Chapter ten

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The preparations for Mahir's third birthday party were in full swing. The mansion was adorned with balloons and streamers, the air thick with the sweet scent of birthday cake. The sound of laughter and chatter filled the halls as guests began to arrive. Mariam, now a proud mother of twins Zeeshan and Zaid, bustled around the room, her eyes sparkling with joy.

The twins toddled over, their tiny hands reaching for their uncle, their faces lighting up at the sight of him. Murtasim scooped them up, his heart swelling with love. He had never imagined the depth of emotion that fatherhood would bring, never dreamed of the joy that came from watching a piece of him grow in the eyes of another.

The party was a vibrant tapestry of color and sound, the laughter of children a symphony that played in the background. Meerab watched as Mahir, her little prince, played with his cousins, the twins, their eyes alight with wonder. She felt a hand squeeze her waist, and she turned to find Murtasim smiling at her, his eyes filled with a love that had grown stronger with each passing day.

"You look beautiful," he murmured, his voice a gentle caress against her ear.

Meerab blushed, her hand instinctively reaching for her stomach. "Thank you," she said, her voice soft. She was expecting again, their family about to grow, and she felt a mix of excitement and fear. Would she be able to handle it all? Would Murtasim still love her when she was no longer the girl he had married but a mother of three?

The cake was brought out, a grand creation of chocolate and vanilla, the air heavy with the anticipation of sweetness. Mahir's eyes widened, his chubby cheeks flushing with excitement. Meerab took a deep breath, steadying herself for the moment she had been dreaming of, the moment she would watch her son blow out his candles and make a wish.

But as the knife sliced through the cake, the room began to spin. The laughter grew distant, the lights too bright. And then, without warning, her knees gave out, and she crumpled to the floor.

Murtasim felt his world shatter as Meerab's body went limp in his arms. His heart stuttered in his chest, his breath catching in his throat. He had never felt so powerless, so scared.

The room erupted into chaos, guests rushing to their side, voices raised in alarm. But all he could hear was the roar of blood in his ears, the deafening silence of his own fear. He scooped her up, his mind racing, his body moving on instinct. He had to get her to a doctor, now.

As they sped through the night, the cool air rushing in through the open window, Murtasim whispered prayers into Meerab's ear, his voice trembling. He had seen the doctor's face, the concern etched deep, and he knew that something was wrong.

But it was the sight of her pale, unconscious form that haunted him, the feel of her cold hand in his. He had promised to protect her, to cherish her, and now he felt as if he was failing her in the most fundamental way.

The hospital was a blur of white coats and beeping machines, the sterile smell a stark contrast to the warmth of their mansion. They whisked her away, leaving him in the waiting room with nothing but his thoughts and his fear.

The hours ticked by, each minute an eternity. The walls closed in around him, the air thick with the weight of his anxiety. He thought of their son, of the life they had built together, of the love that had grown from the ashes of his anger and her resilience.

And then, the doctor emerged, his face a mask of professional calm. Murtasim stood, his legs shaking, his hand reaching out for the reassurance that was not there.

"Your wife is stable," the doctor said, his voice a lifeline in the storm. "We're monitoring her closely, but it seems she's had a severe case of preeclampsia."

Murtasim's heart sank. Preeclampsia, a condition that could threaten both Meerab and their unborn child. He had never felt so out of control, so utterly helpless.

But as he sat by her side, her hand in his, he made a silent vow. He would not let fear dictate their future. They had overcome so much, grown so much. And together, they would face this challenge, as they had faced every other.

With each beat of her heart, he felt his own pulse steady, the love that had started as a duty now a raging fire that would burn through any obstacle. He leaned over, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "You're going to be okay," he whispered, his voice filled with a hope that seemed to echo through the cold, clinical room.

Meerab's eyes fluttered open, a faint smile gracing her lips as she saw him. "Murtasim," she breathed, her voice weak but reassured by his presence.

He squeezed her hand. "You're strong," he said, his voice firm. "We're going to get through this."

The doctor's words had been a blow, but in that moment, as he looked into her eyes, he knew that together, they could weather any storm. The days that followed were a blur of tests and treatments, of hope and fear. Meerab's condition remained precarious, the baby's arrival an uncertainty that loomed over them like a dark cloud.

But amidst the chaos, there were moments of stillness, moments when it was just the two of them, their love a beacon in the dark. They whispered to each other, sharing memories of their past, dreams for their future, and silent promises of a love that would never waver.

And then, on the fifth day, the doctor delivered the news they had been both dreading and hoping for. The baby had to be delivered immediately, or they could both lose Meerab. The room fell silent, the weight of the words a palpable presence.

Murtasim nodded, his jaw clenched, his eyes never leaving Meerab's. "Do it," he said, his voice firm. "Save them both."

The surgery was a whirlwind of activity, a symphony of beeps and whispers. And when it was over, when the doctor held up a tiny, wailing bundle, Murtasim felt a surge of relief so profound it was almost painful.

They named her meesam a name that meant "Smiling " and " happy," a name that reflected the fierce spirit that had brought her into the world. Meerab, pale but smiling, cradled their daughter in her arms, her eyes filled with a love that seemed to defy the gravity of their situation.

The weeks that followed were a blur of recovery and joy, of sleepless nights and stolen moments of peace. Meesam grew stronger with each passing day, her cries a sweet music that filled the mansion with life. And as Meerab regained her strength, their bond grew even deeper, their love a testament to the power of hope and determination.


The mansion, once a fortress of duty and expectation, had become a home filled with laughter and love. And as they watched their children grow, Murtasim and Meerab knew that their love story was not one of fate or destiny but of choice, of two people deciding to stand together against all odds.

The whispers of their past had faded, replaced by the laughter of their children, the warmth of their love. They had found in each other not just a partner but a best friend, a confidant, a lover. And as they sat in the courtyard, their children playing in the moonlight, they knew that they had built something far more precious than any empire: a family.

Their hearts full, their future uncertain, they held each other tightly, the promise of their love a beacon that would guide them through whatever trials lay ahead. And as the night grew still, the only sound the steady beat of their hearts, they knew that together, they could conquer the world.


Mahir was now 5 years old, a spitting image of his father with a sprinkle of Meerab's kindness in his eyes. Meesam, a wildflower at 3, had inherited her mother's determination and her father's spirit. The four of them, wrapped in the warm embrace of their love, ventured out into the countryside for a picnic, a rare escape from the responsibilities that weighed upon Murtasim's shoulders.

The sun shone down upon them as they spread their blanket on the soft grass, the children's laughter carrying on the breeze. Meerab had packed a feast fit for a king, her hands busy as she laid out the food while Murtasim watched her with a mix of admiration and love.

Mahir's eyes lit up at the sight of his favorite sandwiches, while Meesam clapped her hands in delight at the sight of the fruit salad, her little mouth watering. They ate with gusto, the simple pleasure of being together filling their hearts more than any banquet could.

As they lay back, their bellies full, the children playing tag nearby, Meerab looked up at Murtasim, her gaze filled with love and contentment. "We've come so far," she murmured, her voice barely audible over the giggles and shouts of their offspring.

Murtasim nodded, his hand reaching for hers. "And we'll go further," he said, his voice strong and sure. "Together."

Their love had not just survived; it had thrived, grown roots that dug deep into the earth, anchoring them through the storms of life. They had faced challenges that would have torn apart lesser bonds, but theirs had only grown stronger, a testament to the power of choice and the resilience of the human heart.

The picnic was a celebration of life, of love, of the family they had built together. As they watched their children, the embodiment of their union, they knew that their love story was one of courage and growth, a tale that had just begun.

The years had flown by, and yet, in this moment, it felt as if time had stopped, allowing them to bask in the warmth of their love, the promise of their future stretching out before them like a golden path.

Murtasim pulled Meerab closer, his hand resting protectively on her swollen stomach. They had not spoken of it, but they both knew that another child was on the way, a silent pact between them, a promise of more love to come.

Their gazes met, a silent conversation passing between them. They had come a long way from the reluctant couple who had met at the altar, their hearts wary and their souls bruised. Now, as they watched their children play, their hearts swelling with pride, they knew that their love was not just a product of their past but a foundation for their future.

The sun began to dip below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink. Mahir and Meesam, their cheeks flushed from the exertion of the day, curled up in their parents' arms, their laughter a sweet symphony that filled the air.

And as they drove back to the mansion, the lights twinkling in the distance, Meerab leaned her head against Murtasim's shoulder, her hand resting on their unborn child. They had overcome so much, grown so much. And as they faced the future, they knew that their love was not just a shelter but a weapon, one that would cut through the darkest of days.

Their journey had been fraught with challenges, but in each other, they had found the strength to conquer. And as they stepped into the mansion, the warm embrace of their home, they knew that their love was not just a story but a legacy, one that would live on through their children, a testament to the power of the human spirit.


Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, their lives a tapestry of joy and hardship, of moments that tested and strengthened their bond. They faced each trial with a united front, their love a bastion against the storms that life threw at them.

And when Meerab's water broke, Murtasim was there, his eyes filled with love and fear as they rushed to the hospital once more. This time, though, the fear was different. It was not the fear of the unknown but the fear of losing the woman who had become his world.

The birth of their third child, a daughter they named maira, was a moment of pure euphoria. Her tiny, wrinkled face a mirror of Meerab's beauty, her cries a symphony that brought tears to Murtasim's eyes. They had created life, together, a bond that went beyond words, beyond the confines of their arranged marriage.

The mansion buzzed with the excitement of a new arrival, the air thick with the scent of jasmine and love. As they cradled their newborn daughter, their hearts swelled with a love that was boundless, a love that had started as a whisper and had grown into a roar.

The whispers of the past had faded into nothingness, replaced by the laughter of their children, the warmth of their embraces. Their story was no longer one of duty but of love, of two souls finding refuge in each other's arms.

And as they watched maira grow, her eyes wide with wonder at the world around her, Meerab and Murtasim knew that their love had not just survived but had flourished, a beacon in the darkness that had once surrounded them.

Their days were filled with the chaos of raising a family, the mansion a bastion of warmth and love amidst the cold, unforgiving world outside. They had built something real, something that transcended the expectations of their families and the whispers of society.

Their love was not a fairy tale but a lived reality, one that had grown from the ashes of their pain, that had blossomed into a love that was fierce and true. And as they watched their children play, their hearts full, they knew that their story was not just one of love but of hope, a testament to the fact that even in the most unlikely of places, love could find a way.

Murtasim looked down at Meerab, her eyes shining with a love that had grown stronger with each passing day. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "For choosing me, for loving me."

Meerab's smile was like the sun breaking through the clouds. "There was never any choice," she said, her voice soft. "You were always the one."

And in that moment, as they stood in the nursery, their children asleep in their cribs, their hearts beating in sync, they knew that their love was not just a story but a promise, a vow that would carry them through the trials and tribulations that life had in store.

For they had found in each other not just a partner but a soulmate, a person who had seen them at their worst and had chosen to stand by them, to love them, to fight for them. And together, as they faced the future, hand in hand, they knew that their love was not just a feeling but a force, one that could conquer any obstacle.

Their story was one of growth, of transformation, of a love that had started as a duty and had become the very essence of their beings. And as they stepped into the future, their hearts full and their love unshaken, they knew that no matter what lay ahead, they would face it together, as a family, bound by the invisible threads of their hearts.


The feuds of the past had been buried, the whispers of scandal forgotten. They had forged their own path, a path paved with love and sacrifice. And as they stood in the nursery, their kids sleeping peacefully, Meerab knew that she had found her destiny, not in the grandeur of the mansion or the status of her marriage, but in the love of her husband and the warmth of their child's embrace.


Meerab had proven to be more than just a wife and mother; she had become a beacon of strength and wisdom. After the birth of Maira, she had pursued her education with a fervor that had surprised even her, completing her LLM and setting up her own law firm in the bustling city of Hyderabad. Her sharp mind and unyielding determination had earned her a reputation as one of the most successful lawyers in the country, a feat that was a source of immense pride for Murtasim.

The mansion had become a place of both tradition and modernity, a reflection of their evolving lives. While Murtasim continued to manage the family's businesses with an iron fist, Meerab's legal career brought a new dimension to their world, one that was steeped in the pursuit of justice and equality.

The End

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