chapter nine

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The days grew longer, the nights sweeter, as their love continued to blossom. They faced each challenge together, their bond only growing stronger with each passing day. Meerab's father, Anwar, watched them with a mix of pride and relief. He had feared that Murtasim's bitterness would cast a shadow over Meerab's life, but she had proven him wrong.

And then, one sunny afternoon, as Meerab sat at the grand dining table with Mariam and Mas Begum, enjoying a sumptuous lunch, she felt a sudden, overwhelming wave of nausea. Her hand flew to her mouth, her eyes wide with horror as she bolted from her seat, her chair scraping against the marble floor.

Mas Begum and Mariam, alarmed, jumped to their feet, their eyes following her as she dashed down the corridor. "Meerab!" they called out in unison, their footsteps echoing through the mansion. They found her in the bathroom, knees on the cool tiles, her body heaving.

Mas Begum's face paled as she rushed to her side, her hand on Meerab's back. "What's wrong, beta?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Meerab looked up, her eyes meeting hers, the fear evident. "I don't know," she managed to say between gasps. "It just came over me."

Mariam's hand flew to her mouth, her eyes wide with realization. "Could it be?" she whispered, her voice filled with hope.

Meerab's eyes grew even wider, the implications of her words sinking in. Could she be pregnant? The thought filled her with a mix of excitement and trepidation. She had always dreamed of starting a family, but with Murtasim's history, she had not allowed herself to hope.

As she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, she felt a flutter in her stomach, a sensation that was both foreign and exhilarating. It was a sign, a whisper from the universe that she had been chosen to carry on the legacy of love that she and Murtasim had built together.


The following week was a whirlwind of doctor's appointments and whispered conversations, their secret a beacon of joy that they guarded fiercely. When the test results came back positive, Meerab felt a joy so profound it brought tears to her eyes.

That night, as they lay in bed, she took Murtasim's hand, her heart racing. "I have something to tell you," she said, her voice trembling.

He looked at her, his eyes filled with questions. "What is it?"

She took a deep breath, her eyes shining. "We're going to be parents," she said, her voice filled with wonder.

The world seemed to stop, the air thick with the weight of her words. Then, as if released from a spell, Murtasim's face broke into a grin, his eyes sparkling with happiness. "A baby," he murmured, his voice filled with awe. "We're having a baby."

He pulled her into his arms, his embrace crushing her against his chest. "I love you," he said, his voice hoarse with emotion. "More than I ever thought possible."

Meerab's heart swelled with love, the warmth of his words wrapping around her like a blanket. She had never felt more alive, more loved, than she did in that moment. The future stretched out before them, a canvas of endless possibilities, and she knew that together, they could conquer anything.

Their love had grown from the most unlikely of beginnings, from the ashes of pain and betrayal. But now, as they looked forward to the life growing inside her, Meerab and Murtasim felt invincible. The news of her pregnancy had brought a new light to their lives, a warmth that seemed to chase away the shadows of the past.


Murtasim returned from his trip with a bouquet of roses, the petals a vibrant pink that matched the color of Meerab's cheeks when she saw him. He took her in his arms, the baby bump between them a tangible symbol of their love. The mansion buzzed with excitement as the family gathered to celebrate the impending addition to their clan.

The months passed in a flurry of preparation and anticipation. Meerab's belly grew rounder, her eyes shone brighter, and Murtasim hovered over her with a protectiveness that was both endearing and slightly suffocating. They painted the nursery in soft pastels, filling it with toys and clothes that whispered of dreams and giggles.

The bond between Meerab and Mariam grew stronger as they shared the excitement of impending motherhood. They discussed names, swapped stories of their own mothers, and dreamed of the future their children would share. The tension that had once existed between them had been replaced by a deep affection, a testament to the power of love to heal old wounds.

On a particularly warm afternoon, Meerab sat in the shade of the mango tree in the courtyard, her hand resting on her belly as she felt the baby kick. Mariam joined her, her own hand resting gently on Meerab's shoulder. They talked about the future, about the love they would shower on their child, and the happiness that awaited them.

And as they watched the sun dip below the horizon, painting the sky in a riot of orange and pink, Meerab knew that she had found her place in the world. This mansion, this family, this love, was her kingdom, and she was its queen. With Murtasim by her side and a baby on the way, she felt invincible, ready to face whatever challenges the future held.

But as the days grew closer to her due date, Meerab found herself plagued by strange cravings. At 3 AM, she sat bolt upright in bed, the scent of pizza wafting through the air, a ghostly reminder of the slice she had eaten days before. Her stomach growled, demanding more, and she knew that she would not find peace until she satisfied the craving.

With a gentle nudge, she woke Murtasim, his eyes fluttering open with a look of confusion. "What is it, my love?" he murmured, his voice thick with sleep.

"I need pizza," she whispered, a hint of desperation in her voice. "Now."

Murtasim's eyes widened, and then a smile spread across his face. He had become accustomed to her whims over the last few months, the wild cravings that had him searching the city for obscure food items at all hours. But he didn't mind; it was his way of showing her how much she meant to him.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed, his feet finding the plush carpet. "I'll have the chef make you one," he said, leaning over to kiss her forehead.

Meerab's hand shot out, grabbing his arm. "No," she said, her eyes wide with urgency. "I want real pizza, from the restaurant."

Murtasim chuckled, his love for her swelling in his chest. "Real pizza it is," he said, standing up. He knew that the only way to satisfy her craving was to get her the real deal, the greasy, cheesy delight that could only come from a late-night pizzeria.

They ventured out into the quiet streets of Hyderabad, the moon casting a silver glow over the sleeping city. The warm air was filled with the scent of jasmine, the occasional sound of a distant car breaking the silence. Meerab, in her oversized t-shirt and leggings, clung to Murtasim's arm, her belly leading the way like a beacon.

The pizzeria was a small, unassuming place, the neon sign flickering with a comforting glow. They stepped inside, the bell above the door chiming cheerfully. The owner, a middle-aged man with a thick mustache, looked up from the oven, his eyes widening when he saw them.

Murtasim ordered the pizza with a flourish, his voice filled with the excitement of a child on a midnight adventure. The man nodded, a knowing smile playing on his lips. He had seen many a pregnant woman crave his culinary masterpieces at odd hours.

As they waited, Meerab leaned against the counter, her eyes glazed with hunger. Murtasim rubbed her back, whispering sweet nothings into her ear, his love for her stronger than ever. And when the pizza was finally ready, the cheese bubbling and the crust crispy, she took a bite, her eyes closing in bliss.

The flavors exploded in her mouth, the perfect combination of salty and sweet, of crunch and chew. It was everything she had dreamed of and more. She took another bite, her eyes opening to meet Murtasim's, the love in his gaze reflecting her own.

In that moment, as they shared a slice of pizza in the quiet of the early morning, Meerab knew that no matter what the future held, she had found her happiness, her soulmate. And together, they would face it all, one craving at a time.

The weeks leading up to the birth were a blur of excitement and nerves. The mansion was alive with the whispers of preparation, the air thick with the anticipation of new life. The women of the family hovered around Meerab, sharing ancient remedies and whispered prayers for a safe delivery.

But amidst the chaos, Meerab and Murtasim found moments of solitude, their eyes meeting in quiet understanding. They knew that their love had been tested, that it had grown from the dust of their pain. But now, as they awaited the birth of their child, they knew that it was a love that could conquer anything.

The night the baby arrived was a whirlwind of emotions. Meerab's cries mingled with the shouts of the midwives, the air thick with the scent of sweat and fear. But when the baby's first wail pierced the silence, Murtasim felt his heart swell with a love he had never known before.

He took his son into his arms, the tiny body a miracle in his hands. He looked into the squinting eyes, the new life staring back at him, and he knew that this was what he had been fighting for, this was the legacy he would leave behind.

The baby was a perfect blend of both of them, with Murtasim's dark hair and Meerab's honey brown eyes. They named him mahir.

As Meerab held their son, she felt a peace that she had never known before. The love she felt for this tiny human was a force of nature, a love that had the power to move mountains. And she knew that she would do anything, fight anyone, to protect him.


The days that followed were a mix of exhaustion and euphoria. They learned the rhythm of feeding and changing, the sweetness of a baby's breath against their skin. They watched as mahir grew, his eyes focusing on their faces, his tiny fingers grasping for theirs.

And in the quiet moments, when the baby slept and the mansion was still, Meerab and Murtasim would look at each other, their hearts full. They had found something in each other that went beyond duty and expectation, beyond the shackles of their past. They had found true love.

As the months passed, mahir grew into a happy, curious child, his laughter echoing through the halls of the mansion. Meerab watched him with a fierce pride, her heart swelling with every new milestone. And Murtasim, once so closed off, had become a devoted father, his eyes lighting up with every giggle, every wobbly step.

Their love had not just survived the storm; it had thrived in it. They had built a life together, a family, a future filled with promise. And as they watched their son play, the warmth of their love surrounding them like a cocoon, they knew that no matter what the world threw at them, they would face it together, as one.

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