Chapter 7

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Izumi's pov.

Morning already? I thought to myself as I propped myself on my elbows, trying not to disturb Itachi who had an arm slung over my waist and legs tangled with mine. I raised an eyebrow at this finding. Obviously Itachi doesn't cuddle often and when he does... its either with me or Sasuke.. at random times... and very rare....

I sighed and looked around. Its still early. the sun has just come up. My ears pricked up as I heard footsteps. I narrowed my eyes and shook Itachi awake. He rubbed his eyes sleepily, and looked super adorable. :3 BUT! Now isn't the time to be mushing over my cousin.

"Hm? What is it, Izu?" He asked, his voice husky and laced with sleep.

"Some ones coming. Go wake Shisui." I activated my sharingan and Itachi jumped up, activating his sharingan he shook Shisui awake.

We got into fighting stances, awaiting out intruder. "Come out. We know your there." Shisui called out. We each placed our masks over our faces and took out kunai.  The bushes continues to move and out came a squirrel.

"Uh.. Oops.."


2 month Time Skip>>

The rest of the mission went smoothly and we got back to the village within two days. Not a surprise with a team of three Uchiha, especially with us because were always together.

Its been two months since I left Minato's team and joined Anbu with Shisui and Itachi. In that time I've turned 12 and life is peaceful.




Everything was going well, when the leader of Anbu approached me while I was leaving. "Hokage-sama has requested to see you immediately."

"I see. I will go right away." I bowed and hurried from the building. "Itachi, Shisui-nii, I'll see you at home. Hokage-sama has requested to see me."

"What for?" Shisui asked, frowning a bit.

"I'm not sure." We shared a look. "I'll be home soon." The boys nodded and I took to the roof tops, hurrying to the Hokage office.

I didn't bother knocking and just entered the office through the window, landing on a person.... A silver haired person..

"Izu!" I glanced up from my place, straddling a certain silver heads waist. "How ya been?"

"Obito... M-Minato..." I paled. Even paler than my usual pale. "H-Hokage-sama?!" My eyes drifted down to the glaring silver head.

"Get. Off." He growled. I raised an eyebrow.

"Nah, your pretty comfy. I think I'll stay here." I smirked the Uchiha smirk.

"Get off, Izumi." Kakashi's eye twitched in annoyance.

"So, you wanted to see me?" I turned to look at the Hokage who was smiling.

"Yes. Minato requested you for a mission." I cocked my head to the side. "Just a simple mission. There's a village, the waterfall village, they are famous for their hot springs."

"I know of it." I narrowed my eyes, and got off of Kakashi. "Is there a problem? Their usually a peaceful village. I would find it hard to believe they got into trouble."

"They aren't in trouble. Minato is taking his te for a... relaxation mission. And he asked for you to go." Hokage-sama smiled. I pursed my lips and placed my hands on my hips.

"I refuse." I stated.

"I'm giving you no choice. This mission is one I am assigning you. If you don't complete it, then you shall be dropped from the shinobi program." The Hokage narrowed his eyes and my own widened.

"Hey! You can't do that!" I snapped. "That's by far the most-"

"I can and I will if you don't go with Minato and his team and relax. You have been on mission after mission with your Anbu team, Izumi. Even Shisui and Itachi were in agreement that you should take advantage of this." My own twin... and Itachi.. agreed to ... what?

"Onii-san would not agree to something without my consent." I glared. "Neither would Itachi."

"Izumi, you will carry out this mission and if you don't, I will act." I turned with a 'hmph' and glared at the ground.

"When do we leave?" I asked.

"Ten minutes. Meet by the gate." I nodded and flashed home.

Greeeat. I get to spend time with my problem. Just great.

I don't own Naruto. And Gomen for the short chapter!

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