Chapter 15: White and Blue

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(SCYTHE TUBBIES DO NOT BELONG TO ME. As for the origin, I'm not sure.)

Dark teleported both of them to the abandoned Military Outpost, which was abandoned during the last days of the war. Shadow had heard of two monsters he infected that remained in this place. They were once workers and now served him after a special type of infection he made for generals of his future army. He made them for the purpose of his plan of Armageddon.

Dark looked around. "I don't see anyone, my Master."

"Of course, they are in hiding. They do not attack unless they see a piece of prey." Shadow simply said and then walked inside one of the sheds, looking around before grinning and throwing out two beings, but they quickly ran away deeper into the outpost.

Dark cackled. "Looks like our soldiers want to play a game of hide and seek."

Shadow just laughed and then signaled his second in command to start looking as he teleported away, searching for Scythe and White Scythe. To think, they were once normal and now they were the next steps in his plan for the death of all living things.

Dark cracked his neck and then teleported to where he saw White Scythe run off to and grabbed her by the neck and slammed her into the ground. "Run all you like, but we will always catch you. Infected or not."

White Scythe growled and roared, slicing her blade arms at Dark's face, but they didn't hurt the dark tubby. So, the gray New Born just lifted her into the air and then tossed her into the sandy ground. The white one just flipped back onto her feet and then swung her blade arms, cutting him in the face, causing the demon to stumble backwards. Now, there was a clear vision of what this infected creature even looked like. Her fur was white with pieces of black on her shoulders, arms, and legs. She was wearing an old hat that showed they were once part of the medical department of this outpost. Finally, her eyes were a glowing blue.

Dark took out his claws and then slashed, sending a wave of red energy at the former nurse, sending them back onto the ground. He roared as he walked over and smashed them deeper into the ground. "KNOW YOUR MASTER."

White Scythe growled and roared until she was stepped on. She now knew who she was supposed to obey, so what was even the point of fighting back? Besides, she found out that fighting back was rather pointless.

During the war...

Richard was an injured creature when he first met Misa. He was one of the very few survivors of the Satellite Station and saved by Miles and Anne after they had encountered the Scorpion Newborn. And he was in the medical bay for a long time.

He still remembered that headless green monster who killed the rest of his co workers. He wondered if Ron was ok. He didn't know him too well, but he remembered passing him during work multiple times.

"Excuse me, sir?" A voice asked.

Richard turned to whoever owned the kind voice and then saw a white tubby with blue eyes and a concerned look. He hadn't seen anyone other than living things that looked EXACTLY like him. It was so...weird, but also? Kinda nice.

"Are you ok?"

Richard nodded slowly. "Y-Yeah, I'm ok."

"Phew. You were very injured when Sergeant Miles brought you in." The doctor said with a kind smile.

Richard sighed in relief. "At least I'm alive, heh. Were there any survivors?"

The doctor shook her head. "No. You were the only one who was brought here."

"Oh, god..." Richard said, his eyes widening with fear as he remembered the rev of that headless monster's chainsaw. He began breathing heavily until the doctor put a hand on his shoulder.

"Whoa, whoa! Calm down, sir! It's ok! I wasn't completely sure if anyone survived. Maybe some of your co workers and friends survived!" The doctor exclaimed, slowly reassuring Richard.

Richard took a breath, but was still a little scared that the monster was coming for him. "T...Thanks."

"Anytime. But, since you're the only patient here currently...What is your name?"

"M-My name'is Richard." The blue one said, seeming a little nervous about simply talking to them.

She smiled. "My name's Misa."

White Scythe breathed heavily as she had that awful but almost calming flashback before becoming forced to her feet by a black arm, its claws seeking into her arm. She looked up and then became terrified when she saw there wasn't even a pair of eyes looking at her, just a soulless empty void of destruction.

Shadow laughed and then forced her to look into his empty void, turning her eyes black like the rest of his slaves. "YOU ARE MINE. WATCH SCYTHE, WATCH WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU."

Scythe backed up as he watched his partner become a mindless slave, but as he backed up, he backed into Dark, who punched him in the face, sending the blue monster to his knees.


Shadow grinned and then grabbed Scythe and stared into his eyes, making them black as well.

Both Scythe and White Scythe stood, waiting for their next command.

"So, when shall we attack the military base?" Dark asked.

Shadow cackled. "When we report back, we shall StRiKe."

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