Chapter 21

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Izumi's pov.

I stared at the door to the Hokage's office, gripping Kakashi's hand tightly. If it was uncomfortable, or hurt in the slightest, he was good at hiding it. Instead, he just squeezed back, shooting me a reassuring smile from under his mask as he knocked.

"Come in," was heard from inside. Kakashi opened the door and pulled me inside. The Hokage looked up from his papers and smiled. "Izumi, Kakashi, good morning."

"Good morning, Hokage-sama." We bowed.

"Please, sit and we'll begin, Izumi." Hokage-sama turned to Kakashi. "Kakashi, I'll call for you when we're finished."

Alien nodded and gave my hand one more squeeze before he turned and left. I wrung my hands together, moving to sit in the chair in front of the desk

"Now, Izumi, let's begin."


By the time I was done talking, I was crying for the third time since we started. Hokage-sama was at my side, hand on my back, trying to calm me, but it just wasn't working.

"Someone go find Kakashi." He ordered.

"No need, I'm already here." There were footsteps and then a hand was on my head. As soon as Kakashi's voice hit me, I felt some relief and was able to calm down a bit.

"She was very brave," Hokage-sama said. "Do what you need to do quickly so she can rest. Were done now, we won't need to do this any longer."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Next thing I know, I'm being picked up bridal style. My arms wound around Kakashi's neck and I worked on calming myself further.

Its been about two weeks since I've been back. The Hokage agreed to do the reports in small sessions, because let's face it, I wouldn't be able to do it all at once.

And that was one of the sessions. It goes on like it usually does, I'll talk, he'll listen and then I'm in tears, Kakashi's being sent for, and then I calm down and we go about our day.


He started moving and then we were outside. "Izu, do you want to go home?" I shook my head, the river of tears finally slowing to a stop. I wiped my eyes.

"You can put me down now." I said quietly. Kakashi lowered my feet to the ground, keeping an arm around my waist. "Okay, I'm good now." I pushed my hair away from my face, braiding it and then tossing it back over my shoulder, finally composing myself.

"You sure?" I nodded, pushing my loose bangs behind my ear.

"Let's go." My eyes widened and my face flushed when Kakashi's masked lips pressed against my forehead.

He gave me a closed eye smile as he pulled away, taking my hand. "Let's go then." There was amusement in his visible eye as he began speaking again. "What's wrong, Izu? Your cheeks are flushed."

"Stupid alien." I turned my head, and started walking. He chuckled as he was dragged.

We started with a small clothing shop. Even though we had meant to go get me clothes awhile ago, it just never happened. Don't ask.. it just never did..

I let go of Kakashi's hand and started sorting through the clothes. I grabbed a weapons pouch off a shelf, a few pairs of black spandex capris.

"Got everything?" Kakashi suddenly appeared behind me. I let out a small shriek, jumping a foot in the air.

"Damn it, Kakashi, don't scare me like that." I sighed, turning back to the racks. I found a few shirts and turned back to Kakashi. "Hold these for me?"

He eyed me carefully before taking the clothes and pouch from me. I kept one outfit and grabbed a pair of boots off a stand on my way to the dressing room.

I quickly changed my clothes, and checked myself over in the mirror. The shirt was a deep purple tank top with spaghetti straps that tie around my neck. The pants stopped just below my knee and clung to my body. Just like the ones I used to wear.

I finished zipping up the boots which actually had, maybe, a three inch heel.

Giving myself one last look, and grabbing Kakashi's clothes, I stepped out of the dressing room, rebraiding my hair as I did so.

Spotting Kakashi by the register, probably paying, I approached him. "I'm done."

"There you are." He turned, holding a bag. "Ready?" I nodded. "Let's go home then."

"'Kay." Leaving the shop, we started home, stopping to do some food shopping before officially making it home.


"Izu, are you hungry?" Kakashi asked as he set down the bag of clothes. I stepped into the small kitchen, putting the groceries down.

"A little." I admitted, beginning to put the food away. I asked the question even though I knew the answer. "Do you know how to cook?" Glancing at the alien, I giggled at the defeated look on his face as he pulled down his mask. "If you put those away, I'll make food."

"Deal." He said rather quickly, rushing from the room with the bag.

I had to cover my mouth to stifle my laugh.

"What a wierdo.." I sighed, a small smile on my lips. I started rummaging around the cupboards, looking for some pans.

When I found what I was looking for, I brought out ingredients for rice balls and sweet and sour pork.

I found a blue apron in the pantry and slipped it on, tying it twice around my waist.

I started with the rice, pouring the grains into the rice cooker and then adding the water, turning the machine on and putting the lid on.

Next, I started cutting the meat. I hadn't even realized I started humming to myself until arms wrapped around my waist, making me jump.

"Didn't I tell you not to do that?" I couldn't help but smile though.

"Couldn't help it." He replied,  I sighed, finishing the meat and starting on the veggies.

"Is that right," I rolled my eyes, but my heart leaped in my chest.

"Mhm," he breathed.

I finished the veggies quickly and moved to turn on the stove, scraping the pork and veggies into the pan.

"How long are you going to stay like this?" I asked, genuinely curious as I peeked back at the silver headed alien. I felt him shrug slightly, his head lulling down, forehead resting on my left shoulder. "Alright." I reached a hand up to the knot on his head band and began undoing it. The cloth fell away from his head and I carefully pulled the whole thing away.

I quickly finished frying the meet and veggies, and only needed to wait for the rice to finish. While waiting, I leaned back against Kakashi, my hands moving to rest atop of his.

"That smells good." Kakashi suddenly broke the comfortable silence that had fallen over us. I only nodded, closing my eyes for a moment.

"Hm?" I felt Kakashi's fingers interlock with mine. My eyes opened and I glanced back at Kakashi, who was standing up completely.

I reluctantly let go of his hands to finish dinner, dishing it up.

To be honest, dinner went by rather quickly, and all to soon I was cleaning up. Kakashi went to take a quick shower, so I hurried to clean up as quickly as possible.

Wiping my hands on the dish towel, I started towards the bedroom. The door was open so I just walked in. Kakashi was sitting on the edge of the bed, hair dripping wet and a towel around his shoulders, reading a book.

"Your going to catch a cold, baka." I scolded, stepping directly in front of him and taking the towel, draping it over his head. I began drying his hair, moving the towel around.

Kaka-baka looked up, closing the book and placing it beside him on the bed. "I'm not going to catch a cold, Izu." I raised an eyebrow when he sneezed.

"Suuure," I laughed, moving the towel to feel his hair. "Better." My fingers ran through the soft strands of silvery hair. Suddenly, Kakashi stood, towering over me. His  right hand raised, cupping my cheek. "Kakashi?"

He didn't say anything, and my heart skipped a beat as the urge started coming back, full force. Its happened a few times.

Kiss me.

My left hand raised over the hand on my cheek while my right held onto his shirt.

Please, kiss me.

Slowly, he leaned in, lips pressing to my forehead, then my eyes.

Just kiss me.

He did the same to both of my cheeks, as well as my nose.

Please. Kiss me. Just like you did that day.

My heart was racing so fast, I thought it might burst. Heat flooded my cheeks when he pulled away slightly, staring into my eyes.

"Kakashi..." my voice was barely a whisper as I tried to voice my plea, giving in to the urge.

And Kakashi seemed to understand.

Not even a second later, his lips were pressed against mine in a soft, sweet kiss. My own hands moved, cupping his cheeks. My eyes drifted closed when his tongue, almost nervously,  darted along my lower lip.

I parted for him, no hesitation, and he slipped his tongue past my lips, into my mouth.

I couldn't help but enjoy when he kissed me slowly and thoroughly. Id missed this. Id missed him.

An arm wrapped around my waist, as he pulled away. My breathing was slightly labored, my cheeks definitely flushed. I slowly opened my eyes as he layed his forehead against mine.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that." He whispered, eyes staring into mine with an emotion I had seen in fathers eyes when he looked at mother.

I couldn't help but bite my lip, smiling. Kakashi's eyes followed the movement. "Do it again." His eyes snapped back to mine, as if silently making sure he heard right. I simply closed my eyes.

Kakashi pressed his lips against mine once more. In a matter of seconds, our tongues were batteling for dominance, which I of course lost. His searched my mouth, making sure to take in every inch.

My arms wrapped around his neck when he pulled away. "Izu..." I could see the uneasy feeling in his eyes. Slowly, I pulled my arms from his neck, noticing the small hurt look that he tried to hide. But his fight didn't get very far as I wrapped my arms around his waist. His own arms wrapped around me.

Taking a deep breath, I finally decided. Its time to tell him. I need to tell him.

"I love you."

But the words weren't whispers from my mouth. My eyes widened and I stared up at Kakashi, jaw dropped, tears making themselves known.

"S-Sorry, I-" I cut Kakashi off, slapping my hand over his mouth, effectively shutting him up. He shot me a confused look.

"Don't appologize, baka." I slowly lifted my hand away when I deemed him quiet enough. "I love you too." I smiled, a few tears slipping from my eyes. "Damn it. Ive become way to emotional." I wiped at my eyes furiously.

Kakashi took my hands in one of his, moving them and then gently wiping my eyes. "Go get ready for bed." He said, letting me go.

I pursed my lips into a pout, letting out a whine before I turned to go inside the closet. Closing the door, I grabbed one of Kakashi's giant shirts and changed, not even bothering with pants. I slipped from the closet and climbed into bed, leaning against Kakashi who was reading an orange book.

"What are you reading?" I asked, beginning to read with him. But then, he thought it'd be smart to try and tilt it away from me. I snatched the book from his hands, and glanced at the cover. "Make Out Paradise?" Flipping it open, I read a random page, my cheeks heating.

Now, I can't deny, this is gonna make some good blackmail in the future... but the story was so good, I couldn't tear my eyes away.

"Can I have my book back?" Kakashi reached over, actually thinking I would comply.

"Nope." I turned away, flipping the orange book open to the first page.

"That book isn't for little girls," he stated. The book was taken from me when I turned to argue.

"I'm not a little girl, alien-baka!" I protested, reaching for the book.

"Your only seventeen, Izu." I raised an eyebrow.

"Your only nineteen, Kaka-baka." I stuck my tongue out at the alien. "Besides, I turn eighteen in like..  three months." I actually had to count the months on my fingers, embarrassing, but I made my point. "So give it back."

I went to grab it, but the alien tossed it across the room and latched his arms around my waist.

"That's cheating." I stated, poking his cheek with my index finger.

"No it isn't," he replied, chuckling. "Time for bed, missy."

"Stupid alien." I muttered, crawling under than blankets  snuggling up against said alien.

"I'm not an alien, Izu." Kakashi sighed, arm wrapping around my waist.

"Then why does your hair defy gravity? Huh?!" I retorted, smirking when he blanched. Pressing a small kiss to my forehead, he sighed.

"Good night, Izu." He completely ignored me... 

"Night," I mumbled, closing my eyes.

I don't own Naruto.

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