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This chapter is double the length of usual which is why it's a bit late! It was going to be split in two but I thought it's better together so took a little longer to write it all (as well as a little mishap with myself, explained at the end oops). Hope you enjoy! SECOND TO LAST CHAPTER EVERYONE


An incessant sound buzzes in the air, high-pitched and nasally. It pierces through the darkness. I wish it would stop, but it only grows louder, other voices joining in. My eyelids flutter, but they feel like paperweights, refusing to open.

I let out a jumbled murmur and there's a light pressure spreading from the inside of my wrist—a hand. It presses harder, fingertips warm when I feel like ice. When I'm finally able to open my eyes, the room is so blindingly white I have to squint.

I murmur a complaint as I reach up to shield my eyes. The fingers ease off my wrist and Cassia appears in my line of vision instead, silver eyes brushing all over my face. When she notices me looking, she pulls back, a hesitant smile crossing her lips.


I shift slightly to peer past her. I recognise the room from the white sheets pulled across to shield us from all the other people in the room—the infirmary. Trays clatter and there's a constant buzz in the air, but I can't see any of it. There are two cots in our section, I'm lying on one and Cassia leans against the other.

I blink until I can only see one of her. My head pounds as my memory returns—Cassia getting bitten, Eric nowhere to be seen, Elias falling unconscious, and Malik... the thought of him delivers like a stab. I almost killed him. I would've killed him. Maybe I still should.

"What happened?" My voice is hoarse. "Where's Elias?"

"Take it easy, Milena."

"The last time I saw you, you were—you were on the ground and..." And now she's fine, her shoulder revealed by the black tank top she's wearing. There isn't so much as a scar. "And Elias was..." I can still hear the cracking in his chest as I pumped against it, I can feel the ice in his skin. "Where's Elias? Is he—"

"He's alive," she says quickly, before I can jump to any of my own conclusions.

I sink back in the bed, mind racing. Malik said as much, it was the only thing that kept me from killing him right then and there in the forest. My knife was seconds away from puncturing his skin. There was no guilt, no fear, no thought of what would happen next. In that moment, I'd wanted to kill him. But I hesitated and then... then nothing. I swing my legs over the bed, trying to stand, and immediately am hit with a wave of nausea.

Cassia steadies me. "Woah, woah, I was serious before, you need to slow down. You've been out for a while."

I shoot my gaze to hers. "How long is a while?" She hesitates. "Cassia."

"Three days."

"Three days?" I try to walk again and make it to the sheet before Cassia grabs my arm. I'm lucky she does, too, the world was starting to spin.

"Seriously, Milena. Your body has been battered, it needed time to heal. That's probably why you stayed out so long."

"Or because Malik's henchman whacked the back of my head," I grumble. Cassia sighs, her grip on my arm loosening. "I almost killed him, Cassia. He told me Elias was alive, but I-I still almost killed him."

"I don't blame you."

I run a hand through my hair, focusing on the marks on the ground. Somebody has tried to scrub it, but it's stained—a dark red in erratic patterns. "What happened after I... after they knocked me out?"

"They dragged me in here," she says quietly, "I thought they were going to kill me, and both of you. But helped me." She shakes her head. "They kept me down here for hours. Malik came for me, then. He told me what happened, that Elias had agreed to try it as long as they promised not to hurt his people, and I stabbed him in the thigh."

I can't help but smile. "I don't blame you."

"I didn't believe him, not until he took me to Elias, and I heard his heart—it was faint, but it was there. He wasn't dead. He isn't dead."

And that can only mean one thing—Malik was telling the truth. I wouldn't kill him, I'd only strip him of half of who he is. The thought fills me with a sinking feeling. I hadn't had time to dwell on it before, but now, with the chaos over, it hits me like a tonne of bricks. Is Elias still part wisper?

I open my mouth. "Is—"

The sheet is roughly pulled open, revealing Eric. "She's ready—"

"Eric?" I whisper.

I blink at him, half in shock, as relief floods throughout my body. I didn't see where he went during the battle in the courtyard, I didn't know if he was okay. But he stands there, and as his eyes go to me standing, he scowls. Actually scowls.

"I was hoping you'd still be out for this."

I laugh, but it twists halfway in my throat and sounds more like a cry. Because I wouldn't expect anything else from him. "I'm so glad you're okay."

His gaze softens, only slightly, as he moves closer and puts a hand on my shoulder, squeezes, before turning to Cassia. "They're waiting in the library."

She nods, hastily grabbing her shoes from the floor. I lean against the bed. "Who?"

"Don't worry—"

"Aren't we past the point of keeping things from me?"

Cassia smiles to herself and Eric's scowl eases, but only slightly. "Old habit." He sighs before meeting my gaze. "Elder Rosemary is here."

Tension spread up my body, a fire brewing in my stomach. Before they can say more, I brush past him, stepping out into the hall. The infirmary is a mess, the wall stained and dirtied. Someone has tried to clean up all the trays and cots, but equipment still litters the floor. I head for the staircase, ignoring all the stares of villagers as I make my way.

Eric grabs my arm to stop me, Cassia by his side. "Wait."

"Why would you let her come here? After all they've done, after all they planned to do with Elias?" Neither of them answers, expressions stoic. "Why?"

Eric sighs before glancing around the room. Then, he tugs on my arm, leading me to the staircase. The winding of the stairs makes my head pound, so I'm grateful for his grounding touch. He only stops once we're in the foyer. It's just as ruined as the infirmary, the lanterns torn from the wall.

"Malik summoned all of the elders days ago," Eric says in a low voice. "They've been on their way for some time. It's why the caves were empty when Cassia and I went."

"And you let them waltz in? Just like that?"

"They're not really the kind of visitors we have the power to refuse," Cassia mumbles somewhat bitterly.

Eric sighs. "I know it sounds horrible, but we have to meet with them, with Malik, because—"

"Malik is still here?" A murderous rage fills me and I stare accusingly at them both.

"We're not happy about it either."

"Then why?"

"Look," Cassia says. "The immortal hollowers have become more of an issue to shifter clans all over, not just ours. Malik stopped them from growing. You may hate him, you may want to kill him, but it doesn't change the facts."

"And that is?"

"To the rest of the world, all the other shifters out there, Malik and the elders are heroes," Eric finishes, spitting out the last word. "To go against them now would be considered treason."

The weight of his words settles on my chest, eliciting a helpless feeling. It makes me want to scream, the thought of Malik being here, walking around as if he didn't contribute to the destruction of so many lives, makes me see red. But I have to keep myself in check, not matter how angry it makes me. Eric and Cassia are right. No matter how much I hate it, hate him, it doesn't change the reality—if I'd killed Malik when I had the chance, I'd be the bad guy.

It reminds me of something Malik said when I accused him of ending so many lives. But I'll prevent more deaths in the future.

"Does Elias know they're here?"

"He's with Elder Rosemary now," Cassia says quietly.

"I'm coming." Neither of them say anything. "What, no protests?"

"I think we're past that point, don't you think?" Eric says, grinning at Cassia.

"I'd say so."

We walk up to the library together. Even though most of the castle remains untouched, there's a different feel to the air—I can never wander these halls and not think about everything that's happened. I can never look out the window without thinking about all the people the hollowers tried to destroy and torture.

Eric pushes the door to the library open and we step in. I half expect the fire to be roaring, but it's much too warm for that now, and sunlight streams through the window on the far wall. I haven't been in here since we left to search for Elias, and the bookshelves have been over turned, Elias' books scattered across the floor.

"Milena." Malik peers around one of the bookshelves still standing. I eye his throat, half expecting to see a cut, but his skin is just as flawless as the day we met. "You're awake."

"No thanks to you," I snap.

He purses his lips as we make out way further into the room. Around the corner, Elder Rosemary and Elias wait. They sit opposite one another, Elder Rosemary on the armchair and Elias on the sofa. My eyes are drawn to Elias, as his are to mine. He looks... he looks awful. Sagged against the sofa, skin paler than usual, tired lines marking his face. But I'm so happy to see him I could cry. He looks a million times more alive than the last time I saw him. He shifts slightly as I step closer, moving towards him.

"I am pleased you are here to join us," Elder Rosemary says. I pause, turning to look at her. She wears a long, red dress, white flowers in her grey hair. "It is you I would like to discuss, after all."

I frown, stepping backwards so my legs hit the back of the sofa. "What do you mean?" Cassia asks.

"I think it best if she comes with us, to the caves."

Eric scoffs at the same time that Cassia and Elias protest.

"Haven't you people done enough?" I say, talking over them and glaring at her. "If you think I'll go anywhere with you you're out of your mind."

"You'd be safe," Malik promises. "I won't let any harm come to you."

"Like I'd ever believe anything that comes out of your mouth again."

Eric puts a hand on my shoulder. "Milena—"

"No, I don't care what your village thinks, what the elders think. So many people from this village died and you played a hand in that." Malik's gaze doesn't waver, his expression unfathomable. There was once a time when I was charmed by those ocean blue eyes, but now, all I see are the vacant stares of the dead. "You're no hero."

"You are an ungrateful, foolish, little girl," Elder Rosemary all but spits, rising to her feet.

"Elder, don't," Malik says softly.

She continues. "Hate the elders all you want, Milena, but if it weren't for Malik, we would've killed your precious Elias the second he'd activated you when you all visited us."

I look at Elias, but he sits forward, eyebrows furrowed. He doesn't know what she's talking about, either.

"You should be thanking Malik," she says. "He convinces us to give him time to test his theory." She eyes Elias. There is no distaste in her gaze, nothing at all, to her, Elias is simply a means to an end. "It appears it worked. For now."

I look at Malik but he avoids my eye. I don't know whether to believe her, all she's done is lie to us. If what she's saying is true, Malik truly did try to save Elias. But that doesn't erase his manipulation, his lies, all the other lives he helped Cynthia kill—people with families, children.

"This isn't relevant," Malik says eventually.

"Why do you want Milena?" Elias asks, speaking for the first time. His voice is rough, like it hasn't been used.

"There are still immortal hollowers out there. She is still the shadow."

"No." Elias stands, towering over me. He sways slightly but doesn't fall. "Part of our deal was that she would be left out of this," he says to Malik. "You promised."

Malik looks conflicted. "I did—"

"But it does not matter what Malik promised, for he is not in charge," Elder Rosemary interrupts.

I glare at her, wanting nothing more than to rip those stupid flowers from her hair. "You think she'd be better off here where she may actually encounter the immortal hollowers," Cassia says. "Hidden in your caves, she'll be no good."

"You're not taking Milena anywhere," Elias says firmly. He steps forward so I'm slightly behind him.

Elder Rosemary looks up at him with a steely gaze. "Are you denying the Elders, Elias?"

"I am."

"I suppose I should not be surprised. You were raised by Ana, after all."

"Don't you dare speak of her."

"I shall speak of her as I please." She tilts her head to the side. "She should've killed you when she had the chance. She was a traitor to our entire species. I suppose the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree."

Elias' jaw clenches, but he doesn't bite. "You're not taking Milena."

A thick tension chokes in the air as they stare at one another. I glance at Eric, he looks ready to strike, poised in a sitting position, and Cassia has never looked more on edge. I think of their words, of what they said it would mean to go against the elders, and my stomach churns.

"Stop," I say, putting a hand on Elias arm. He turns to look down at me, eyes softening. I look to Elder Rosemary. "She's right. The immortal hollowers are still out there."

She seems pleased by my words. "At least one of you has some sense."

"Don't get the wrong idea, I'm still not going anywhere with you," I say sharply. "When was the last time a hollower infiltrated your base?"

"That has never happened," Elder Rosemary says, somewhat proudly.

"And what would you plan to do with me? Run tests? Use me as bait to draw the hollowers out? Let them try to kill me over and over—"

"We won't," Malik says. "You won't be harmed."

"Then Cassia is right, I'm no use to you on the coast where no hollower would dare venture." I shake my head. "I would be wasted."

She narrows her eyes at me. I can't tell if I'm getting through to her, her expression so hard to read.

"After all, shutting me in some cave isn't what's best for everybody, is it?" I'm right, and from her expression she knows it. The elders are all logic, no emotion. And I don't know if I've ever been more logical in my life.

"This, I had not considered." She shifts her gaze to Elias. "There is still the issue of the wisper, of course."

"That is no longer be an issue," Elias says, voice low. I watch his face for any sign of emotion, but I can't get a read on him.

"Malik is convinced his theory worked, however, we cannot rely solely on opinion. The elders would like to run some tests on their own."

"Tests?" Cassia steps forward. I shudder, awaiting Elder Rosemary's answer.

"Nothing painful," Malik interjects, looking at me. "Believe that."

I don't know if I can.

"Proof? If that's all you require, I'll comply," Elias says.


Milena, please. I'm so shocked by the sound of Elias' voice in my head the rest of my words are cut off. He meets my gaze. We'll talk soon.

He turns back to Elder Rosemary. "I'll go with you so you can get your proof. So long as you stay true to Malik's word."

Elder Rosemary eyes me closely, tilting her head sideways. "The shadow will be left out of it."

"Good." Elias nods, turning to look back at us. Neither Cassia nor Eric says anything, I assume he filled their heads with words I couldn't hear like he did to me.

"As soon as we have our proof, you are free to go as you please." Elder Rosemary says, pushing to her feet and eyeing each of us. "We leave at sunset."

I stare out the window. It's mid-afternoon, the sun blazing in. I can't pull apart the thoughts racing around my head. All I know is that my heart hammers and I feel am overwhelming lack of control.

I turn back, looking at Elias, my eyes stinging. My head still spins, and I still feel faint. But I can't look away from him, because the last time I saw him I thought he was dead and now he's going to leave again.

He turns to look at me, feeling my gaze, and tilts his head forward slightly. Everything will be okay. His voice sounds the same in my head. I promise. And as if he knows how suffocated I feel, he adds, "Go, I'll come find you.

I turn my back, moving towards the door when Malik stops me. I turn to look at him, at his hand on my shoulder. "Before we leave, I... I was wondering if we could talk."

I stare up at him, then, I brush his hand off my shoulder. "I have nothing to say to you."

I turn on my heel and walk out the door.


When Elias finds me an hour later, I'm in my old room, picking up shards of glass scattered across the floor in front of the smashed window. I know he's there before he speaks. No matter what happened to him in the past few days, the same energy follows him, filling the room with a light buzz.

I turn around to find him sitting on the bed, eyes on me. He looks marginally better than the last time I saw him, but still pale, still tired, still... different.

"Hey," I whisper.

"Come sit down," he urges.

I settle next to him, looking down at where our knees touch. Elias reaches forward and takes one of my hands in his own, shocking me. I look up at him, but his gaze is on our fingers as his thumb brushes the top of my hand.

"How do you feel?" I ask.

"I've been better." He shifts slightly. "You broke my ribs, you know, trying to revive me."

"I—what?" I splutter. "I thought you were dead!"

"I was actually quite impressed you were able to." He offers me a small smile. "You never did have great upper body strength."

I can't help but laugh, but the sound comes up strangled and more like a cry. "Don't go, Elias," I whisper.

"It's the only way they'll leave us alone for good. It's not forever."

"How can you trust them?" My voice is shaky as I grip his hand. "They... they're liars."

"The elders are all logic, no feelings," he tells me. "They don't care if I live or die. They want to ensure that I can't create anymore immortal hollowers, that I'm not a threat anymore and I'm... I'm not." His voice dies in his throat and he looks away. "For so long I could feel it brewing beneath my skin, a ticking time bomb but now... now I can't feel anything. No matter what I do it won't come back."

Whether or not he knows it, there's a deep sorrow in his voice. "I'm so sorry, Elias."

"I hated everything about my gifts, everything I had to do because of them, the people I've hurt, killed, those I've pushed away and now... now I don't have to do any of that anymore."

I reach forward to touch his face, drawing his eyes back to mine, my heart aching at his pained expression. "That doesn't mean they weren't a part of you. A big part. It's okay to feel sad that you've lost that."

He gazes at me, pressing his cheek against my hand, stubble rough. Whatever's changed, his eyes are constant—warm and bright, like the sun. "Like Charles," he whispers.

"Like Charles."

He once told me the same thing. Emotions are complicated, and we're never limited to feel just one.

"Do you trust me, Milena?" he asks.

Everyone I've ever cared about has broken my trust in one way or another, Elias included. But I can see the bigger picture now, I know him more than I ever thought I could. And as I look into his eyes, there's only one thing I can possibly say.

"With all my heart."

"Then believe this." He brushes a hand down my cheek. "I'll see you sooner than you know. And maybe I'll be able to walk without swaying by then." I laugh, but it comes out as a cry. His hand trails down up the length of my arm, tracing my collarbones, eyes never once leaving mine. "And I can hold you," he murmurs, leaning forward. He presses a kiss to my forehead. "And kiss you."

My eyes flutter shut. "We can go swimming in the mountains."

"And I can show you the meadows." His breath brushes across my neck.

I open my eyes. "You mean Malik's village?"

"Different meadows." He smiles at me, entire face brightening. "We can take Malik's village off the list. What do you think?"

"I think that's a good idea," I murmur. "I'll be counting the days."

He pulls back, cupping my face in his hands. "I've already started."


I've never hated the sight of a sunset more in my life. I can't even enjoy the sight of Malik and the elders disappearing into the forest because of who is going with them. Eric and I stand by the castle, side by side as we watch them go, Malik up front, then the elders, then Elias and Cassia. At first, there was a huge argument over whether Eric or Cassia should go with him, Cassia won, much to Eric's distaste. I let out a sigh, wrapping my arms over my body.

Beside me, Eric puts an arm over my shoulder. "They'll be alright."

"I know," I say. "Cassia would kill anyone who tries to harm him."

That much, I believe. Eric squeezes my shoulder. I rest my head against his. We're the same height, so it's not at all comfortable, but it makes me feel safe, at home.

"We'll be alright, too, you know," he murmurs.

He's already one of the shadows of the night, but when Elias turns back, his amber eyes burn through the forest. "I know." 


I fainted after getting my vaccination and hit my head quite hard haha so it took me a little longer to write. Just wanted to lie in bed all day. Hope you enjoy this second to last chapter ! <3


1. Is it weird that I cried while writing this? Yes, okay :(

2. Do you think it makes sense for Elias and Cassia to go with the elders?

3. Final thoughts before the last chapter? I can't believe it's amost over. I have so much I need to change as this is a first draft but it's been a journey that's for sure.


My next book, Cloud Piercer, is up on my profile and will be posted on the 16th October. Add it to your reading lists and libraries ahead of time! I haven't finished the blurb, but here's what it involves:

- Shifters (duh)

- Humans (duh)

- New paranormal creatures you've never seen before 

- Romance

- An very determined, stubborn (but loveable) main character (she's very different to Milena)

- Royalty

- Death

- Mystery

- Rebellion

All of my favourite things :) add it now!

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