Chapter 4

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Kakashi's pov.

"Kakashi and I will take first watch." Izumi answered Minato-sensei with such ease, like she's known him for years.

"Alright, Izumi." Sensei smiled at Izumi who just looked over into the forest with narrowed eyes. That idiot of a client had kept his distance from her, which she was obviously thankful about.

It was amazing how one simple innocent smile can get to one guy. I mean, I admit it was pretty cute, and all but not enough to make me avoid her. Obito seemed used to the look though.

"Goodnight." Obito hugged Izumi and pecked her cheek before going into his tent like everyone else.

"Night." Izumi mumbled before turning and walking away, waving a hand over her shoulder. I suppose I should follow her. She kept walking for awhile then jumped up into a tree, sitting on the branch, dangling her feet.

I hopped up beside her and waited.

"It beautiful tonight." Her soft voice broke the silence.

I didn't say anything. There was a slightly distant look in her eyes, as she sighed.

She honestly is a beautiful girl. She's also not like other girls. She's very different. Its a good different though.

She started humming, leaning back on her hands and kicking her legs.

"I suppose I should explain." Her dark eyes turned on me. "Promise to keep it secret?"

I nodded.

"Swear it." Izumi held out her pinky. I stared at it before carefully looping our pinkys together. She suddenly pulled closer, crossing her thumb over her heart. "Do it."

I did the same.

"What's the difference?" I asked.

"If you don't keep it I can do anything I want to you." She shrugged. I sweat dropped.

"So explain."

"Let's see." Izumi bit her lip, and  then pursed her lips. "I guess..  it started on a mission I did about two years ago. My team and I had to do a quick retrieval of a scroll. S-rank but it was super easy." Izumi sighed. "When we got there the scroll was sitting in plane sight. We checked everywhere for any kind of trap. It was stupid really. We picked up the scroll and as we were leaving, guards surrounded us. We took most of them out. Then Naoki got hit. Right in a a vital organ."

I stared at her. Naoki? Her team mate?

Izumi glanced over at me. "He still fought though, he didn't care he was bleeding out. Even though Dai and I tried to stop him.. He started killing everyone... he refused to stop...."

I stared at her, her dark eyes were slightly glazed with tears, as she looked at the moon. I layed my hand on her shoulder, hoping to giver her some sort of comfort. Her head snapped my way as her eyes met mine.

"He didn't stop. He even killed Dai. I had to... I had to..." Her voice stuttered. "After that a strange man came out and made me an offer. Do some work for him and..... At first I refused. And I left. He's been stalking me, trying to change my answer ever since..."

"I see..." I said slowly.

"Only the Hokage and Minato know about it..." She wiped her tears with her hands, and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "Sorry... Shinobi aren't supposed to show emotion... its been so long since I've cried." I stared at her.

"How long?" I asked carefully.

"Since I was five." My eyes widened a fraction. Its been six years since she last cried. I looked away, and pulled her by her shoulder into an awkward side hug. Why was I doing this?

"G-Go ahead..." I muttered. Her small body shook as she tried to contain her sobs. "Cry." I whispered. Her broken cries barely sounded and I wouldnt have heard them if she wasnt right next to me. I slowly and carefully rubbed circles into her back, it was really awkward. I can say that much. But she needed it and I, for some reason, felt the need to comfort her. 

Strange. Ive never felt the need to comfort anyone, let alone get close to someone. And I know Ive only known Izumi for like, what? Two days? I feel like I need to get close to her. I cant explain it.. It kind of scares me and makes me want to pull away.. I feel drawn to this girl. I dont know why, and Im scared to find out.  Thats the only way to explain how I feel. 

I watched Izumi, as she leaned away from me, fixing herself, making it seem as if she wasnt crying not even 5 minutes ago. She wiped at her eyes furiously with her small hands and stared down, almost glaring at the ground. 

"Im so weak. I can kill mercilessly but I cant contain the emotions after." She muttered. "Fugaku-sama would be so disappointed." She narrowed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Im sorry, I hope I didn't freak you out.. Its just.." Izumi tried to find her words, but her voice cracked as she tried to speak further. 

"Its fine." I looked away, noticing the moons position. It had been almost three hours since we started out watch shift. "We should switch watch." Izumi nodded and hopped down fromt the tree branch. I followed suit, watching her go back to the camp and wake Minato-sensei and Obito. 

The two got up and Izumi  headed inside her own tent, not sparing me a glance. I looked up as sensei and Obito left to the same tree we had just left. Sighing I crawled inside my own tent, thinking about Izumi. She wouldnt leave my mind. And Im sure this will end up no where good. 

I dont own Naruto.

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