Chapter 3

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Izumi's pov.

I swear to fricking kami... if this dumb blub doesn't shut his mother fudging trap..I'm not going to be held responsible for delivering a dead client..

"Izu?" Obito whispered. I took a deal breath, sighing as Obito watched me with a concerned expression. This blub was touching me... Without consent... he was touching me.. Holding me like I belonged to him..

"I'm fine." I grit through my teeth, resisting the urge to kill this guy. He was seriously pushing my buttons. And totally unaware of the deadly aura coming off of me.

"Excuse me, Seiiran-sama?" I decided to play back, maybe hell stay away from cuteness. I pouted, batting my eyes.

"Huh?" As soon as the brunette glanced down at me his face turned bright red, and he tore his hands off of me. "W-What is i-it?"

"I was wondering.. never mind.." I mentally smirked as the boy rushed to the other side of Minato. And he was still blushing bright red.

"Nice Izu!" Obito high fived me. I let my smirk give way and tug at my lips.

"I thought so. Man he's annoying." I glanced over at Kakashi who had been silent the entire time. I got an evil gleam in my eye, falling behind the group. Then in one big lunge. I jumped onto Kakashi back, almost making him topple over. Almost.

"Izumi?!" Kaka-baka growled, glaring at me over his shoulder.

"Yes slave?" I answered innocently.

"Get off.."


"Get off."


"Now.." He was growing furious with each sentence.

"Nopie nope nope." I wrapped my arms around his neck, setting my chin on his shoulder.

Kakashi must have known it wasn't gonna go his way, and hooked his arms under my legs, hoisting me up. I smiled slightly.

So.. if you sort of haven't gotten the clues.. I know who Kakashi is. I also know about his past and everything since.. I'm also a Jounin who helps do ANBU missions. 

Kakashi Hatake. Just turned 14, and is a chuunin already recommended to take the Jounin exams this next month. His father, Sakumo Hatake, the White Fang of Konoha, commit suicide after an incident I'm still reading on.

He's lonely and shuts himself from people and the world. So I made it my personal mission to be his friend. I don't know why.. I told Fugaku-sama that I needed help on my Ninjutsu and he told the Hokage who told Minato... *big sigh*

That's how this happened. That was my whole plan anyway. I'm still working out the kinks. And even though their a bunch of weirdos... *cough* Obito *cough* and its going to be a long... time.. whatever.. I'll endure it. For this lonely boy.

Its so fun to tease him!

"Izumi, why don't we stop for the night?" Minato offered, watching as I started playing with Kakashi's strangely cool hair.

"Ok. Kakashi and I will go fishing. Obito and Rin gather firewood. Minato you set up camp!" I said. The I pulled on Kakashi's mask. "Onward and upward!" I yelled.

Kakashi just sighed, probably very annoyed with me but I didn't care. I'm loving annoying him.

Kakashi entered the awesome green forest. I love the forest. So many places to hide and play from. Gorgeous scenery to.

I smirked, hopping down from Kakashi back. "Now I can take care of them in peace." I turned to the ever confused silverette. "I'm surprised you didn't notice. Three large chakra signatures have been following us for the past hour."

"You... " Kakashi stared at me in shock.

"I'm a sensor nin. Ive been keeping an eye on them." I faced the forest, cupping my hands around my mouth, my bangs falling into my eyes. "Come out, Come out wherever you are~!" I called out.

"So you found us, huh?" A raspy voice answered a few moments later.

"Kind of hard not to notice when you don't hide your chakra very well." I let my smile drop. "If its not the Daimyo's son your after then who?"

The man chuckled, as he and two other figures drop from their hiding places in the trees.

"Your a smart girl. You must have an idea. Especially after that." I narrowed my eyes.

"And how would rogue scum know about it?" I grit my teeth.

"He has decided to reopen his offer." The main one scoffed. "Though why hes interested in such a little girl like you.. I don't understand it."

"Reopen? I remember declining." I propped my hand on my hip. "And I don't plan on accepting. Tell him to shove it up his fat ass." I growled.

"Foul language for such an innocent little girl." He reached out to cup my chin but I caught his wrist, squeezing until it snapped. He howled in pain, clutching his now broken wrist.

"It takes one person to deliver this message." I threw one of them to the ground, heel over his heart. "I have no plans on joining, nor do I ever. Stay away from me or I. Will. Kill. You." I threw a kunai, hitting the other two in the heart, blood pouring from them. "Go."

The one I left alive, scurried away, looking back every so often. I stared down at the dead bodies, and sighed.

"What was that about?" Kakashi glared at me.

"Maybe.." I kneeled down and took out a scroll from one of my victims.

There it was. A scroll addressed to me.

Not surprising.

"Let's go find some food. You and I will take first watch and.. I'll tell you if you can keep a secret." I don't know why I was opening up something this important about my life.. especially to him.

"Deal." We went on our way. I hope this goes well..

I don't own Naruto!

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