Chapter 16: Armageddon

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Anne and Fiona were spending almost all day trying to figure out why every time someone became infected with the virus, they would see this Shadow Tubby. It confused them, but also scared them

Fiona sighed as she put the paper down. "Well, Anne. I don't think there's anything to worry about. The War ended years ago. There's no way some kind of demon who is seen every time someone's infected when there is no infection anymore!"

Anne personally didn't believe it. The Guardian saw this during the war and it scared him half to death. It worried her to think that this thing could be real and wanting out of wherever it was. "I know, but I just can't help myself-"

"MA'AM, WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!!!" A solider cried as he ran inside, ripping his mask off and showed his fearful face.


Guns were fired at the attackers, and they felt like they were in war all over again, and Miles couldn't believe his own eyes as he fired his own rifle. He turned to soldiers that came in with rocket launchers. "FIRE THOSE SUCKERS AT THEM!!!"

"Yes, sir!" They cried and aimed at the monsters.

Yeti, Claw, and Arrow were using the powers they were given from the infection. Yeti using ice to create shields and sometimes freeze guns. Claw was just taking all the bullets fired at him by creating earthquakes that would make them miss. Arrow was just laughing evilly and shooting out waves of fire from just his palms.

Thankfully, during the war, many of The Newborns had special powers and all the soldiers had trained in avoiding them, but even that didn't seem to be working.

"GET DOWN THERE!" Miles commanded as he signaled a team to follow him down, and when they arrived, they did nothing but kept firing.

Arrow was shot in the leg, alarming a blue one that wasn't Yeti or Claw. They were missing an eye and was carrying a chainsaw. Ron grinned and shot out fire from his chainsaw, forcing all of the soldiers and Miles to dodge as the gate was blasted down. Ron then pointed to the gate and all four of them headed inside.

Miles grabbed his two way radio and leaned in. "Prepare all units for an invasion! The monsters have gotten through!" He cried as he grabbed a pistol and aimed at Yeti, but Yeti turned around and summoned a giant wall of ice, preventing the bullet and anyone from following them. "Dammit!" He swore until he saw a black figure loom over him...


Anne and Fiona grabbed rifles and continued firing at the monsters, thankfully, Anne managed to shoot the chainsaw out of Ron's hands. She grinned and then punched him in the jaw before side kicking him in the screen, causing him to stumble backwards before falling to his knees. "Not so tough now, are ya- WHOA!" She screamed as she dodged a fireball.

Arrow laughed and prepared another one until Fiona sneaked behind him and hit the orange one in the back of the head with her rifle. Arrow growled and turned around only to meet a bullet to the eye, causing him to roar in pain.

"Wait...We just healed these ones! Why are they attacking us?!" Anne exclaimed as she dodged the swing of Claw's tendril and fired at him.

Claw roared, despite his broken jaw and punched his massive fist, but it went through a wall and became stuck. Anne then saw Connor come in with a larger force of soldiers. "Miles and the others are trapped outside! Take these things down!" He said as he loaded a MK-16.

Suddenly, two bolts of lightning fired at Connor and his team to reveal The Imposter and Scythe, who now had black eyes like his partner and everyone else. 

"Surrender or be destroyed." The Imposter said as he swung his sword at Connor, but the silver tubby grinned and pulled out a katana, putting aside his gun, and battled against The Imposter while three soldiers continued to fire at Scythe, while the rest came into fight Yeti and Arrow, helping Fiona and Anne.

Scythe roared and sliced into the firearms of the soldiers and then blasted them away with electricity. He then grinned and watched his partner come in from behind him and slice and dice, sending the three soldiers down the steps, knocking them unconscious. White Scythe then ran over to help The Imposter.

"WE'RE OUTNUMBERED!" Fiona screamed as she was backed into a wall with Anne, firing her gun rapidly. She then grabbed her own two way radio. "Hey everyone? WE NEED SOME DAMN HELP!!!"

Then, on cue, more gunshots were fired from soldiers, but they all switched to grenades and more powerful guns when they realized a few bullets fired at a time weren't doing anything. Then, the most horrifying thing happened that stopped all of the monsters from attacking: laughter. 

The Imposter and White Scythe heard this laughter and quickly threw Connor over to the crowd before they joined their fellow beasts.

"What's...What's going on?" A solider asked as they looked around before seeing something warp inside the middle of the room.

They were black, glowing, and holding Miles with his sharp claws. Miles was groaning in pain, because he was covered in wounds and scars. The black figure grinned and then threw Miles down onto the ground.

"MILES!!!" Anne screamed and began to run over until a dark tendril penetrated the ground and grabbed her neck, preventing her from reaching her partner.

The black figure began to laugh evilly as someone gray and with an evil grin stepped back and joined the other beasts, who were all looking at their monsters. Then, the smoke cleared and everyone was left staring at the black figure, who kept laughing until he went silent. 

"Alright, listen up, you pathetic and worthless beings of science! For hundreds of years, I've been trapped in my decaying dimension! Waiting for a new universe to call my own! I am Shadow! But you all can call me your new lord and master for all of ETERNITY!" Shadow laughed evilly.

Connor groaned and managed to get to his feet. "W...What?"

"Ah, ah, ah!" Shadow sang before summing two dark tendrils and grabbing Connor by his arms, making him unable to move. "NO SPEAKING UNTIL I AM DONE."

Anne was then shot out of her tendril trap by Fiona, she landed and covered her throat, but ignored it and growled at Shadow. "You're the reason all this happened, aren't you?!"

Shadow grinned at her. "You sure are smart. You remind me so much of The Guardian. AND ONCE I'M DONE WITH YOU ALL, HE'S NEXT!!!" The demon growled and then turned to his beasts. "It's time for a little redecorating!! GO WILD."

Fiona went wide eyed and quickly set off the alarm, trying to tell everyone they needed to leave. So everyone that wasn't unconscious quickly got up and ran out as Shadow laughed as his army went crazy. Soon, scientists and soldiers went into helicopters and left the base. Lenny, another communications officer looked back, horrified at what was happening. "Dear god..."

Shadow then teleported and covered the whole base in darkness, laughing as he did so. "YES!! IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING! TIME IS NOW DEAD AND MEANING HAS NO MEANING!! EXISTENCE IS UPSIDE DOWN AND I REIGN SUPREME!!! WELCOME ONE AND ALL, TO ARMAGEDDON!!!"

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