Chapter 22

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Izumi's pov.

I gasped, eyes snapping open as I shot up into a sitting position. Tears stung my eyes and I swear, my heart stopped. I furiously wiped at my eyes, trying to calm my nerves.

I hate these dreams. Its been almost two months since my last one. It felt so real, like I was still there. I glanced to my side, feeling the need to check. Kakashi stirred, right eye slowly opening. He propped himself up on his elbows, eyebrows furrowed.

"Izu, what's wrong?" His voice was laced heavily with sleep. I sighed in relief, smiling slightly.

"It was just a dream." I whispered, laying back down on my side, facing Kakashi. "Go back to sleep, Kakashi." He layed down again and slipped an arm beneath my head, his other arm slipping around my waist, pulling me close.

Kakashi was still eyeing me carefully before he sighed. I closed my eyes, letting out a small yawn. "I'm right here, you know." He suddenly whispered, hand lifting, his fingers gently wiping my eyes before settling around my waist again.

"I-I know." Just that simple sentence had my heart pounding. I took a deep breath and yawned again.

"Go to sleep, Izu, I'm right here." Lips pressed a kiss to my forehead. The arm around my waist tightened, as if to prove his point. After a little while, I was finally able to fall back to sleep.


It seemed that I was up with the sun this morning. Around five, I was up, but I stayed in bed, snuggled up with Kakashi.

Closing my eyes, I tried to fall back to sleep. But Kakashi stirred, moving a lot.

Keeping my eyes closed, I fought back a smile when he kissed my forehead. Then my cheek. "I know your awake." He whispered in my ear, warm breath fanning over my neck and making me shiver.

"Izumi's not here right now. Please leave a message after the beep." I mumbled, letting a small smile take over.

It was quiet after that.

"You didn't beep." Kakashi chuckled, obviously very amused. A hand moved up my side, fingers barely touching me.

I let out an embarrassing squeal before laughing, trying to get away. My eyes snapped open when Kakashi climbed to his knees, his tickles never stopping.

"Sto- ahah- stop!" I tried to push him off, but he just raised an eyebrow. And then he stopped, leaning over me. My face flushed and my breathing came out in pants. "Ka-Kakashi…"

Slowly, he leaned in, pressing his lips to mine. I couldn't help but smile and wrap my arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss. His tongue darted along my lower lip, and I didn't get much time to answer when the appendage plunged into my mouth.

Kakashi pulled away a little while later, laying his forehead against mine. "I love you, Izu."

"I love you too." I giggled. Kakashi smiled, sitting up and getting off the bed. I got up and hurried to get dressed, snatching aliens book from the floor before going to the kitchen when I was done.

I made coffee, and leaned against the counter, reading. I hate to admit it, but this book is good. Even though its *ahem* porn *ahem* the story line is really good. I've been stealing this dumb book anytime I had the chance.

"Is that my book?" I glanced up at Kakashi who was tying his head band, then back down at the book.

Hiding the book behind my back, I stared at him innocently. "Book? What book?"

"Izu." He raised an eyebrow, stepping closer and held out his right hand.

"Perverted Alien." I snickered, covering my mouth with one hand. Kakashi seemed a bit surprised at that one, resting his hands on the counter on either side of me, not allowing an escape.

I bit down on my lower lip, trying to stop my parade of giggles that was threatening to make itself known. He had to lean down, bare lips trailing across my cheek to my ear.

How did he get so tall? Was the only thought on my mind.

"C'mon, Izu, give it back." He whispered in my ear. My face flushed, all my random thoughts about his extreme growth spurt, vanishing.

"That's cheating, baka." Leaving the book on the counter, I pressed my hands to his chest, just barely pushing him away.

"Did it work?" He asked, sounding a little too amused for my liking.

"Hm..." I mused silently, eyeing the alien. "I suppose... but only this once." I reached behind me, grabbing the book and bringing it between us, lightly tapping it on his head.

"Just this once?" He repeated, eyebrow raised.

"Mhm." I held out the book,which he took in one hand, only to set it on the counter. "Now move." I pushed him carefully, but he didn't budge.

"And where do you think your going?" He blanched when I ducked beneath his arm.

"You want food, right?"

I opened the fridge and started bringing things out. Peeking behind me, I giggled at the look on his face. One that said he was eager for my cooking.

"As much as I would love food, I wasn't finished with you yet." I couldn't keep the smile down as his arms wound around my waist as I started cooking.

"We have plenty of time, Kakashi. I'm not going anywhere." I responded simply as I turned on the stove. 

"That's true."

"Mhm," I breathed.

"Are you going to train today?" Kakashi rested his chin on my shoulder, watching as I cooked. Its sort of become our routine.

"I don't know yet." I placed a lid over the pan and moved to the counter by the stove, turning around and leaning against it. "Maybe."

Breakfast passed by quickly and before I knew it, I was about to leave to go train.

"Izu, you may want to reconsider training today." Kakashi called from the living room. I dropped my bag beside the couch as I stepped into the room.

"Why?" I asked curiously, approaching him and curling my arms around his waist. He was looking out the window, so I followed suit.

It was pouring down rain.

"But it was clear earlier!" I gaped at the gloomy sky. My lips pursed into a pout and I groaned. "What are we going to do then?"

"We could watch a movie." Kakashi's hand set on top of my head as he looked down at me. I stuck my tongue out in disgust, and he chuckled. "Or we could talk."

"Fine," I huffed out a breath. "Movie." I stated, my gaze moving to the shelf in the bookcase that held said evil things.

I pulled away, and dropped to my knees in front of the movies. "What movie?" I asked, not looking behind me.

"Safe Haven," I raised an eyebrow and pulled out the movie.

"Your such a hopeless romantic." I smiled, standing and moving to the Tv, turning it on and popping the movie into the DVD player (A/N; don't know if they have it, so just go with it). Arms curled around my waist, leading me back, until I fell into his lap.

"Am not." Kakashi grabbed the remote from the coffee table and turned the machine on.

"Hold on." I got up, despite the arms that tried to keep me down. I rushed out of the room and into the bedroom, snatching the blanket off the bed and heading back to the living room.

I dropped it on the couch and reached behind Kakashi's head, untying his head band. "What are you doing?" He asked, eyeing me. I pulled the thing away and set it on the table.

"What does it look like?" I retorted, plopping down beside him on the couch and pulling the blanket over us. Kakashi wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pressing play on the movie.


So... instead of actually watching the movie... it sort of turned into talk/make out time ^\\_\\^

We ended up, somehow, moving to the bedroom and just lying on the bed in a tangle of arms and legs.

And no, you dirty readers, we didn't do the do.

"What were you doing while I was gone?" I asked. Kakashi's fingers trailed down my right arm that had draped across his stomach.

"I was in Anbu for awhile. But Hokage-sama had me quit after.." he trailed off. But I knew what he was going to say. "Itachi even became my partner for awhile."

"Huh." I sighed. "Didn't you say you were supposed to start taking on a team soon?"

"Not looking forward to it." Kakashi groaned. I giggled, watching as his fingers stopped at my hand and intertwined with mine. "But, Hokage-sama said I could have an assistant."

"Is that right?" I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I propped myself up on my elbow.


I leaned down, kissing him softly on the mouth.

After yet another make out session, we finally decided to go to bed.

"I love you, Kakashi." I felt him smile against my hair, both arms tightening around me.

"I love you too."

So this is just a, I think, short chapter, but its filled with mushiness.

Also, I want you guys to know, that some of the next few chapters may be just random time skips.

I do not own Naruto.
Anbu Alien >>

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