Ch 12 - Persona

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"Keep your filthy hands off, you wretched bastard!"

"Damn it!"

The man crumples to the ground. He wipes the blood from the corner of his lips with a fierce determination, a twisted smirk forming on his face. Way adjusts his t-shirt with a purposeful gesture and forcefully pulls me closer to his side.

"Way, enough!" I grip him tightly, urging him to calm down. He embraces me tightly, his face flushed crimson, his fist clenched tightly.

Honestly, I was in a state of panic. I was scared too! This guy appeared out of nowhere, and our first encounter wasn't pleasant. But that doesn't mean he deserved to be punched like that.

Moreover, I've had an uneasy feeling since I laid eyes on him. He seems familiar yet strange. It was a good thing that I intervened and stopped Way from tearing him apart. I'm worried about his safety too.

"What's going on? Way?" Sorn emerges from the meeting room, drawn by the commotion we caused. Tamara follows closely behind him. Eric and Homme swiftly help the man to his feet.

"I'm fine. It's nothing," the man mutters.

"What happened? Why did you hit him?" Sorn directs his question at Way.

"Ask him where he dared to touch G!" Sorn furrows his brow and turns his gaze towards the man.

"She almost stumbled and fell, and I accidentally pushed her away. She was trying to greet me, I suppose," all eyes turn to me. I can't hide my flushed face. I glance at Way, who insists I tell the truth.

"Yeah... Yeah... I just slipped..."

"But even after that, he still grabbed you!" Way's anger resonates through the floor as he nearly stomps it into pieces.

"I think we shouldn't prolong this any further. It's just a misunderstanding. Miss Hunter confirmed it herself," Sorn suggests.

"So, this is the infamous Miss Gia Hunter?" I step back, staring at the man. He removes his hat, revealing a wicked smile.

"And may I ask who you are?" I confront the man. Eric clears his throat and speaks up.

"Everyone, meet Jules Adram, the CEO of AD+."

And in that moment, my world comes to a crashing halt.
Unease fills the meeting room as everyone settles down. I can't shake off the unsettling feeling of Jules' presence as he sits across from me. His eyes remain fixed on me, and I make a conscious effort to avoid making eye contact, focusing instead on the screen or Sorn, who occupies the front seat as the chairman.

Insecurity washes over me, intensifying with each passing moment. It becomes overwhelming.

"That concludes our meeting for today. Thank you all for your time," Sorn announces. I hastily gather my belongings, ready to make my exit.

"What's the rush?" Jules inquires, his gaze piercing through me. I feel rooted to my chair, unable to respond. Tamara shoots me a glare and raises an eyebrow. Jules continues to stare at me, wearing that wicked smile I despise so much.

"I have something to attend to... at the studio!"

"What? You don't have anything scheduled!" I stomp on Tamara's foot in frustration. She frowns and lightly smacks my forearm.

"I promised Way that I would help him choose a picture for the billboard," I offer that excuse, desperate to escape the meeting quickly.

"But it's already done—ouch!"

"Not helping, Mara..." I glare at her. She, still in pain, scoffs, and her reaction causes Homme to chuckle.

"We should have lunch together, what do you say?" Jules proposes.

"Sounds fine to me, Mr. Adram," Sorn replies.

"Just call me J. We're partners now," Jules insists. However, what angers me is that his gaze never leaves mine, even when he speaks to Sorn. It's not just disrespectful; it's laced with a malicious intent.

"No need. I've already arranged to have lunch with Way," I assert.

"A lunch date?" Jules raises an eyebrow. Our glares are now locked in a battle.

"You could say that..." I shamelessly admit. Jules stands up and walks closer to me. I don't know why, but I always feel small and insignificant in his presence.

We only just met today!

"He seems a bit possessive, don't you think?" Jules leans in closer, his hand reaching out to delicately toy with a strand of hair that falls on my shoulder. His gaze, once again, locks onto mine with that wickedness that ignites a desire to gouge his eyes out.

"He can be," I respond calmly, subtly removing his hand from me.

"Why not have lunch with us? Way can wait," Sorn suggests.

"Invite him along then," Jules retorts. My eyes widen, their size exaggerated. He leans even closer and whispers.

"I'd love to witness some 'action'."

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