Chapter 23: The End of Armageddon

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Walten ran and ran, eager to smash Shadow into the ground until he stopped, seeing that for once, like the final battle during the first war. The military was winning. Dark was dead and on the ground with a giant sword stab wound, most likely from The Imposter. Richard was also murdered by getting shot in the head by Fiona. 

And even Yeti, Arrow, and Cave were saved and back to normal despite their eye color and powers remaining in their bodies.

Walten smirked before running off again, somehow knowing that Shadow was far too weak to keep going. The New Borns were far too small for Shadow to transfer himself too and the cure was far too strong. Eventually, while running, Walten found a pistol with the cure inside and he grabbed it before hearing coughing. He grinned and then walked over to see Shadow bleeding the infected custard.

"H...How....?" Shadow asked, coughing out his infected blood. "H-How d-did you break o-out...? H-How am I-I losing m-my power? T-This is A-Armageddon...I-I'm not s-supposed t-to lose..."

Walten stayed silent, growling a little before sighing. "You may think that we're all weak and pathetic, but believe me. We are far from it, and I'm far from what you think I am." He then aimed the gun. "It's time to end this once and for all."

Shadow cackled. "P-Pulling the t-trigger won't e-end the custard...As l-long as that horrifying g-gel remains....I STAY."

"I know that." The Guardian snarled.

"T-Then what's t-the point i-in killing m-me...w-when I c-can't die...?" Shadow asked.

Walten loaded the gun. "Cause I've waited a decade for a bullet to go through your demonic head."

Shadow just laughed. "A-Amusing..."

"Oh, and don't think you're living through this. When I shoot you, I will personally make sure that every inch of custard is gone."

Shadow's glowing eyes went wide. "NO!!!" He cried before hearing the gun fire and the bullet slam through his head, the cure spreading to his body. His throat gurgled before his body went limp and the ooze that covered the New Born disentigrated. The demon was dead. 

Months passed by and Armageddon truly had dealt a great damage to the Earth, but it was still healing. The Infection however, was now a true thing of the past. There wasn't a single tubby alive who had the virus in their bodies. All except Scythe and White Scythe...They were still out there, but no longer under Shadow's influence.

The Superdome was rebuilt bigger and better. All five tubbies now had their own rooms, Walten having his in an upstairs area so he could get a better view of the Main Land. And there was still a main room that, while it didn't have furniture, still had things to sit on, which is all it needed. Ron even moved in as their roommate since he had no home.

One day, Po was watching the moon and smiling at the stars until she saw Walten walk up. "This spot taken?" He asked.

"Oh! No, take a seat!" Po exclaimed.

Walten nodded and then took a seat. He had finally been convinced to confess, but he wasn't sure if she was even that close...Or maybe that was just his fear talking. "So, umm...Lovely night out here, huh?"

"Yeah. Really nice." Po said.

"Why are you out here anyway?" Walten asked.

Po turned to him. "Oh, I couldn't sleep."

"I..see..." Walten blushed before clearing his throat. "Po, I...Can I tell you something?"

Po nodded. "Sure!"

"Po, I...I'm glad you're my friend and I'm glad accepted me into you and the other's group. But lately, I've been...I've been thinking. Maybe we should take it to the next level, y'know? I know you don't know what that is, but...I...I..."

Po looked at Walten, very confused until she remembered Anne and Fiona telling her something about this and she blushed a little himself. She then used her spider legs to catch him off guard and then she pressed her mouth against his own.

Walten froze up, his white pupils frozen in shock and surprise. He didn't even do it back because he was so shocked.

After 15 minutes, Po eventually parted with him and then watched The Guardian giggle and then pass out. 

The End.

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