Ch.3 Pinky Swear?

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The quiet tranquility of the morning was lost as man woke once more going about their lives looking forward to the moments in between as work claimed their precious days, making the most of his day Steven began the argueous walk to Connie's House with a stomach so full it hurt to move "Why does Pearl have to make such great pancakes..." Steven groaned out, his cheeseburger backpack strapped to his back filled with art supplies and books as he walked down the street to the Big Donut

Inside the Big Donut

"Ahhh..." Sadie yawned stocking this mornings batch of donuts as Lars sat and talked to her about watching a old horror movie he discovered at some spooky store out of town, Sadie feigned interest as he described the movie in a excited mannet "Usually I'm all for horror movies, but really first thing in the morning!" Sadie thought to herself in a annoyed manner before a familiar shape caught her attention it was Steven walking towards the Big Donut with his backpack, soon enough Steven stood in front of the counter ordering a Strawberry Donut, Sadie glanced at Lars signalling to him to get the donut which he did not before grumbling something under his breath, left with dozens of questions she started with "Steven...What are you doing up so early?" Sadie asked before yawning and rubbing her still sleepy eyes looking at Steven with clear interest "Well I woke up early and decided to take a walk on the town." Steven said nervously rubbing his neck trying to avoid the question "With your backpack?" Sadie asked looking at the burger shaped backpack strapped to his back, suddenly her face changed to one of worry "You aren't running away are you?!" Sadie screamed out causing Lars to smash his head on the counter as he bent down to grab Steven's donut "Ow! Owww!" Lars moaned in pain gripping his head, Steven meanwhile stumbled over his words wanting to apologise to Lars and also freak out over the question Sadie just asked, Sadie hovered over Lars in worry, hands flailing around him "Sadie!!!" Lars screamed turning to her still holding his head "Why did you have to do that!" Lars whined "I'm so sorry Lars, go rest in the storage room, I'll take over for a while." Sadie said grabbing Lars by the hand leading him to the door, when Lars disappeared into the back room, Sadie turned around looking back to Steven sighing before heading back behind the counter and grabbing Steven's strawberry donut and putting it in a bag, sitting it on the counter "So what are you doing out this early?" Sadie asked quietly as Steven pulled out a dollar to pay her "I'm going to Connie's House..." Steven said looking down at the ground clearly ashamed, putting the dollar on the counter "Why lie?" Sadie asked eyeing Steven suspiciously "Dad would freak out if he knew Pearl let me leave this early in the morning! I was worried you might tell him. Could you keep this a secret?" Steven asked nervously raising his pinky for a pinky swear, Sadie sighed "Only if you promise to stay safe." Sadie said raising her own pinky as she leaned on the counter "Deal!" Steven said wrapping his pinky around hers "Well then stay safe!" Sadie said as he took his donut and bolted out of building down the street.

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