Chapter 19: Retreat

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The New Borns roared and then charged at the house, crawling on top of it and then beginning to smash it down with all their might.

"NO!!!" Tink cried out and tried to run over to stop them until a black tendril grabbed him and began to smash him into the ground.

Shadow Guardian began to laugh manically, before tossing Tink onto the now dead grass. "OH, WHAT'S THE MATTER? DID YOU FALL DOWN?" He then watched Dip roar and charge at him like the animal he was once was. "NO, NO, NO...DON'T GET UP!!!" He then grabbed Dip by the neck and slashed him in the face with his claws before throwing him into the Superdome, which was being smashed.

"DIP!!" Laa screamed and quickly ran inside to save her friend.

Po turned before seeing The Shadow Guardian lunge at her with a cackle. She quickly gasped and dodged the incoming attack. "Walten! Please, you have to fight this!!"

Shadow Guardian just cackled and bounced off the tree he nearly crashed through and slashed her in the chest, not hitting her screen. He then grinned and forced tendrils to come out of his back and hit her rapidly in the face. PO eventually used her spider legs to cut the tendrils and then jumped into the air and lunged at Shadow Guardian, slashing her spider legs' blades at him. 

"LET MY FRIEND GO!!!" She screamed as she thrusted her spider legs towards him, and they hit him in the shoulders.

Shadow Guardian growled in pain before shooting out a ball of dark energy from his glowing screen, sending Po flying. "YOUR FRIEND IS GONE, LITTLE GIRL. ARMAGEDDON HAS BEGUN!!!"

The New Borns continued to keep smashing down the house, or even ripping apart the metal and grass that had somehow grown on top of it. They roared and went even harder, finally beginning to tear it down.

Laa quickly ran out of the house with Dip, but then gasped when the house came CRASHING down, metal falling to the floor and everything they had ever loved crushed and obliterated. "No..." She whispered.

The New Borns roared in victory before growling and lunging at Laa and Dip, but Laa quickly screamed and suddenly shot out a fireball from her palms, which is something she could do during the beginning days of her infection. She shook off the realization and kept firing her new power, slowing down The New Borns, but not completely stopping them.

Meanwhile, with Po, she was struggling to even tackle The Shadow Guardian. She couldn't bring herself to hurt her friend, and it was even harder to convince herself this was just Shadow. She finally growled and then pinned Shadow Guardian down. "LET HIM GO OR I'LL RIP YOU OFF OF HIM!!!" Po screamed.

Shadow Guardian's smile turned into a fearful expression, and when he spoke, Shadow's voice was gone, and only Walten's spoke. "P-Po...Please stop...Y-You're hurting me..."

Po went wide eyed. "W-Walten...?"

That's when the demon grinned. "Gotcha." He then blasted her off of him and then began to rapidly slash his now bloody claws into her body, laughing manically. "BUT WALTEN'S WATCHING AS I SLASH. YOUR. PUNY. LITTLE. BODY!!!!"

Tink then grabbed Shadow and flipped him over his body, forcing his cow top hat which once belonged to Walten, fall off. "LEAVE HER ALONE, YOU MONSTER!!!"

Shadow Guardian laughed as he grinned evilly. Tink's attack didn't seem to hurt him. "Don't think I forgot about you! You murdered in my name, Tink. You're as CRUEL, AS EVIL, AS VICIOUS, AND AS MONSTROUS AS I AM!!!"

Tink shook his head with tears in his eyes, but then found himself being punched in the screen. He screamed in pain, making Shadow Guardian grin evilly as he forced his tendrils on all four of his limbs, and then he threw him aside.

The Shadow Guardian then stood and laughed evilly. "NEW BORNS!!! GO BACK TO THE FORTRESS. I DON'T MIND HAVING SURVIVORS OF THE APOCALYPSE!!" The evil one laughed as he put his hat back on. He then teleported away, going back to the base.

The New Borns also seemed to warp away along with their master. Laa turned around and then gasped when she saw Po and Tink. She ran over, helping Po up while Dip helped Tink up.

"Po! Are you- Huh?"

Po began to sob, tears falling down from her scratched cheeks. "I-I...I thought I could...could..." She sniffled. "I couldn't save him."

Dip helped Tink walk over. "Po, don't talk like that! It wasn't your fault-"

Then, the sound of a helicopter- No, MULTIPLE helicopters flying over was heard throughout the Mainland.

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