Chapter Nine (Salmonkit/Shadekit)

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         Salmonkit laughed. It felt good to be happy again, but the cheerfulness didn't last long. His sister, Creamkit had just apologized and they were chuckling over a small joke. His two sisters had just left the nursery. Creamkit to go fetch prey and Shadekit's reason unknown, leaving Salmonkit alone. Icekit walked up to him and sat down next to him. The two twins, Icekit and Ashkit didn't know about Yellowwhisker's death so they just assumed that the triplets were being weird.

         "So, what you thinking?" mewed the smaller kitten.

         "Nothing. Just-- stuff."

         "I know something's up. Come on, tell me. You know you can trust me, right?"

         Salmonkit hesitated but opened up to Icekit, who was gazing at him with gentle eyes. "I don't know if I'm allowed to tell you... but, you know how all the cats around camp are in a hurry. And how Honeyshade isn't in the nursery?"

         "Ya... I knew something was up, but Birchpelt or Comfreyheart wouldn't tell my brother or I anything."

         "Well. The thing is Yellowwhisker passed away."

         The two felines just stared at each other in silence and Icekit was able to muster up the courage to speak. "Wow. That must have been hard. You know, being your father and all. You can always talk to me..."


         "Yellowwhisker wouldn't want you to mourn about his death, instead he would want you to use that as motivation and become and amazing warrior that Streamclan could be proud of."

         "You're right. He would."

         "So what'd you say?"

         "While I still miss him, I want to make him proud. So I'll become an apprentice at 5 moons! It's a hard achievement, but a rewarding one."

         Icekit purred and replied, "I'll be looking forward for your success."

         The two shared some more jokes as the sun began setting. Comfreyheart had left the nursery to return to her medicine cat duties and Honeyshade returned but seemed distant. Salmonkit didn't mind and gave his mother some space. Creamkit and Ashkit were played mossball, but Shadekit wasn't to be seen. Salmonkit assumed his sister was just wandering around camp, exploring since it had been about half a moon since she could leave the nursery. 


         Shadekit was lost. She wasn't physically lost but instead mentally. She didn't know what to do and everything seemed so distant. Ever since her father's death, she had tried to be optimistic and to move on. But it was a lot harder than it seemed. Yellowwhisker was her role model, and to see that some she looked up to died made her question her goals. She wanted to ask someone for advice but was too embarrassed. Shadekit! How can you feel better if you don't let anyone help. But what if they think I'm weird. They won't, they're you clanmates! But how would you know? Lakefur takes every chance he gets to scorn others. Then maybe ask someone other than Lakefur. Fine.

Eventually, the part of her brain that wanted to ask someone won so she decided to ask the elders who were known as the wisest in the clan. She pushed through the lichen that was dangling from on top of the fallen log. The elders were sharing prey and grooming each other. Not wanting to interrupt, Shadekit quickly backed away to exit the den.

         "Oh, come on in. We barely get any visitors except for the apprentices who bring in prey." purred Blackstorm. Shadekit reluctantly sat down not feeling comfortable in the gaze of four elderly cats.

         Reedleap finished her bite of the salmon and asked, "So what brings you here today?"

         "I want to believe that Yellowwhisker is happy in Moonclan, I really want to. But I also want him to be happy with me."

         Blackstorm cleared his throat to speak but was interrupted by Twigclaw, "Let me take this one." Shadekit stared at the dark brown tom confused, how could a snappy grumpy elder help her? 

         "I know, I'm not the kindest elder at times," rasped Twigclaw. "But I think I know what can help you. Now settle down young one, and get ready for a story." A story! A story! How can a STORY help!?!?  "When I was just an apprentice, I had lost my sister, Oakpaw. While were hunting, we were attacked by a fox. The fox was a mother protecting its young, which we didn't know were nested nearby. I told her we should run back to camp and warn the leader, but she refused. Oakpaw was very brave and proud so she wanted to stay and fight. She told me to go get backup, but by the time I returned she had died to her wounds from the fox. I sulked around camp ignoring my duties as an apprentice. One day, the clan's medicine cat, Ashstep came up to me after his half-moon meeting and told me that my sister was mad at me for sulking. Oakpaw wanted me to become an amazing warrior. I wanted to honor Oakpaw's final wishes so I did become a great warrior until I retired."

         Shadekit took a minute to take that all in. The grey and tan kitten then asked, "How do you know that Oakpaw actually said that? I mean, Ashstep could have been lying."

        "He could have, but I believed him. Oakpaw was my sister, and she would have wanted me to move on. I don't care if Ashstep was lying, because he gave  me the motivation needed to move on. And I'm sure Yellowwhisker wants you to do the same."

         "But how can I know for sure?"

          Twigclaw replied, "Sometimes you just need to believe."

          Shadekit didn't know what to think but the elder's words made her feel a bit better. The she-cat entered the nursery, tired. Birchpelt, Ashkit, and Icekit were asleep and Creamkit, Salmonkit were curled up next to Honeyshade who was murmuring something to herself. Shadekit subconsciously plopped herself next to her littermates and closed her eyes.

         She dreamt of becoming an apprentice and her father teaching her all sorts of skills. She saw herself performing a fighting move and after she accomplished it her father licked her ear and purred, "I'm proud of you Shadekit."

Hope you like the book, updating has been slow, because of school and plot is also generally slow. I promise to get to the point soon. And updates should speed up because of Summer Break. Also, comment down below some names I could use! What are some ships. Picture above is Pebblewing

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