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The snow white tubby ran out of the Satellite Station, his body boiling with rage and hatred, gripping the chainsaw he stole from the infected Dip. As he ran against the metal floor, he saw the machine rolling across the desert rock.

He ran over to him. "STOP RIGHT THERE!!!" He screamed.

The machine turned around and then became baffled. "Why are you here? You should be dead."

"I'm not letting you get away with what you've done!!" The Guardian snarled as he revved up the chainsaw, gripping it tightly.

"No, things have just begun." The machine told him. "The machines are creating an army of New Borns. They're flooding the lands, infecting all life as we speak."

The Guardian raised an eye at him. "New Borns?"

"They are my creations. Infecting the custard is only one step of my plan. I have also injected my virus into the machines that create your kind. Now when a new one is made? They already have the virus in their bodies. The only side effect to this is that they are unable to grow fur, but that does not matter to the undead."

"But...But..." The Guardian was baffled. An army of the undead at his command? It seemed completely illogical.

The machine would have smirked if it had a mouth. "I've underestimated you, Guardian. By defeating The Announcer, you have proved to me that you hold great value. You are smarter and stronger than the others. You are different." He said. "If you join me, then together, we can make this world a better place."

The Guardian obviously would have refused, but something...No, someone was preventing him.

A black monster that was his size grinned and evil grin and laughed an evil cackle. "Let him believe...It will only be Phase 1."

The Guardian didn't know who this voice was, but for some reason, he wanted to obey. He needed to obey this voice. With that, he looked at the machine. "I'm listening..."

The machine had a feeling deep down that The Guardian had an interest, despite not knowing why he was even listening. "Together, we will rid the world of the weak, and create a superior race."

The Guardian suddenly let out a chuckle, but someone forced him to make one. He didn't even want to, but his mind was screaming at him to cackle. What was he doing? He was supposed to avenge his friends, not join the traitor. "Sounds good to me..." He replied.

"Good. You've made the right decision. Come with me, we have much to do."

They arrived at the custard facility, where a partially spider like Po stood and greeted her master, or at least, who she thought was her master. The Guardian stared at her as the machine drove to the near edge of the building where he stared down a giant pool of infected custard.

"Po...? Is that you?" The Guardian asked, finally being able to speak out of his own free will. "Can you hear me...?"

The spider like Po did not respond and only stared back at The Guardian with her black and red eyes. However, she did make a ticking sound, which might've been normal for her.

Heartbroken, The Guardian tried to shake it off and went to the machine and looked down at what he was looking at: the infected custard supply.

"My plan is almost complete. The New Borns are taking over the land as we speak, ridding the world of all living things in their path. The military are trying to stop them, but they are outnumbered. They won't succeed." The machine said.

The Guardian was about to speak until he heard the voice again, whispering gibberish and almost telling him what to say. With a single command of this voice, he turned to Noo Noo. "Mortals are weak, of course they will not succeed."

"Strange you say that, when you yourself are a mortal." Noo Noo said, a bit confused.

The Guardian grinned. "But, must I be?"

The machine ignored him. "We are at the custard facility. Here is the main custard supply. This is what I infected. Now is the time for you to become one with the new world."

"What do you mean?" The Guardian asked.

The machine turned to him. "You are not reborn, so you still have untapped power. We must fix this." They said with a small snarl. "You must eat from the infected custard."

Po walked up to him, her spiders legs ticking and twitching rapidly, the blades barely touching the tip of The Guardian's fur.

The Guardian wanted to reject and leave, but his whole body felt numb, as if he couldn't do anything but stand...Then the voice began whispering to him again. "I'm ready." The Guardian said and then walked down to become one with the New World.

"Yes. Obey my command and give me your will. That robot may think you're inferior, but we aren't! With my voice in your head thanks to so much contact with the infected custard...You will serve me well."

As this voice spoke, The Guardian was staring at a custard bowl before picking it up and then digging his mouth into it. However, the moment he ate it, he roared like a wild animal, that custard was specially designed to mutate him immediately. The Guardian screamed in pain as he grew talons on his new toes and claws for his new fingers, and felt blood come down from his eyes like tears. Everything hurt so much that he could not stop screaming, and he was almost certain that the entire world could hear his screams of agony and pain.

Then, everything went silent and so did The Guardian. His eyes were now black and he was finally one of The New Borns.

The machine and Po moved down to The Guardian. "You will serve me well."

Suddenly, The Guardian began to laugh. "Did you really think that I was going to let you get away with all of this...?"

The machine actually seemed...scared. And it was almost impossible for him to even feel that way, or feel anything. "W-What are you implying?"

The Guardian suddenly grew claws and fingers and they began to transform into a black color. It was a terrifying sight as the almost ooze like substance covered The Guardian's body until nothing but his mouth was there. His mouth suddenly grew razor sharp fangs and he began laughing again.

"You were right about the plan working...But you are joining one of the many collateral damages of it! Po, attack!"

Po's eyes suddenly went black as well and she grabbed the machine and used her spider legs to rip it in half. She then turned to her new master and bowed, showing her allegiance.

The new Shadow Guardian laughed. "I've already signaled Tink to come to me from The Mainland and I suppose that Ron one will love to join me as well. Dip and Laa have already proved themselves useless."

Po nodded and followed Shadow Guardian back to the top of the building where a New Born army stood below, walking from all over the lands just to address their new master.

"The world is now ash."

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