Chapter 23

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Six months after Izumi returns home~

The light from the sun peeked through the curtains, effectively waking me up, just like it did every morning. My eyes slid open, staring at the ceiling. 

Its like this every morning. I would wake up in his arms, and just lay there for awhile. 

"Izumi..." My name was a breathless whisper that escaped from Kakashi. He was still sound asleep. 

I wonder what he's dreaming about...I thought to myself as I sat up, careful not to jostle him awake. Kakashi looked so peacefull. It was a nice sight to see. 

Slipping from bed, I rushed out of the room, still dressed in just his shirt. I figured I should let him sleep a little longer, since he's been getting up earlier than me to visit the KIA stone before meeting his new students. He has yet to pass even one team, which I'm becoming a little concerned about.

Of course, he is using Minato's training methods, so I suppose I shouldn't worry. I sighed as I made coffee, Kakashi's book in my hand, and leaning against the counter. Flipping the orange book open, I began reading as I waited for the coffee to finish. 

Grabbing a mug from the cupboard, I poured my own coffee and made my way into the living room. I set the mug down on the table and sat down on the couch. 

I have a weird feeling somethings going to happen soon. I cant quite put my finger on it... but I just have that gut feeling. 

Maybe I'm just looking into it too much. I'm most likely still jumpy about.. him. 

The rules were simple. If I crossed the border, I would be free. But in any other game he's made me play... he cheated in some possible way that I always seemed to over look. 

"Stop, Izumi." I quietly scolded myself, as if I were trying not to wake Kakashi, like he was right next to me. "He isnt here. There is no way around this." I propped my elbows on my knees and held my head in my hands. "Damn. I think I'm going crazy.." I laughed lightly, taking a deep breath after. 

"Your not crazy, Izu." My head snapped up at the voice, to see Kakashi slumping toward the couch, his own mug in his hand. He set the mug down, and plopped down beside me. "Come here." I sat back and moved so I was nestled under his arm, my head resting on his shoulder. 

"How do you know I'n not crazy?" I sighed as my hand layed itself on his thigh. "I spent five years with him. By all rights, I should be paranoid and checking around each corner." I whispered. Kakashi just shook his head, chin atop my head. 

"Your not crazy." I just laughed. "If anyones crazy its me."

"You? Crazy? I dont think so." I giggled, hearing the light tone of voice he was using. He was trying to deter my mind. I'd be lying if I said it wasnt working.

"I am crazy," Kakashi gently gripped my chin between his index and thumb, lifting my face to him. "I'm crazy about you." My cheeks heated and my eyes slid closed as he pressed his lips to mine. All to soon though, he pulled away, that stupidly sexy smirk on his lips. "Why don't we go on a date tonight?"

"Hmmm." I hummed in response, my mind still dazed from that good morning kiss. 

"But if you dont want to," He continued, that damn smirk never straying. "I could always take..." Cue pause. He shivered next to me as if thinking of something disturbing, his smirk dropping. "Gai." 

That snapped me out of it, and I burst out laughing, clutching my stomach. Wave after wave after wave of laughter rolled from me, and I ended up -somehow- rolling/slipping down so I my head was in his lap and I was laying sideways. 

"Was that really that funny?" Kakashi raised an eyebrow as a hand ran through my hair. 

"You -ahah- and Gai -haha-! He would probably -breath- try and make a competition -breath- to see who looks better in a dress!" I giggled, trying to sit up. Unfortunately though, my stomach hurt from laughing so i just slumped down, laying on my back, with Kakashi's legs as my pillow. 

Kakashi cringed at the thought and I finally calmed my giggles. The dress would definitely have to be blue. No other color fits my love's completion and alien hair (x

I gotta see that<3 

With an intake of breath, I started speaking, a smile adorning my lips as I reached my right hand up and caressing his cheek. "I suppose, I could go," I teased. "After our last date, I dont know how I could say no." 

"Good. I dont think I would let you back out." Kakashi chuckled, fingers grazing across my cheek. "Especially if I would have to go through with.. that." I sighed, closing my eyes and leaning into his touch. 

"It would be funny though." I muttered, my mind slipping to my dear alien in a dress. "I would love to see that." He just grumbled under his breath, but I didnt open my eyes. My mind then shifted to out first date. It was a week after we confessed to each other. 

Kakashi had planned a perfect night. It was truly magical. 

"Izu," My eyes slowly slid open at the sound of my name. Kakashi was smirking again and I could feel the heat in my cheeks that I hadnt felt a few moments ago. "What's wrong? Your face is red." He chuckled. 

I sat up, and peeked back over my shoulder at my alien. My alien... I like the sound of that :3 

"Nothing, dear." Kakashi raised an eyebrow, arm wrapping around me, resting against my stomach as he pulled me back against him. "Your not going to let me up?" I pursed my lips into a pout. My silver haired boyfriend's right eye darted down to watch the small action before reverting back to my eyes. 

"You didnt even say good morning, dear." He retorted. I raised my own eyebrow, trying desperately to keep my giggles to myself. 

"I thought for sure I did." A small giggle escaped as I spoke. Biting my lower lip, I manuvered myself to my knees, all the while with his arm still around me. Once in position, I leaned in, my hands at the back of his neck, my fingers tangling in his hair, tugging ever so gently tugging. 

A hand grasped the back of my head, pulling me forward and crushing my lips to his. I could feel my heart beat steadily excellerating, and my cheeks flushing. His tongue slipped past my lips and into my mouth, deepening the kiss, as he took in every inch and tangling the appendage with mine.

Kakashi just barely pulled away, his own cheeks slightly flushed. "Kami, I love you." He nuzzeled his nose against mine, making me giggle. 

"I love you too, Kakashi." My words were sealed with another kiss, effectively stopping all conversation. 


"Have fun?" I glanced up at my silver haired boyfriend who was smiling under his mask. 

"Do you really need to ask?" I retorted with a small smile, slightly squeezing the hand that held mine. Kakashi just chuckled and shook his head, bringing my hand up and to his masked lips, kissing the back. My cheeks flushed slightly at the small loving gesture. 

"But, you've been quiet all day," He continued quietly. "What's wrong, Izu?" I tensed a little and sighed. 

"I've just got a weird feeling, that's all." I whispered. "I'm sure it's nothing, though." 

"Is that what you were going on about this morning?" I nodded my head and looked up at the stars. We were taking a walk on one of the trails above the Hokage heads. The sky was beautiful and clear. 

"It's nothing to worry about, I'm probably still jumpy from..." Kakashi's hand slipped from mine, and I peeked up at him with confusion, only to have realization dawn on me the next moment when his arm wrapped around me waist, stopping me from walking. 

As he pulled me into a warm embrace, my eyes widened as I sensed a chakra signature nearby. One I didn't recognize from the village, and one that was not welcome. It was perched in a tree, about a hundred meters Northeast. 

I felt Kakashi tense. So he felt something off too. 

"Izu.." I bit my lip, glancing up at Kakashi. "Stay here." 

"What? But, Kakash-" Kakashi cut me of with a finger to my lips. 

"Stay here, Izumi." I frowned, but nodded. "I'll be right back." In an instant, he was gone. I sighed, clasping my hands together and turning with my sharingan activated.

I watched the unfamiliar chakra fall, and then, Kakashi was behind me. "That's taken care of." I spun around to see a body over his shoulder. "I'm going to send him to Ibiki for questioning. He's not from here."

"Who..?" I narrowed my eyes as I took in the armor. It was then that my eyes widened and I covered my mouth with my hands, taking a few steps back. "No.." I whispered, tears threatening to fall at the corners of my eyes.

"Izu, what's wrong?" Kakashi narrowed his visible eye, free hand reaching toward me. 

"That's not possible.." I muttered over and over, wrapping my arms around myself. "He sent him.." I could feel myself trembling. 

Kakashi set the man down and tied him up, only to summon Pakkun. "Go get Ibiki and Hokage-sama." The small pug nodded and darted away. Kakashi stood and rushed my way, immediately wrapping me in his arms. "Are you sure?" 

"He always had men in armor walking around... That armor is their signature.." Burying my face in his shirt, I closed my eyes, my fingers curling into fists in the material. "This cant be happening..."

Kakashi just stayed quiet. "Hokage-sama," He spoke lowly after a moment.

"What's going on, Kakashi?" 

I covered my ears with my hands, trying to tune everything out except the sound of his heart beat. I could hear their muffled voices and then Kakashi was moving my hands. "Hey, come on, Izu. Let's go home." 

"Yeah.." A handsign later and we were home. I pulled away from Kakashi and ran a hand through my loose hair. I moved into the bedroom, going to the dresser. I pulled open one of the drawers and took out one of Kakashi's shirts. 

Kakashi walked into the room, pulling his mask down. "Izu.." I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. "Come here." Arms wrapped around me once again. 

"I should have known..." I whispered, my voice cracking slightly. "'A game', he said." I scoffed, wrapping my arms around Kakashi's waist. 

"I wont let him take you away again, Izumi." Kakashi whispered hoarsly in my ear. "I've just gotten you back." His arms tightened around me. "No one is taking you away from me. Understand?"

I nodded, but more firmly this time. "Thank you, Kakashi."

I dont own Naruto.

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