Chapter 19

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It was a sunny day, and one couldn't help but take a walk in the forest.

I suppose it was different for Kakashi Hatake though. This particular forest, was one he visited on a specific day, every year.

Its the same place Izumi Uchiha was kidnapped.

Five years ago.

His eyes darted around the small area, still waiting, hoping she would magically appear. He missed her terribly.

After she was kidnapped, it seemed like his life went to hell. Obito was dead.... he killed Rin.... even Minato and Kushina.... they were gone... the Uchiha clan was also slaughtered by Itachi Uchiha, leaving only Sasuke Uchiha alive.

Kakashi sighed, sitting down and leaning against a tree and closing his visible eye. He wished she was there with him. He felt the intense need to just wrap his arms around her, and tell her how much he loved her, over and over and over again.

But never once did he move. He just stayed still, keeping his thoughts and needs to himself.

"Izu..." he breathed her name with another sigh to follow.


Izumi's pov.

Today's the day. I stayed still, eyeing him as he smirked, circling me.

"Its game day, sweetheart." Ah, yes. Game day. The one day a year in which the collar is taken off. "Remember. The rules are simple. I'll take the collar off, and your free to go. If you make it over the border into the Land of Fire, your free." He chuckled, his smirk turning sinister. "But if my guards catch you, its game over."

Those are the rules. I've been so close so many times. Last year, I was just about to cross the border when a guard tackled me into the river. The idiot drowned, but another guard took me away before I got a chance to run.

"Ready, sweetheart?" His fingers were fiddling with the key to the collar. I watched as he pushed the key into the hole. "Set." The key turned and the lock clicked. "Go." He whispered and the collar fell away.

In an instant, I was gone.

I could feel my chakra net word blazing. Weak, but it was still there. I smirked and jumped into a tree, faintly hearing him laugh.

I took a deep breath and let it out, speeding through the trees, my bare feet barely touching down before I was off again, the material of my dress molding against my legs.

It really didn't take very long to reach the border, but there was a problem. Guards. They were waiting for me, poised for attack.

I activated my sharingan and started attacking, determined to cross the border. I delivered kick after kick and punch after punch until they laid in a heap on the ground.

Letting out a laugh I added chakra to my feet and crossed the border.

I made it....


I cheered in my head, and pushed my overly long hair out of my face. He refused to let me cut it at all, so now its past my knees. I turned and started running again.

I need to get to the Leaf.


I stopped awhile later, leaning against a tree, panting. I already feel worn out.

There was a rustling nearby and I bit my lip, turning to follow the noise. I peaked out behind a tree, eyes wide as they landed on a mop of familiar silver, gravity defying hair.

He was sitting, resting against a tree with his visible eye closed. I slowly stepped around the tree and approached him, feeling my heart racing in my chest. I kneeled in front of him, and raised my hand.

A large hand encased mine in a hard grip and the eye slid open. "What are you doing?"

My eyes stung, and tears flooded. "Ka-Kakashi?" I asked timidly, watching as his eye widened. The hand gripping mine loosened and his other hand raised, wiping the lone tear that slipped.

In an instant, I was surrounded by his arms, my fingers gripped his shirt. "I'm sorry," I whispered, and like that, the flood gates opened.

"You don't have to appologize, Izu." Kakashi whispered back, his chin resting atop my head. "We have a lot to talk about." I took a deep breath and nodded, feeling so safe in his arms. "Let's get you home."

Kakashi moved, slipping his arms behind my back and behind my knees before standing. My arms wrapped around his neck, and I sighed when he started moving.

My eyes drifted closed, and it seemed like second later, Kakashi was waking me up.

"Izu, come on wake up." Kakashi's voice whispered in my ear. "Hokage-sama wants to talk to you."

My eyes slid open and I eyed Kakashi. With a sigh I sat up.... in a bed....

I looked around. A hospital.

"Izumi, its good to see you again." I nodded as the Hokage spoke.

"Why am I in the hospital?" I asked quietly, slightly flinching as if my question would result in punishment.

Both of them must have noticed because Kakashi pulled me into a side embrace and the Hokage narrowed his eyes.

"We needed to make sure you were alright." Kakashi muttered.

"Izumi, I need to know." The Hokage frowned. "What did he do to you?"

"You have the doctors report, I'm sure you already know." I whispered, pulling my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around my legs.

"So it is true."

I curled into myself, and Kakashi's arm tightened around me.

"Izumi, when your ready, I need to know everything." I nodded.

"I-I want to see Shisui." Kakashi froze, as did the Hokage at my request.

"Izu...." Kakashi breathed.

"I'm sorry, Izumi." The Hokage sighed, finally speaking. "Six months ago, the Uchiha clan...." He took a breath, " was anialated, by Itachi Uchiha." My heart stopped. "The only one he spared was little Sasuke."

"Itachi....?" I repeated, my mind rolling over the information.

"I'm sorry, Izumi."

"Wha-What about Minato?"

The Hokage sighed, giving a strained smile. "Kakashi can explain everything you missed when your feeling better."


I leaned into Kakashi, closing my eyes, listening as the old mans footsteps receded and the door shut. "I'm going to go check you out." Kakashi stated, moving away and standing from the bed. "Then I'll take you home."

"Home?" I repeated.

"Your staying with me, Izu." I nodded, not liking even the idea of being alone. "I'll be right back."


Less than five minutes later, Kakashi was back. I tossed my legs over the side of the bed, standing. Kakashi held out his hand, which I took. A hand sign later and we were standing outside a door.

I watched as he took out a key, unlocking and opening the door. "Come on," he pulled me inside, toeing the door shut. "I'll find you something else to wear. We'll go clothes shopping tomorrow."

"Uhuh," I said unconsciously as I started making my way through the house, following Kakashi as he entered a bedroom. He stepped into a closet, and I just stood there.

I sort of spaced out because next thing I know, a pair of sweats are being held to my waist, measuring my size in comparison to the pants. "I'm not sure they'll fit." He handed me a rather large shirt and the sweats. "Worth a try though." I nodded.

"Kakashi?" He hummed in response as he began leaving the room. Half turning to face me, he tilted his heat to the side.

"What is it, Izu?" My fingers clutched the clothes as my body trembled. I shook my head. "Alright," he turned and left the room, closing the door.

I took a deep breath and pulled the dress off. Shivering, I set the pants down and pulled the shirt over my head. "Geez, he's so big." I muttered. The shirts short sleeves almost reached my elbows and the bottom reached just below mid thigh.

My eyes darted around the room, making sure there was nobody watching me as I pulled the fabric up to my nose. It smelled like Kakashi. And it made me feel a little giddy inside.

Finally, I pulled on the pants, and started pulling the draw string. And pulling.... and pulling.... when they were finally tight enough, I tried to tie the stupid string, but it kept slipping from my fingers, or the pants would loosen.

I jumped about a foot in the air when a knock erupted from the door. "You done?"

"I-I need help." I squeaked out, my nerves still jumpy. Kakashi opened the door and chuckled, kneeling down in front of me, and taking the string from my hands.

"Your so tiny." He commented.

"Or your just a giant alien." I retorted, eyeing the silver head.

"Mm, maybe." He agreed! He swiftly tied the string, and the plants stayed up... somewhat....

Standing, Kakashi rested his hand on my head. That was when I noticed the height difference.... I barely reached his shoulders....

"I'm glad your back, Izu." I couldn't resist my urge any longer. I took a small step forward and wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my forehead against his chest.

Almost immediately, Kakashi reacted, wrapping his own arms around me. "I was so scared, Kakashi."

"Its okay now. Your home." Kakashi soothed, his chin resting atop my head. "Your not going anywhere."

"Thank you, Kakashi." My heart fluttered and his arms tightened around me.

"Are you hungry?" I shook my head, not letting go as I did so. "Tired?" I nodded. "Come on, you can have the other room." He began to move away, but I just held onto his shirt.

"Can I sleep with you?" I rushed out. "I don't want to be alone."

"Get in bed then." I hadn't even realize that it was night time at all, until I looked out the window. "I need to go change, I'll be right back."


I went around the bed and pulled the blankets down as I climbed up on the big bed. Kakashi turned and left the room.

I'm.... home now.

I smiled slightly, and sighed in relief, flopping back in the bed.

Kakashi returned a few minutes later, wearing only a pair of sweats, and a tank top. His mask was gone as was his head band. He got into bed and ran a hand through his alien hair.

That was when I noticed his eye. There was a scar over his left eye... the one that was hidden beneath the head band.

"Kakashi, what happened?" I asked, sitting up and raising my hand to his face.

"My eye?" I nodded, running my thumb over the scar and frowning. "It happened on a mission."

"A mission?" I repeated. Kakashi sighed and layed down. "What mission?" My voice was soft but demanding and Kakashi raised an eyebrow.

"It happened a long time ago, a little while after you were taken." He said, his voice sad. "But let's save that story for another time."

"Promise?" Kakashi chuckled, nodding. "Fine." He reached over and switched the lamp off, then settled back down.

I layed down, facing Kakashi and watching him in the dark. "Kakashi?"


"Will you train me?" I asked quietly.

"Train you?" I scooted closer, my hand moving to rest on his chest. "I suppose, but only after you've gotten reaquainted with the village."

"That's fine." I sighed, feeling an arm drape over my waist. I fell asleep a few moments later, into the best sleep of my life.

I don't own Naruto.
Chibi Kaka-baka>>

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