Chapter 1: Another Nightmare

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That day was the beginning of the end. The New Borns evolved into powerful creatures that seemed almost completely unstoppable. From Bull Newborns to Phantom Newborns to even Scorpion Newborns. They were never-ending and it seemed that nothing would be safe.

The Guardian, with the Military's help, made sure that the survivors were safe and that the army fell down. But no matter how many times they shot a horde of New Borns down, another would come flying towards them.

However one day? Anne, Miles, and The Guardian did it. There was only one large army left and The Military defeated every single one of them....Finally, The Infection had ended and the machine's plan to overrun the world with monsters failed. But The Guardian still felt guilt. He couldn't save the ones he was meant to protect, it was in his name!

Despite life slowly returning to normal and custards being completely obliterated and 'food' being made instead. The Guardian didn't know what to do with his life. He thought he would start out by abandoning his lonely lair, grabbing everything he needed from it and moving into the Superdome. It wasn't gonna do his guilt and insomnia much good if he stayed in the place where he failed them. Tink, or rather his infected form, Tank had been captured and held in a reinforced cell so that way the Military could find out a way to possibly break the infection, but The Guardian had little hopes they would be able to bring back the dead. The machine did say that the infection killed them after all...

When he finally moved in, he felt tired, but knew he wouldn't be able to fall asleep if he laid down and then closed his eyes. It would probably take an hour or so just to fall asleep for a couple of hours.

To make him a little more tired, he decided to lean back and just get lost in his thoughts. His mind brought up Miles and Anne, their many battles, arguments, and sometimes good conversations. Miles wasn't much for that since he had a huge tough guy act, which was necessary for a job like his. Anne, however, seemed to be more suited for a kind attitude, especially towards him and the other soldiers. She was nice to talk too.

But then, his mind brought up something he had fantasied so long ago...The time where he would first meet Tink, Dip, Laa, and Po. He always imagined there would be a lot of explaining and then there'd be just...a happy life. He'd talk to them, help them, prank them, and do things friends would actually do. He remembered how much he wanted to get out of his little lair and just go see them for the first time. He hated that he had to protect them from a distance.

But that's when the sight of his friends brought him back to their monstrous forms and he quickly shot his eyes open and sat up. He covered his forehead. "Come on, Guardian. Don't remember that...They're at rest...I...hope..."

The Guardian sighed and then turned on one of his monitors, pulling up some old files, hoping to make himself forget all of that. It wasn't working...He could always call Anne and Miles to see how they were doing, but they were probably busy. Plus, Miles said that they would be the only ones to call, since they never know if there was gonna be a war to fight.

He eventually came to a file of writings by him, but they weren't documents during his days as their guardian. It was his own personal file. It showed a bunch of names typed on a list. He tilted his head in confusion before remembering that he made that years ago since he...well, he didn't have a name.

The list was fairly simple: Walter, Austin, David, Henry, William, Brian, and etc. He seemed to struggle with choosing one back in the day, and this day was no different. "Hmm...I'll have to come back to this." He said before yawning and deciding it was time for a nap, even if his insomnia never allowed it.

When he finally entered slumber, he was in the Superdome...But it was black, and very dark. He became startled and looked around, trying not to bump into anything...But what was odd is that he was the only source of light in the entire Superdome. But as he walked around...He saw all four of his friends sleeping in their beds.

His eyes went wide and he backed up, not being able to believe his own eyes. "H...How...? How is this...?"

That's when suddenly he felt...cold. He hugged himself, feeling like he was in the middle of a blizzard, but as he looked from the ground to his friends again, he saw a completely black being, only a piece of his chest glowing.

"H....Hello...?" He asked, not wanting to be too loud.

The being didn't respond...and suddenly grabbed Tink by his neck and lifted him into the air, waking him up.

Tink went wide eyed and struggled in his grip, losing too much air to speak.

"TINK!" The Guardian screamed, but was swatted back by the black being onto the freezing floor, his fur not being able to warm him up anymore.

Tink struggled and squirmed...But then he went silent, and his body went limp at the sound of a CRACK. And his body was dropped to the ground.

The black being grinned an evil grin and then threw Tink's bed aside, grabbing Dip and Laa, waking them up. Both of them screamed as loud as they could, waking up Po and causing her to scream.

The Guardian quickly got up and was about to run over to them, but his hands were suddenly tied by black tentacles, forcing him to his knees and refusing to let him leave. "NO!!!" The Guardian cried out and was forced to watch everything.

The black being threw Laa onto Po and with his claws, decapitating Dip's head and causing it to fall, dropping his headless body.

"NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!" The Guardian screamed.

The black being only laughed at The Guardian's screams and summoned a black tendril from his body, forcing Laa over to him. Laa screamed as loud as she could, but was silenced by the tendril.

"LAA!" Po screamed and was about to run over until a black tendril from the ceiling grabbed her neck and snapped it, lifting her into the air in the process.

The black being laughed even more and did one last kill...plunging his claws into Laa's eyes and effectively killing her.

"NO!!!" The Guardian sobbed. "TINK!!! DIP!!! LAA!!! PO!!! I...I..." That's when his neck was grabbed and the tendrils let go of his body. Before The Guardian could even get a glimpse of the murderer's face, he was stabbed through the screen and...

The Guardian woke up with a scream, his eyes wide and his breathing out of control. He looked around and saw that none of what he had just seen was true...He made a huge breath of relief and quickly got out of his bed, feeling incredibly scared and unsafe...

He hugged himself. "It was just a dream...Just a dream...." He told himself, trying to calm down. But then, the monitor beeped, making him jump. When he realized what was beeping, he sighed and walked over, picking up. "Hello?"

"White, you there?" Anne, the pink tubby and close friend of The Guardian asked aloud.

The Guardian sighed. "Yeah, I'm here."

"Good. You need to get here! Now!"

"W-What? Why?" He asked, his voice hinting worry.

"You're not gonna believe what we just found out! Just hurry!"

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