Prologue: The Guardian Strikes

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It was good. After the extinction of the human race itself, the last of the humans were desperate to try and keep their population alive since reproduction was no longer an option. Without any luck, they decided to do the impossible: Create humans out of machines.

While what they did was a success, the machines did not create humans. It rather created strange creatures with skin on only their faces, while a colored fur covered the rest of their body. They had no fingers on their hands, no toes on their feet, strange antenna on their heads, and a television screen on their stomachs. But it was the only population left alive to form on Earth.

These machines have been creating these beings for hundreds of years now, working in a secret underground lair. One of their creations was covered in snow white fur and dubbed 'The Guardian' by the last of the humans, given a job to monitor a particular group in secret before those humans passed away. 

The four beings that The Guardian was watching were known as 'Tink, Dip, Laa, and Po'. They all lived in The Superdome, a dome like house that lived within a landscape known as The Mainland. The group were like hamsters in a cage, completely and entirely unaware that they were being watched within a fixed area. But, an artificially intelligent machine who would often clean their messes watched over them so they wouldn't get into any trouble, despite his later intentions to the whole race. 

The Guardian monitored their behavior and documented them, almost learning everything about them. He had to make sure that they were safe, healthy, and unable to leave. But over the years, he began to grow a bond with them somehow, despite the four not knowing of his existence at all. He began to care for them as if they were his own friends and family, since he had no one else. 

But one day? Everything went wrong. Laa, the yellow tubby, was given a horrible nightmare about her friends being murdered by an evil being, and despite not understanding, she was worried it would happen in real life. What she didn't know, is that the nightmare was actually a vision of the future. For their main food source, custard, became infected with a deadly virus that would kill them after hours and turn their bodies into a vicious and deadly killing machine. Tink, the purple tubby, was the first to become infected.

Not in his own mind, he killed all of his friends without a hint of remorse, decapitating Dip, clawing out Laa's eyes, and hanging Po from a tree. When The Guardian became horrified of what he had learned and saw with his own eyes, he went to stop Tink but was outmatched when Tink had evolved into a tank sized hulk.

Escaping to call the Military, The Guardian had regretfully slain the undead Laa and Dip and a giant android warrior known as 'The Announcer'. 

The Guardian had eventually discovered that the machine that watched over his old friends was the one who infected their supply of custard, turning them into his army of undead monsters. The machine had told The Guardian that their race was inferior and his virus was making them better.

Outraged, The Guardian destroyed the The Announcer and was about to face the machine who he thought started it all.

The snow white tubby ran out of the Satellite Station, his body boiling with rage and hatred, gripping the chainsaw he stole from the infected Dip. As he ran against the metal floor, he saw the machine rolling across the desert rock.

He ran over to him. "STOP RIGHT THERE!!!" He screamed.

The machine turned around and then became baffled. "Why are you here? You should be dead."

"I'm not letting you get away with what you've done!!" The Guardian snarled as he revved up the chainsaw, gripping it tightly.

"No, things have just begun." The machine told him. "The machines are creating an army of New Borns. They're flooding the lands, infecting all life as we speak."

The Guardian raised an eye at him. "New Borns?"

"They are my creations. Infecting the custard is only one step of my plan. I have also injected my virus into the machines that create your kind. Now when a new one is made? They already have the virus in their bodies. The only side affect to this is that they are unable to grow fur, but that does not matter to the undead."

"But...But..." The Guardian was baffled. An army of the undead at his command? It seemed completely illogical.

The machine would have smirked if it had a mouth. "I've underestimated you, Guardian. By defeating The Announcer, you have proved to me that you hold great value. You are smarter and stronger than the others. You are different." He said. "If you join me, then together, we can make this world a better place."

The Guardian already felt like slamming his chainsaw into his body, but now he wanted to do it even more. "Join you? NEVER. You killed my friends!!! They were the only family I've ever had!!"

The machine scoffed. "Your family? They may be as old as you, dumb as your emotions, and filled with weakness, but they never knew you even existed." He hissed. "But if you wish to use your greatness for weak beliefs? So be it. You will never understand what needs to be done."

The Guardian was about to charge until he saw a figure approach the two. They were covered in bright red fur and their face was gray, blood coming out of their black eyes like tears. They had a broken rope tied tightly around their neck, as if they had been hanged or choked by that rope. Their antenna had a ring like circle on top of it, also covered in red fur. Finally? The screen on their stomach was cracked.

The red tubby walked over and stopped when it came face to face with their enemy.

The Guardian went wide eyed, he couldn't believe it. "P...Po?" He whispered, feeling tears coming down his cheeks. Po had been what many would consider a crush because of her kindness, mischievous attitude, and their ability to never give up on something they wanted to achieve. But it seems that all Po wanted now was to kill The Guardian.

The machine rolled away, knowing what was about to happen. "You are not going to stop me. I will NOT allow that. Po? Kill him."

Po grinned evilly and hopped into the air, smashing the ground when she landed. Now being right in front of The Guardian, she punched him in the face, sending him backwards a bit. The Guardian groaned in pain, but quickly dodged another punch, swatting her in the face with the blade of the chainsaw, but not revving it up.

The fight eventually became a battle of fisticuffs, punches and kicks landing on the other left and right, until The Guardian sent Po backaways by revving up the chainsaw and swatting her with it.

"Po!! Please!! This isn't you!! I know it isn't!!!" The Guardian cried out.

Po ignored The Guardian's pleas and lunged at him, her fist somehow becoming ignited with a small flame, punching The Guardian onto the door of The Satellite Station. Dropping the chainsaw, The Guardian knew he was defenseless. He then saw Po ready to attack again, but when she charged, he kicked her back and then got to his feet, rapidly uppercutting her and punching her in the chest.

The Guardian then slammed his fist into her face one last time sending her tumbling into the dirt.

Po roared in pain, but quickly got to her feet and then went to her knees, her body beginning to shake. Suddenly, she grew fangs and two spider legs penetrated themselves out of her back, becoming extra arms of sorts, while her old arms grew large claws.

The Guardian quickly grabbed his chainsaw, revving it up and slashing against the Po's spider legs, the sounds of metal clashing and battling against each other. Po then blocked another attack from The Guardian's chainsaw and broke it, slashing The Guardian in his face with her claws before grabbing him and throwing him onto the desert sand.

Po screamed an inhuman (duh) like scream and lunged at The Guardian again, but was slashed in the face by The Guardian's chainsaw over and over, the tiny metal blades cutting into her undead flesh.

"I'm sorry, Po." The Guardian whispered as he slashed at her one last time with his chainsaw, sending her flying onto the desert rock again.

The machine who was responsible for Po's new form growled. "Enough Po!! FINISH THIS!!!"

Po growled and then transformed into the most horrifying thing imaginable. Two more spider legs grew and merged with her normal legs, lifting her into the air with all four. Finally, her black eyes grew red pupils and she roared.

The Guardian went wide eyed as he watched the now spider like Po crawl over to him and use her large and sharp spider legs to swat him farther into the desert rock. The Guardian groaned, coughing because of all the sand and dust. He then quickly jumped out of the way as Po suddenly spit out some kind of ball of magma.

'Since when could she do that?!?' He thought before shaking his head and charging at Po, slashing his chainsaw into two of her legs, trying to knock her off balance, but not being able to knock her down.

Po hissed and slashed at The Guardian again, creating a huge scar on his arm, causing it to bleed and for him to scream in pain. Po laughed and then swatted The Guardian like a toy. 

The Guardian fell to the ground, feeling like a fly in Po's web. He tried not to cry thinking of what everything used to be like. He would always imagine he would meet them all, but never like this. He then shook his head and knew that the whole world was at stake if he didn't win this fight, and that his friends would never find peace unless their harmful bodies were destroyed and their spirits being let go to heal. He just wished they would come back.

The snow white tubby screamed as he got to his feet and slashed his chainsaw mercilessly at Po, eventually slashing it one last time and hearing Po scream in tremendous pain as she fell to the ground. The beast then closed her eyes and went limp.

The Guardian dropped his chainsaw, beginning to finally cry. "I-I'm sorry, Po...I-I'm so sorry..."

The machine quickly rolled backaways, knowing that his fate was sealed if his best monster was defeated. But he wasn't scared, it wasn't like his army would be defeated anyway. "WE could've worked together, Guardian. We could've built a better world!"

The Guardian clenched his fist and then grabbed his chainsaw, stomping over to the machine.

"Do you really think you've won?! Your world is about to become ash! You're too late..." The machine hissed, looking up at The Guardian.

The Guardian lifted his revved up chainsaw. "....Shut up." He then slammed the blade of the chainsaw into the machine, breaking him apart and effectively killing him.

Once the job was over, he began to breathe heavily. He had never been filled with so much rage, sadness, fear, and hate at the same time. Nor had he ever had to fight like that. He took off his white and black hat he secretly stole from Dip when everything was good. His brown eyes that were once filled with a caring and kind look were now filled with sorrow...

But then, he heard the sound of a helicopter landing near him.

The Guardian went wide eyed once more. "Finally! They're here!!" He cried out and watched as multiple green soldiers of his kind walk out with guns in hand. Three more then walked out, one was black and wearing a helmet, the other was white like him and wearing a ridiculous helmet, and finally, there a was a female one in pink fur in an army cap and holding a rifle.

One of the solders wearing a mask approached The Guardian, still holding his rifle. "I am Sargent Miles. We received a distress call. What's the problem?" He asked.

The Guardian didn't speak and simply pointed to the destroyed machine and the dead Po.

Miles let out a grunt and then turned back to The Guardian. "What happened here...?"

"That...That machine I destroyed caused all of this..." He muttered.

Miles frowned underneath his mask. "That thing did this? How?"

The Guardian was about to speak until he heard the low but loud sound of hissing and roaring. Miles and The Guardian looked at each other and then ran over to the sound before going wide eyed at the sight.

There was an entire army of peach colored creatures, without any arms or fur...There were thousands.

"Dear god..."

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