Chapter 18: The Shadow Guardian

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As The Shadow Tubby walked around the area, the grass itself seemed to grow gray and die as he walked onto it. Even when he wasn't even near the fields, the grass seemed to die.

"At long last, the plan I have created for hundreds of years has come into fruition!" Shadow laughed and then stared at Laa. "Aww, you remember me, don't you?"

Walten growled, despite being held back. "GET AWAY FROM HER, YOU MONSTER!"

Shadow grinned and turned to The Guardian, walking over to him and scratching him in the face like he had done during the time they first spoke to each other in The Shadow Realm. "I gave you a head start to prepare, so appreciate it."

Dip was struggling to speak, although he wasn't being choked. "W-What are you going to do t-to us?"

The Shadow Tubby cackled. "I'm glad you asked. You see, I have planned to finally annihilate every single living thing in the world, it's what my purpose is. However, I knew that a tubby created to be strong and powerful would only get in my way, so I began to plot once Noo Noo resurrected my infection. The first phase of my plan was to warn you of my return, which I did with The Guardian. The second phase was gather an army of New Borns and monsters, ones who were given great power and would help me destroy the only protection this world had. And finally? Corrupt the strongest tubby of all and use them as my own body."

Tink groaned, trying to escape. "B-But why us? None of us are the strongest!"

"That is where you're wrong, my old slave." He then faced The Guardian with an evil grin. "YOU. You have beaten my most powerful generals and survived my second and greatest infection. The humans created you to be the strongest warrior of the teletubby race. You will be my body! MY TRUE FORM!"

Walten was speechless, but then he growled and slammed his head against Shadow, but it hurt him instead of Shadow.

"Fighting until the very end. I like that." Shadow cackled before facing the others, who were struggling to escape his tendrils' grasp. "But these four? Despite being my former slaves, they are useless to me. I do not need them...The only one I want is you, Guardian."

Po growled and her spider legs were revealed, the blades of her extra limbs showing. "YOU'RE NOT TAKING OUR FRIEND!!"

Shadow growled like a lion and stomped over, taking out his bloody claws. "I'm afraid I will, little Po. Your 'friend' will be my true form whether you pathetic little rats inside a cage LIKE IT. OR. NOT!!!" He then slashed her right in the face with his claws, making her scream in pain, much to Shadow's delight.

The others were angered and growled and hissed at Shadow.

Shadow instantly became annoyed at them...But then he suddenly began to laugh. "You know, Guardian? I was going to spare these four, but now? I THINK I'M GONNA KILL ONE OF THEM JUST FOR THE HECK OF IT!!!" That's when two glowing eyes forced themselves onto Shadow's face, and they were glowing bright like his mouth and screen. There weren't any pupils, which only made him seem more scary. That's when pupils that showed the symbols of the group's antennas began to show, as if whatever symbol had landed last was the one he would kill.

Walten began to cry out. "NO!! PLEASE, JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!" He pleaded.

"EENIE! MEENIE! MINY!" Shadow then looked at the terrified Po, and since he had been inside The Guardian's head, he knew for a fact that The Guardian cared for her the most. How sweet of him, it almost made him feel bad. "YOU!!!"

"WAIT!!!" Walten screamed. "I SURRENDER, JUST DON'T HURT THEM!!! TAKE ME!!! PLEASE!!" He cried, tears falling from his cheeks. "I-I CAN'T LOSE THEM!! NOT AGAIN!!" His head then fell down in shame as his tears fell down onto the dirt and dead grass. "...Just take me."

"W-Walten?!" Laa exclaimed.

Walten gave the others a sad look, knowing he wasn't going to see any of them again, but he might as well give them one last word of hope. "It's going to be ok. You're going to be ok."

Po began to cry. "B-But, what about you-"

"It's a deal." Shadow interrupted and then suddenly forced his black goo off of the New Born he possessed, and it fell to the ground, forever dead and not coming back. The parasitic goo suddenly grew a hand and then grabbed Walten by the foot, releasing the dark tendril. Then, the goo began to force itself onto him, spreading from his leg onto his chest and arm, turning his fur from a peaceful snow white to a dreaded black. 

The group fell down to the ground and looked at her friend one last time before his whole body was covered in the black substance. "...W-W-Walten...?"

The black goo covered Walten's face and then showed an evil glowing grin, and then Walten's screen began to show an identical glow. And he began to laugh. "OH, IT'S HAPPENING!! IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!" He cried, his voice being a mix of Walten and Shadow's voice.

All four of them began to cry and look at this new 'Shadow Guardian' in horror. Their new friend and protector was now a monster, a demon, a Tubby Devil. Was there even a glimpse of their old friend in there anymore?

Shadow Guardian grinned and then suddenly teleported in a small army of infected soldiers, who seemed to have turned into New Borns. "SMASH THE HOUSE TO THE GROUND!!!"

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