy was also gazing at the dazzling duo disdainfully from the distance, wishing it was her waist Lorenzo's hands were on, not Chloe's.

Lyra huffed angrily to herself, before she spun around, and bumped into the chest of the most brooding yet extroverted Slytherin boy to exist, Adrian Pucey.

"Hey there, sweet little Lyra." His smirk was bound to make a girl weak in the knees, especially when his hands automatically found their way to her forearms as his intense eyes fell onto her flushed face. Lyra gulped, before she held his own arm and dragged him closer to where everyone was dancing.

"Where are we going?" His tone was dripping with amusement, and Lyra snapped.

"Just shut up and dance with me."

Draco suddenly felt an idea take reign in his mind, and before he could process it, he yelled out, "Let's play a game of Kiss or Tell!"

Lorenzo felt Chloe shift so she could look at Draco excitedly, and he frowned at the girl stood so close to him. "Chlo?"

"Let's go play!" She grinned, latching onto his wrist and pulling him with her.

Lorenzo didn't object, though he would've preferred having Chloe all to himself for a moment. He went to sit down, and pulled Chloe over onto his lap. The girl giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck in the process.

"Who's starting?" Chloe asked softly, and Draco smirked her way teasingly, his eyes momentarily flashing in annoyance at the way Lorenzo's hands rested against her hips so naturally, as though they've belonged there all along.

Draco abhorred the way the two of them had so much chemistry, while he barely had any with his own girlfriend. Theodore glanced discreetly at the way Enzo and Chloe were holding onto each other, before he took a long drag from his cigarette shared with Pansy. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the two of them, and seeing them so close brought out an angry, competitive force within him.

Chloe was too intoxicated truly notice the tension she was secretly receiving from Theo and Draco for different reasons, and she laughed so softly as Enzo eased his hands onto her knees, his breath deliciously tickling the side of her neck, and he placed a delicate kiss on the corner of her collarbone.

At this, Theodore angrily put out his cigarette, squishing it on the ground, despite Pansy's protests as he wasted a 'perfectly good smoke". If Chloe thought she could shut Theodore out by getting cozy with Lorenzo, she had another thing coming.

A/N: did someone say slow burn? 👀 Tell me your thoughts! I hope you enjoyed reading, and please leave me your thoughts and pleaseee vote! ☺️ thank you guys so much!!
See you soon with a new chapter! 👀
- lucidreamshade 💖


A/N: It's giving Gossip Girl lmao. If you were here before I took Shadowed Sins down, you can tell that I made a minor change that altered the plot MAJORLY. 👀 Ten points to Slytherin if you can guess what change I made. 😎🐍

Thank you so much for reading, and I can't wait to show you more soon! ☺️🤍

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