Ch 11 - Pushover

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"We have Jules Adram in the house today!" Tamara announces with excitement. Gia looks up from her coffee, her curiosity piqued.

"AD+?" Gia asks, her eyes widening.

Tamara nods vigorously, her grin widening. The mention of AD+ sends a wave of awe through Gia.

"How did we manage to get them?" Gia asks, her interest piqued.

"Apparently, Jules Adram himself left a comment on our website and social media. A few days later, their spokesperson reached out to us. They were impressed with our work and decided to collaborate with us since Cruise is still on leave. Sorn will be taking charge," Tamara explains.

"Ah, the power of social media," Gia muses, realizing the impact it can have.

Tamara gives Gia a playful glare. "Excuse me? Where is your enthusiasm? This is a big opportunity for us!"

Gia chuckles behind her big-framed black spectacles. "I'm sorry, I guess I'm just a bit tired from the latest campaign. But don't worry, I'm fine."

Tamara studies Gia for a moment, concern flickering in her eyes. She knows Gia's dedication to her work, but she also sees the signs of exhaustion.

"You should consider going on vacation once the campaign is over," Tamara suggests, hoping Gia will take some time to recharge.

Gia nods in agreement and then hands some documents to her assistant.

"These are ready for publishing," Gia informs the younger lady, who takes the documents and leaves.

Tamara watches Gia, hoping that she'll take some time for herself soon.

"What was that?" Tamara asks, her eyes narrowing in concern as she notices a glimpse of a bruise on Gia's wrist.

Gia quickly pulls her wrist away, a flicker of panic crossing her face. "What?" she feigns innocence while reaching for her poncho coat.

"I saw a bruise on your wrist. Let me see," Tamara insists, reaching out towards Gia's wrist.

Gia's frown deepens, but she tries to play it off. "Oh, that's just your imagination, Mara. I'm wearing red today," she chuckles, attempting to deflect the attention away from her bruise.

Snatching her iPad, Gia gives Tamara a signal that they should head to their meeting. Tamara follows behind, a lingering sense of suspicion in her mind.

For now, I'll let it go, but something seems off with Gia today, Tamara thinks to herself, deciding to keep a closer eye on her friend.


Two men from AD+, Eric Tucker and Homme Truff, arrive punctually and are already seated in the meeting room when Sorn welcomes them. Prior to Tamara and Gia's arrival, Sorn had given the AD+ representatives a tour of the office.

"Gentlemen, allow me to introduce Miss Tamara Valot, our Operational Director, and Miss Gia Hunter, Vice President and Creative Director. They have been instrumental in launching our new modeling department," Sorn introduces, gesturing towards Tamara and Gia. The two women nod politely before taking their seats across from Eric and Homme.

"Ladies, it's a pleasure to meet you," Eric says with a warm smile. Homme offers a nod of acknowledgment.

"We're here to discuss a new project with your team," Homme adds, his voice confident and composed.

"Thank you for joining us," Gia replies, returning their smiles. Tamara echoes her appreciation.

As the meeting begins, the conversation flows smoothly. Eric and Homme demonstrate their knowledge and passion for the project, engaging both Tamara and Gia in a productive discussion. Despite Jules Adram's absence, the AD+ representatives maintain their composure and steer the conversation with ease.

Minutes pass, and there is still no sign of Jules Adram. However, Eric and Homme remain unfazed, ensuring that the discussion progresses without any hiccups. Their expertise shines through as they present their ideas, address potential challenges, and highlight the strengths of their proposed collaboration.

Gia finds herself impressed by the depth of their understanding and the clarity of their vision. She offers valuable creative insights and suggestions, while Tamara focuses on the practical aspects, ensuring that the project aligns with the company's operational capabilities.

As the discussion continues, the room buzzes with excitement and anticipation. It becomes evident that Eric and Homme's dedication to the project matches the commitment of Gia, Tamara, and the entire team at their company. Despite Jules Adram's delayed arrival, the meeting progresses smoothly, setting a positive tone for the collaboration that lies ahead.

"I need to refill my coffee. Excuse me," Gia says, excusing herself from the meeting room. The others nod, engrossed in their discussion. Gia walks briskly toward the pantry, her mind preoccupied with the encounter she had just witnessed.

As she passes her room, she catches a glimpse of a man in black attire, his eyes fixed on her photo. A sense of unease washes over her, causing her to slow down and divert her path from the pantry to the lobby. The sight of the bulging vein on his muscular forearm intensifies her apprehension.

Curiosity tinged with caution compels Gia to approach the man. He wears a cap that partially obscures his eyes, adding an air of mystery to his presence. Tentatively, she taps his shoulder and addresses him, "Excuse me, sir..."

Before she can finish her sentence, the man abruptly smacks her hand away, causing her to stumble. In a fortunate twist of fate, a pair of strong hands catches her, preventing her from falling.

Their eyes meet, and a surge of adrenaline courses through Gia's veins. She senses something ominous emanating from the man, an unsettling energy that she cannot ignore. He smirks at her, his gaze scanning her form with a hint of malice. Slowly, his hand begins to descend, threatening to touch her back.

Reacting swiftly, Gia forcefully pushes the man away, but his grip on her wrist remains steadfast, trapping her in his grasp. She winces in pain, her instinct to break free intensifying. With a determined struggle, she fights against his hold, determined to liberate herself from his clutches.

The man relishes in her torment, a sadistic satisfaction dancing in his eyes. The pain and fear etched on Gia's face only seem to fuel his enjoyment. It becomes clear to her that she must summon every ounce of strength and resilience to break free from this terrifying encounter.


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