Chapter 17

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Izumi's pov.

"Argh!" I groaned in frustration as my back slid down the wall. "Its no use." I muttered. And with no chakra, I can't even make much of an effort, I thought.

I shivered as a blast of cold air ran through the room/cell..... thing..... I brought my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs, ducking my face down.

"I don't even know how long its been. . . " My voice was barely a whisper and slightly cracked from my yelling. Yeah, I had done quite a bit.

There was a loud BANG! before the door slowly creaked open. Taking a deep breath, I frowned when a big man walked in, followed by Urashi. The man looked to be about thirty.

"This is her." Urashi grinned, waving his hand my way. "She's got quite the spirit." The man said nothing as he stopped in front of me. "And she has an attitude in need of an adjustment."

The man dropped to one knee, taking hold of the chain. "Come here," he ordered, his voice deep, and in the right circumstances, extremely terrifying. I narrowed my eyes when he tugged, somewhat gently.

"She's a beauty, too." Urashi was grinning the entire time. "You were the first person who came to mind, so I hope you at least consider."

The chain was pulled harder, and my small body was jerked forward, making me land on my hands and knees, slightly slumped to the side.

"Has she been used?" The man asked. My eyes widened and I froze.

"Not at all. She's a pure girl with a bad attitude." Urashi laughed as he spoke. The man grunted and lifted my chin with his index and middle fingers, forcing my face into the light. "All she needs is a bath and she'll be as good as new."

"Fine." The man stated, standing and pulling on the collar chain, making me stand as well. Narrowing my eyes, I bit my lip.

"So its a deal!" Urashi cackled. "Come with me, she will be delivered to your carriage right away-"

"She'll be coming with me." The man snapped, making Urashi visibly flinch. I did as well, but did my best  to hide it.

"Alright, alright. But you may want to keep her on a chakra leash. She's quite the fiesty one." Urashi handed something to the man, who in turn, turned to me, placing something around my neck. Another collar... with a leash attached....

My hands were wrenched behind my back, and were tied together as well. It was after he had everything in place, did he take the metal collar and cuffs off, letting them drop to the floor.

"Let's go." The leash on the collar was pulled and I was forced to walk along side the man as he left the dark room.

I was lead - or in correct terms; dragged - by the man as we came into a sitting room. My eyes darted all over the large room, looking for some place I could escape from.

I need to get out of here.

The man dropped down into an armchair while Urashi settled on the couch. "On your knees." I scowled at the man, finally taking in his appearance. Brown hair, green eyes, tan, big and bulky.....

"Do-" I was cut short by a burning heat radiating from the collar. I dropped down, eyes closed in pain. It felt like my skin was being burnt. I could hear Urashi laughing like a maniac and the man chuckling. As the heat finally cooled, I sighed in relief.

"That's the punishment for disobeying your master, Izumi." Urashi howled, not even flinching when I turned my glare to him. "It reacts if you disobey or make a smart comment, as well as confining your chakra."

I gasped in a breath and stared down at the floor. Stupid, bastard! He planned this.

"Be a good girl, Izumi and he might just reward you." Urashi turned to the man. "Now, Toshiro, I just need you to sign here." The man leaned forward and signed the paper. "I have a feeling you won't be bored with her like the others."


I stared out the window, my fingers barely touching the glass. "Izumi, come here." That man, Toshiro, ordered. I turned my head, eyes sliding to him and narrowing. "Now."

Slowly, I turned away from the window, taking many strides to reach him. He was seated in a chair, and his legs opened as I neared him.

"On your knees." My narrowed eyes switched to glaring at the man.

"Don't order me around like some lap dog." I spat, only flinching slightly when the burning heat erupted from the collar. I refuse to show him weakness, even though the pain was intense.

The man took hold of the leash and tugged down, hard. I let out a yelp as I fell to my knees, hands splaying on his upper thighs and my face directly above the apex of his legs.

"Listen, and listen good, little girl." He snapped coldly. "I am your master and you will obey. I won't tolerate that behavior. I'll even beat it out of you if need be." My fingers unconsciously twitched against his thighs at the thought of being beaten, but besides that, I kept all emotion wiped from my face.

A hand settled on my head, taking a firm hold of my loose hair and pushing my face down. "You will like what I do to you." He chuckled. "And if you don't now, you will soon." My eyes squeezed shut and then snapped open the next minute as my head was pulled back. "Do you understand?" I nodded as much as possible, but he didn't seem pleased. "Speak up!"

"Y-Yes." This time, the collar didn't burn me when I answered. The man smirked, clearly liking the fact that I submit.... this time.....

The hand fisted in my hair, let go and I dropped back to my bottom, eyeing him as he stood, stepping around me and heading into a room. As soon as the door even somewhat shut, I was on my feet, rushing to the door and trying to pull it open.


And there was only a key hole.

"Come on, bath time." The way he said it, sounded so dirty, and made me shiver in disgust. "Don't waste your time trying to escape." I turned, seeing him pulling out a key. "I have you on lock down, sweetheart. You can't escape me. The windows in this room don't open, and the door only opens with one specific key."

The man smiled. And I saw it. It was cruel, and sadistic. He enjoyed inflicting pain. I could see it in his eyes. I shook my head, running to the window and trying desperately to open it.

He wasn't lying.

The windows were sealed shut.

I hurled my fists at the glass, only for nothing to happen. I could feel him coming up behind me and I let out a small gasp when his hands planted themselves on my hips, lifting my feet from the ground and turned, then began walking.

"Its bath time, sweetheart." He stated as he set me on my feet, shutting and locking the door before turning back to me. "Strip."

"N-No." I denied, glancing behind me, only to see a large claw foot bath, already filled with water and bubbles. The collar burned, and I let out a small noise in pain.

"It wasn't a request. It was an order." The man grabbed the edge of my shirt and forcefully pulled it off of me. My arms instinctively flew up to hide myself from his preying gaze. "Shy, are we?" He chuckled, eyes narrowing as he smirked. "We'll change that."

I fought him tooth and nail as he ripped my pants away from my legs, leaving me in my bra and panties. Biting my lower lip between my teeth I backed away, trying to put anything between us.

"Your not as flat as a normal twelve year old." He commented, eyes drifting to my chest before going lower as he took hold of my arm, just before I was able to run away again.

This time, my bra was ripped from me, and my arms were the only thing covering my chest. Next went my panties. "There we go." He sounded like he was praising me. "Now I know why Urashi was so keen on selling you. Your body is flawless."

My eyes widened when he began undressing, and I turned away, not wanting to look.

There was a small silence and then hands gripped my waist, lifting me. I shivered when I was set in warm water, between two legs.  "I'm definitely going to enjoy this." He was grinning. I could hear it in his voice.

Mother.... Father.... Onii-san....



I'm ..... scared....

I don't own Naruto.

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