Ch 13 - In between

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Lunch proceeds in a seemingly ordinary manner. Everyone relishes their meals while engaged in conversations. The dishes themselves appear delectable. Homme and Tamara converse as if they were the only two people in the entire restaurant, as it turns out they attended the same high school, although Tamara is a few years ahead of Homme.

Meanwhile, Gia silently enjoys her meal, with Way seated next to her, his eyes constantly fixated on Jules. Way neglects his own food, even disregarding his brother's disapproving frown.

"How long have you known each other?" Jules inquires, elegantly slicing through his medium-rare steak.

"G is our neighbor. We've known each other since we were young," Sorn answers. Jules observes Way and smiles.

"Your brother?"

"He's known G since the day he was born. She used to babysit him. That's why he's... quite possessive," Sorn explains. Gia gently touches Way's hand, encouraging him to eat. Finally, he takes his first bite.

"It seems your brother is ready to stake his claim," Jules remarks, observing Way and Gia engaging in discreet conversation. Way bows his head, focusing on his untouched pasta.

As they sit together, Sorn notices the sudden closeness between these two individuals. Way's romantic desperation and possessiveness suddenly come to the surface, while Gia clings to him like a slug, unable to detach.

A sudden realization dawns upon him, plunging him into darkness.

"Way, Andra called me and asked if you received the parcel she bought for you," Sorn informs. Way's gaze intensifies as he glares at Sorn, his teeth clenched tightly.

Gia's eyes shift between Way and Sorn, then slowly drift towards Jules. As Jules winks at her, she immediately averts her gaze.

"By the way, who is Andra?" Tamara inquires. Sorn turns his attention to Way, who shoots him a menacing glare.

If you dare utter a word, I'll kill you!

"His fiancée," Sorn points a finger at Way. Everyone's eyes focus on him, the temptation to probe evident.

"So, you're not G's little boyfriend after all! Impressive!" Jules tosses his napkin aside, taking a sip of his wine with a smirk.

"Shut up! And you can't call her G. Only those close to her can! You're just a goddamn stranger!" Way erupts, his voice booming.

"Way, control yourself!"

Way slams his napkin on the table and storms off.

"Damn it, why do you always leave in the middle of lunch, Way!" Gia stands up abruptly, determined not to lose him this time like she did at the K BBQ place.

Not this time!


"Way, stop!" Gia calls out, and he turns to face her. She walks towards him, trying to calm him down.

"Don't be childish. Come with me..." Gia begins to pull him, but he forcefully pulls her into his embrace.

"I will break off the engagement..."

"Are you out of your mind?!" Gia pushes him away gently, looking deeply into his eyes.

"I can't go on like this anymore..."

"Don't be ridiculous! Your mother will be devastated!" Gia argues.

Way delicately grabs her hand, caressing it with his slender fingers, a display of his profound love for her.

"My mother will accept you, I guarantee it..."

"Way, please stop. Don't talk like this," Gia pleads.

"So, my love for you means nothing?"

"I... don't say that!"

"Then, do you accept my proposal?" Gia furrows her brow.


The silence tells him everything. Gia reluctantly agreed to his proposal. Slowly, he releases her hand. Regardless of how painful it is, he needs to accept this bitter truth.

Gia never truly loved him.

He leaves her standing alone by the side of the road. He can't bear to look at her anymore. Fighting back his own sorrow, he crosses the street when suddenly, a speeding car approaches.

"Way!!!" Gia screams, rushing towards him and pulling him out of harm's way. She holds him tightly, her embrace almost suffocating.

The car comes to a brief stop before speeding away. Way taps Gia's hand, signaling for her to release him.

Reluctantly, she lets go. Tears stream down her face as she clings to his collar. She almost lost him! Half of her soul felt like it had flown away.

"Way! Gia!" Sorn rushes out of the restaurant, followed by Tamara. Way helps Gia regain her balance, and they all look at her pale, frightened face.

"Oh my God! I heard a scream! I thought..." Sorn's voice trembles as he embraces both Way and Gia, his body covered in a cold sweat. They had witnessed the speeding car on their way out of the restaurant. An uneasy feeling prompted Sorn to check, only to find them slumped on the side of the road.

"I'm sorry..." Way's voice quivers, expressing his remorse to his brother. Gia gently pulls away from their embrace, and Tamara reaches out to support her.

"No, I'm sorry..." Sorn's guilt weighs heavily on him for exposing Way's personal situation. If only he could have kept quiet, none of this would have happened.

"It's okay. We're fine now," Way reassures him. Jules, Homme, and Eric approach them.

"I suppose everything is settled now. Thank you for the lunch, Mr. Patthita. And to you, my dear," Jules says as he takes Gia's hand and softly kisses it. Gia instinctively pulls her hand back and takes a step back.

The AD+ team departs, leaving the YoLo Fashion House crew standing on the side of the road. Gia locks eyes with Sorn, her gaze piercing.

"I'm going to give that man a piece of my mind. And you too!" she points her finger first at Jules, then at Sorn. The pain from the fall has transformed into annoyance. She walks away, her steps heavy with determination.

Tamara follows closely behind, shaking her head in disbelief.

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