Chapter 16

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Izumi's pov.

"Ngh. . ." I groaned as pain greeted me during my waking. My head was pounding, and my eyesight was a bit blurry as my eyes drifted open. "Where. . . am I?" The words came out barely above a whisper as I took in my surroundings.

Its a dark room. I can barely make out the outline of a door, as I squint my eyes. I make a move to lift my hand to my head . . . but my hands are restrained by something heavy and metal. Clearly metal.

I turn my head, staring down at my left hand, seeing a handcuff settled tightly around my wrist. The handcuff was hooked to a chain that was connected to the wall. It was the same with my right hand. . . and the collar cuff around my neck.

I took a deep breath and began feeling for my chakra, hoping these chains weren't chakra infused.


"Damn it." I cursed, moving to my knees, then rising to my feet. The chains clinked together as I stood, and I grunted under the heavy weight of the metal.

I placed a foot on the wall, taking hold of the chain on my left hand, making sure to grasp it closer to the wall. Then I pulled, pushing against the wall for leverage.

"Ah!" I screamed as I fell to the floor on my butt. "Ow. . ."

The sound of a lock being opened rang out through the room, and light peaked through as the large door creaked open. My head snapped back and I moved so my back was against the wall, facing the door as a small chubby man wobbled his way inside.

"Its been awhile, hasn't it, Izumi?" The man cackled, coming within three feet of me.

"......" I stayed silent, watching as he struggled to bend down and grasp the chain attached to my collar. Finally, the chain jingled as he lifted it, then tugged forcefully.

"Answer me," He wheezed, pulling on the chain again. My head lurched forward, but I resisted as much as possible, planting my feet on the ground and holding onto the part of chain closest to me.

"Damn brat." Urashi spat, throwing the chain at me. I made no noise and he continued speaking. "I make an irresistible offer, you turn it down. You even killed the men I sent after you." He suddenly grinned. "I'll ask again, Izumi."

During this entire one sided conversation, I said nothing, just glaring at him while he spoke.

"Work for me. Or I'll find another. . . . Use for you." The word 'use' was emphasized as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm sure I could make quite a bit of money off of you."

A small, barely audible gasp escaped me. "You wouldn't dare!" I snapped, standing in protest.

"Oh I would. For a child, your very attractive. I'm sure quite a few would be interested." Urashi cackled.

"I would rather burn in the pits of hell than do either." I spat. Urashi stumbled toward me, raising his hand and bringing it down. My eyes closed as the pain in my left cheek made itself known after the slap.

"You will do as your told." He growled. "If you don't, you will he punished." With those words he turned and left, the large door slamming shut.

"You bastard! Let me out!" I screamed, falling to my knees. How did it even come to this? My mind suddenly stopped, and one thought was left.

Kakashi. . . .

"I'm sorry, Kakashi." I whispered, glaring down at my hands. "I'm such an idiot. . . " With that said, I stood once more and got back to work, pulling on the chains.


Kakashi let out a small sigh as he, a his team stepped into the Hokage's office. The old man looked up when the door closed, and smiled. "Welcome back."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama." Minato bowed.

"Where is Izumi?" The Hokage suddenly questioned, looking over the team with a curious expression. "Did she head home early?"

"Hokage-sama, she left before we did on the mission you sent." Obito answered, seriously confused, as were his team mates.

"Mission? What mission?" The Hokage frowned. "I didn't send anything." Kakashi's eyes widened.

"If you didn't send it. . . " Minato narrowed his eyes in understanding. "So its come to this then."

"It seems so." The older man agreed. "Minato, go to the place she was assigned. Try and find her."

"I'm coming to." Kakashi stepped forward.

"Alright. Rin, Obito. You can head home." Minato gently demanded. The two nodded slowly and left, surprisingly without complaint. "She told you?" Kakashi nodded.

"We need to find her."

I don't own Naruto.

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